Trash lives!

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Trash lives!

Post by Kreegle »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

It's been fairly quiet on the <a href="" target="_blank">Trash</a> front lately (it's a post-apocalyptic real-time strategy game if you didn't know)... we haven't heard anything about it for quite a few months now. But hark! What's this? A new interview with Mark Currie, the talented guy heading-up the project. <a href="" target="_blank">Do-it-yourself games</a> have the cheese:<blockquote><em><b>DIYG</b>: On your guys' website you've mentioned the upcoming beta, but that's been quite a while. What has held up the beta?

<b>MC</b>: [laughs] I've gotta keep reminding myself that this is going to be published. When we announced the beta we had a lot of responses. Within two months we have 4,000 beta applications. That was really a surprise.

<b>DIYG</b>: Was that because of you entering the <a href="" target="_blank">IGF</a> (Independent Games Festival) you think?

<b>MC</b>: Well no, what kicked it off was that <a href="" target="_blank">Avault</a> mentioned it and then from there it just spread like crazy.

So after we got 4,000 beta applications we said “Ok, we might be on to something here,� so we just want to make it as good as we can make it and we don't want to put it out there prematurely.</em></blockquote>Seems like that beta might be coming around soon... hurrah! Read more of the interview <a href="" target="_blank">over here</a>. Spotted at <a href="" target="_blank">Blues News</a>.
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