Tell me about your day / DAC police operations thread

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Tell me about your day / DAC police operations thread

Post by Gimp Mask »

I don't mean in a Feelings Online sense, just regular or irregular stuff. Doesn't have to be this day, could be any day, could be even night, doesn't have to be the whole day either, maybe it was just a single moment lost in time like tears in rain. Perhaps you found it particularly interesting or maybe you just want to use a keyboard and press buttons, doesn't matter how, why or when. Or what, where, and so on you get the idea.

I woke up at 12 to an alarm clock, had a breakfast in bed consisting of two slices of pizza left over from last night and two cans of pepsi max. I stayed in bed watching Brooklyn 99, then I had some coffee, still in bed. I read some stuff and wrote some stuff and exchanged messages with a few people on various messaging platforms, about half of those people are dear to me and half of them pretty much meaningless but I feel this weird obligation to reply to people. I'm nice like that I guess. I also sat in a chair and did some detective work on old DAC related stuff and posted a few posts on these forums, had another cup of coffee. Went back to bed and watched more brooklyn 99, my left speaker partially blocks the view to the tv but I can live with that if I'm watching something that's not very good or interesting. Checked for new posts on DAC a few times because I'm active like that but I guess both Mismatch and Hyacinth have been busy with other stuff. Hyacinth probably doing coin stuff and Mismatch doing, well I have no idea what he could be doing the man is a total mystery, impossible to get a read on him. It's 22:46 now and I just came back from the supermarket because I got pretty hungry, I live literally 10 meters from it. Put some cauliflower "wings" in the oven and managed to set the baking paper on fire, just when I thought the day could not get any worse, sheesh. Now I'm just chilling
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Post by Mismatch »

Ok, today was a rather quiet day.
05:00 awoken by the youngest kid. He goes back to sleep and do so I.

05:45 Getting up for real this time. Letting the wife sleep in. Keeping the youngest placated while downing 2 cups of coffee. Breakfast, sandwich with leftovers from yesterday, beef with some added mayo and French mustard.

06:30 waking up the other three kids to ensure they comply once it's time for bed. Fixing breakfast for the kids. Focusing on holding the fort.

8-ish wife gets up.

09:00 after some non productive time I grab the baby and go grocery shopping for next week. Just north of 200$ Good times.

10:30 home. Unpacking. Time to prepare lunch.

11:30 done, time to get outside. In luck today, warm outside. 6 degrees Celsius. The three older kids play while I mess around in the garage. I like it there.

13:00 rain. Need to go in, wouldn't want the kids to catch a cold, that'd mean no school. Not worth it. Once inside I focus on survival. It's a haze. Not sure what I do.

15:45 preparing dinner.

16:30 dinner. And then back to keeping the peace.

18:30 watching this best kids show wit the family about diseases through the ages.

19:00 toothbrushing the kids.

19:30 reading for the kids.

19:50-20:30 getting the kids to sleep.

20:30-22:00 watching some Netflix with the wife

22:00 wife goes to bed. I'll stay up checking DaC.

22:30 reading. I'll probably go to bed at 00:00 and catch 6 hours of sleep before work tomorrow. But at least once during the night one of the kids will wake me up.

I'm off to read now.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Enjoy your reading time and hope you get to sleep well, your post was a nice read as well, I like your precise no-nonsense attitude. I think if we were cop partners you would be the serious detective that is super perceptive, makes things happen. I would be the one with unconventional methods, not always doing things by the book, my antics costing the precinct a lot of money, getting yelled at by the black boss in his office, but you would step in "I know he's a handful sir but with all due respect without his intuition we would never have found the murder weapon... because it never existed to begin with" but mostly I would be useless. Like a tag team of Sherlock Holmes and Doc Sportello.

