Shoot-out at the Triple H

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Shoot-out at the Triple H

Post by Kreegle »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

Requiem Starfury has been at it again, and has followed up his critically acclaimed <a href="/tactics/maps/single.shtml#spartan">"Go Tell it to the Spartans"</a> FOT map (which has been updated to version 1.1, incidentally) with a shiny and new adventure called <b>"Shoot-out at the Triple H"</b>.<blockquote><em>This is a low to mid Tech level map, designed for TB play. It has been heavily influenced by too many Saturday afternoons watching westerns and listening to the Lone Ranger serial on the radio (Ah those were the days.. sigh!) just kidding I'm not quite that old:) yet. The lack of pipboy and minimaps is intentional, your character is not a member of the BOS, NCR Rangers, Vault City Guards or any other technically advanced organisation.</em></blockquote>Sounds pretty interesting, yeah? Grab it from <a href="/tactics/maps/single/requiemstarfury/">here</a>, if you know what's good for you. Cheers Requiem Starfury, keep up the good work!
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