Also you seem like a really good dad :salute:
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Post by Mismatch »

Gimp Mask wrote:Enjoy your reading time and hope you get to sleep well, your post was a nice read as well, I like your precise no-nonsense attitude. I think if we were cop partners you would be the serious detective that is super perceptive, makes things happen. I would be the one with unconventional methods, not always doing things by the book, my antics costing the precinct a lot of money, getting yelled at by the black boss in his office, but you would step in "I know he's a handful sir but with all due respect without his intuition we would never have found the murder weapon... because it never existed to begin with" but mostly I would be useless. Like a tag team of Sherlock Holmes and Doc Sportello.

Also you seem like a really good dad :salute:
You have good days and bad days.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Mismatch wrote:You have good days and bad days.
Alright, well you can be both the good cop and the bad cop, I'm more of a P.I. anyway.

Today I have been super tired and have done nothing, just read some Wikipedia stuff about space and Jung and other random shit all day, ordered a christmas present for my mom. Might have caught a cold, might be just stress, who knows. Sucks to have to worry if it's Covid though in the sense that I don't want to spread that shit.
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Post by Mismatch »

06:10 rise and shine, 2 cups of coffee, stumbled into the basement and started my workday

07:31 break, heading to my basement gym. Barbell squats & brutal bench.

8:30 back to work

9:30 lunch. Leftovers from yesterday with some added walnuts. And then back to work.

11:30 break, exercise bike 11kilometers

12:15 shower

12:30 back to work, downing some protein shake and 2 espressos.

13:20 kids back from school, but they are calm today.

15:00 done working, leaving the basement. Handling the kids for a while.

15:45 starting to cook dinner

16:30 dinner's done. Time to eat.

17:15 dishes

19:00 toothbrushing the 3 older kids (7, 6, and 3)

19:30 reading for the kids

20:00 putting the kids to sleep

20:29 the 3 years old is asleep. Post on DaC
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Who's the dirty cop?
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Mismatch wrote:Who's the dirty cop?
The whole DAC precinct seems squeaky clean, almost.... too clean. NMA has been up our butts with their internal affairs bullshit for the past 20 years and they have come up with nothing, so either they're in on it or we have a mole up our butts, I'm not excluding anything at this point. The only way to go about this is to dive deep into the dirty bowels of this mystery case head-first and re-read all of the threads in case we might have missed something; looks like we have some paperwork to do, partner.

I changed the thread title because when you're working a case you're never really off the clock, so our daily lives are fully intertwined with the investigation already.
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Post by Mismatch »

Ok, hope you're sitting down for this one. I did some late night recognizance after an anonymous tip and came up with this. Wasn't easy, mind ya, but when I get a gut feeling I follow it.

Notice who started the thread? With images... Images which are now.... Missing!
Furthermore notice the name of the creator? Notice it proper.

It's Kash, but it says Guest... So at some point THAT kashluk went missing, and another one showed up. Seems to me like Kashluk needs to answer some questions. This whole business smells. I don't like it, I don't like it at all.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Holy shit.

Images missing, looks like someone's been tampering with the evidence. I followed up on the lead, going through a whole lot of old threads and they all seem to be missing pictures, I'm sensing a pattern here. Could this... Kashluk character be behind the whole thing, or is he just a pawn in some kind of a sick game? He doesn't seem smart enough to mastermind this sort of a large scale cover-up, but then again it could be a ruse; either way he sure has some explaining to do. I definitely feel we're onto something here, good work detective.

I am always sitting down because when we get down to business it's a constant barrage of truth bombs like this one from you brother, couldn't stand up if I tried.
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Post by Mismatch »

You're right. It could be a ruse, don't know why it didn't occur to me, but that's why I keep you around, innit?

Next step of the investigation needs to be twofold. We follow up the lead with that Kashluk degenerate but still I feel we need to dig into the darkest bowels of the forums for further leads just in case this is a ploy.

Stay sharp partner.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

I think you should beat the truth out of him, let loose the bad cop.
I made this detective thingy, better keep a close eye on this image in case it goes missing as well. Time to get some rest, let the subconscious do its magic, hoping for a revelatory dream. My dream was always to become a cop and here I am, so I believe dreams are the best clues. I call it "shadow work".
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Post by Gimp Mask »

So, you're probably not going to believe me, but the following is seriously what happened last night.

I had a terrible nights sleep, maybe like couple of hours? Tired as hell and off to work soon, typing this down so I don't forget. Anyway I did dream last night, the first part was related to personal matters and of no consequence to this case, but perhaps I should mention that the events of that part of the dream kinda did happen in real life (well, it was a pretty dreamy interpretation of it but still), and now that I think of it, around the same time than the Kashluk switcharoo (still not kidding), give or take a year but I think I'm just forcing the narrative with this part.

Ok so the good part. I was dreaming of trying to get some sleep (that's right; I believe I spent most of the night in some sort of semi-consciousness state) so I was listening to a radio, and they were doing an interview of this band who are my friends and were doing a tour of Finland. But then the interviewer says they're interviewing Nicolai and I'm like what the hell, he's not in the band, or is he? Maybe I've known Nicolai all these years without making the connection. Then the interviewer asks him about their Japan tour and if he has any fond memories and Nicolai shows a me metal canister with a few stickers, and this big bullet (about 10+cm in length and maybe 2cm in diameter), mentions they have a magazine for it too. At this point I remember that hey I know what Nicolai looks like so he's not really in the band, and the implausibility of the whole thing takes over I guess, my reality detector fires up and I wake up. The only real thing of this bit is the band's existence, they haven't toured Japan and aren't big enough to be interviewed on the radio or anything like that.


So that was the how was your day/night part of the post, I guess I wasn't kidding when I said our lives are intertwined with the case, so now on to the police work part. Now, I don't know what to make of this dream quite yet, except that it wasn't exactly subtle about Nicolai so I'm sure he's involved somehow, although I have no idea how. Also the big bullets were very prominent before waking up, I don't know anything about big bullets, I should probably try to find out the caliber or some such, might be related as well. Seems like he hasn't posted in 10 years, how a man could do a thing like that and abandon DAC for years is beyond me. I have a bad feeling about this.
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Post by Mismatch »

Good angle, your best work seems to be done when you're asleep. I managed to investigate Nico a bit and I've found the connection. ... ht=#444179

Notice Nico's post?
Yes, the images are missing.

Could the bullet be a phallic reference from your subconscious? Another word for penis is member, and we DO have a memberlist at the top.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Mismatch wrote:Good angle, your best work seems to be done when you're asleep.
Yes I agree, my waking life is pretty much useless.
I managed to investigate Nico a bit and I've found the connection. ... ht=#444179

Notice Nico's post?
Yes, the images are missing.
Should have known it, god damn it. Alright, I think we have enough evidence to prove that the dirty cop(s) must be the person(s) messing with the pictures, and whoever it is did a pretty darn thorough job covering up their tracks. No wonder the dinguses of NMA haven't got shit on us, this thing isn't even about the bowel anymore but seems to go all the way through the gastrointestinal tract straight into the mouth of madness.
Could the bullet be a phallic reference from your subconscious? Another word for penis is member, and we DO have a memberlist at the top.
I just thought of something:
bullet, phallic, member... who's the biggest dick out of all members? I think we can unanimously agree that it's MR Snake, a snake being a phallic symbol in itself, and he deserves a bullet in the head to boot. So I went through through a lot of his threads, he seems reluctant to post a bunch of pictures, usually just putting up a link to an external site so that it can't be traced back to him. Curious... very curious. I think we're getting somewhere, we have three main suspects (four if you count both Kashluks), how everything is interconnected is still a mystery but I feel like we're on the right track for sure. Also, this might be of use excluding suspects: the member titles for Kashluk, Nicolai and MR Snake are "grand mf", "asshat", "chinderella". They're an anagram for "grandfathers had nil camels" so I think it's a safe assumption that it's not a jihadist terrorist plot at least. I don't know if that's relieving, or worrying.

I've had surveillance team stationed at Kashluk's house but no sign of him for the past 24 hours, maybe he got a tip and has skipped town, who knows. I'll keep them there for another 48h just in case. Also I spent some time interrogating Simba, alias "Winston Henry". He's playing it real cool, but I think he's afraid for his life, seems like small fry to me and pretty sure he's not gonna snitch so seems like a dead end. Not going to waste any more time on this sleazebag, I think my time is better spent sleeping.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

I have updated the casefile to make it easy to visualize our progess.

Also, here's a quote from Kashluk#2, discussing why anyone would want to be Military Police:
Kashluk wrote:[...] if you really want to be a cop, a security guard, a warden or something similar in your civilian life.
Yes, a cop... a dirty cop. Another one:
Kashluk wrote:And then it's all good cop, bad cop + rotten cop routine B)
Rotten cop indeed. Notice the smug look on his face, sunglasses hiding the deviousness in his eyes. And since you're the good cop and the bad cop, only one role left to play for this guy... One more, from the old Kashluk this time:
Kashluk wrote:New California Republic all the way man! Hail, police states :twisted:
Looks like both Kashluks smell of dirt for sure. But let's not jump to conclusions.
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Post by Mismatch »

Stellar work old chap.

So I guess Winston is out then. Snake is a good angle, never trusted that leftie.

Could we connect Snake to potatoes somehow?
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Post by Gimp Mask »

It does make perfect sense, but at this point I feel we need to be careful not to bend the narrative to fit our conclusions or soon we'll be shoving potatoes up the arse of every schmuck in the police lineup. I've seen it happen before, gets real ugly real quick. It's a worthy lead still, but maybe we should start with the connection between Snake the dick, and Nicolai who has an avatar of a butt? Can't go wrong with the old Occam's razor.

Hold on.
Nicolai's butt... Kashluk's potato up the butt... Snake's dick up Nicolai's butt...
My God.

Looks like we were both right. They're all in on it. It's all connected, a a god damn shit-stained potpourri of potatoes, butts and dicks, an agricultural orgy of diabolical proportions. Now if that's not dirty then I don't know what is. Maybe a cop sex cult of some sort? I don't know; this whole thing might have just taken a satanic turn. Holy shit, I just realized we completely ignored a crucial part of the dream: Not only was there the "bullet" a.k.a. Snake, but Nicolai's band was touring Finland, the land of Kashluk. Everything's starting to make sense now.

Now, if only there was a way to tie Snake & Kashluk #2 to the missing images, and K#2 to the other butts and dicks... and we still don't know if it's even the same man, or maybe the man behind the whole thing. I feel we're still missing a few pieces of the puzzle. I just can't figure it out.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Wait, I just checked the dates of the Urbandictionary articles. They're all dated aug 2003 and later, whereas Kashluk #2 registered in may 2003 already; so Kashluk #2 is the real potato butt, and the original Kashluk might be framed and innocent, and if so, probably dead by now. We still can't rule out the possibility that #1 and #2 are the same person however. I'll fix it in the next case file once we have some new intel.

I'm pretty suspicious of K#2 though, I re-read the Sanitarium interview very carefully, and it seems he's not telling us anything new that can't be deduced from the old Kashluk's posts, and I find it strange that he doesn't have the original songs either, as if they just "mysteriously" disappeared. Also, I commented "honestly I was suprised to find out you were even alive", well maybe that's because he... isn't?
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Did some morning paperwork and came across this: ... hp?t=21815

So that ties the new Kashluk to the missing pictures. I have a feeling that the real Kashluk might be innocent and dead, but the first rule of detective club is: never trust your feelings, so the only way to be sure would be to find out where each of the others live (Nicolai somewhere Norway?, Snake Poland maybe I dunno?) and calculate the location of the body by triangulation. The problem is I can't be 100% sure the new Kashluk is Finnish without some hard proof. Maybe that's also why the surveillance team hasn't seen him: because he has been dead for 18 years and he had nobody in his life who cared about him enough to file a missing persons report.

Also need to make the snake/missing pictures connection too but we're getting there

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