Who are you voting for?

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Who do you vote for?

I don't want to vote/can't be bothered.
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Post by Mismatch »

I would vote for kerry... for many reasons.
First of all, because of Bush's brilliant idea to attack Iraq without the consent of the UN.
Secondly, Bush don't seem to be good for the US economy.
Third, Bush is against abortion while Kerry is pro.
And, not to mention the fact that the whole republican ideology is really twisted.

It'll be fun to see who win.
If Bush win, I can look forward to another 4 years of gloating.
But I think Kerry would be the best choice for the US. But who knows, if I was an American I may have been raised with my ears filled with strange propaganda, indoctrinated with anus.
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Post by MrSmileyFaceDude »

I voted for Kerry.

I didn't vote for Bush in 2000 -- I thought he came across as a moron, and I disagreed with his economic and environmental policies. As far as foreign policy goes, he was a total unknown, having only served as governor of Texas.

I was disgusted by Bush's attempt to buy public favor with that $300 tax credit after his inauguration. What people forget is that that amount was either subtracted from your refund or added to what you owed when you filed your taxes the following year.

After the 9/11 attacks, however, Bush was everything one could look for in a President. He was confident, assured, reassuring -- a leader. Going into Afghanistan was absolutely the right thing to do. But then he dropped the ball. We had Bin Laden and much of Al Qaeda's leadership pinned down in the Tora Bora mountains, and what do we do? Pull out troops and go into Iraq, and outsource operations to local Afghani warlords.

Bush had a very compelling argument for going into Iraq. Lots of evidence of WMD's, a link between Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, years of Saddam's lack of cooperation with the UN, etc. Bush made it look like Iraq really WAS a clear and present danger to US interests, primarily due to their supposed stockpiles of WMD's and terrorist ties. But it's clear he had every intention of invading regardless of what the UN had to say. He wasn't willing to give inspections more time, even though a new round was just beginning.

Now, here we are. Over 1000 US troops dead, around 9000 wounded, and by some reports more than 100,000 Iraqis dead, many of them women and children. And *NONE* of the reasons for the attack were true. No WMD stockpiles. No active WMD programs. And most damning of all, no Iraqi ties with Al Qaeds. What's that you say? What about Al Zarqawi? Isn't he causing all sorts of trouble leading insurgents? Wasn't HE in Iraq prior to the invasion?

Well sure he was. But he was in Northern Iraq -- an area OUTSIDE Saddam Hussein's control or influence, thanks to UN sanctions and the no-fly zones. While it is true that Hussein paid money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers, there is NO evidence of a link with Al Qaeda. No connection to the 9/11 attacks. No clear and present danger to the US or its interests. And therefore no legitimate reason to invade.

And even worse -- the President STILL insists he'd do it again, knowing what he does now.

And now the world is a much more dangerous place. Al Qaeda leadership has regrouped -- Bin Laden looked pretty healthy in that tape the other day, he was at death's door last time we saw him. If Bush hadn't distracted the efforts in Afghanistan, it seems fairly likely to me that Bin Laden may have been killed or captured. Talk about completely dropping the ball.

Anyway, as far as the rationale for the Iraq invasion goes (WMD's, terrorist ties) -- Bush doesn't get a "Whoops, my bad" from me, and I'm CERTAINLY not going to reward him by aiding in his re-election.

Will Kerry fix all the problems? Probably not -- I think Bush has dug a very, very deep hole for the United States, one that will take far longer than any one presidential term to fill. But I think Kerry has a much better chance of doing the RIGHT things than the arrogant, empire-building Bush administration would.

Beyond that, I still disagree with Bush's economic and environmental policies -- but now we can add foreign policy to that list, and he's 0 for 3.
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/3974095.stm is funny
I live in a swing state, and the political atmosphere is approaching hysteria. In the last two weeks, our area has been visited by George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Rudy Giuliani, the Bush twins, John Kerry, John Edwards, Howard Dean, Geraldine Ferraro and Terry McAuliffe. In the last ten days, I have received multiple recorded phone calls from George Bush, Laura Bush, Bill Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, and my local representatives. I have been barraged with mail, newspaper advertisements and TV commercials. I think those outside of these few areas in our country where the electoral votes are up for grabs have no idea of just how ridiculous this "democratic" election process has become. It would be laughable if it wasn't such a deadly serious matter.
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Post by MrSmileyFaceDude »

And since my state (Virginia) is traditionally Republican, I haven't heard from ANY of the candidates. I don't think they even campaigned here at all. At least the political attack ads were minimal.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Bush came to my state in like August. Thats the last I heard. Damn my largely redneck republican population which I half partly apart of (Republican. Like that there was any suprise.)
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

The American system is dumbass. If you had more parties shit would be more interesting.
If you got in this issue with more than 2 parties people could say "I'm not voting for either" and pick a different party.

You can't say picking a person based on the way they look isn't useful. You can tell by they way someone looks and act much more than what they say they will do.

Bush has already proven he can fuck everything to hell. If you want more of the same, vote for him.
Just because he says shit doesn't mean he will fucking do it. Look at the first time you degenerate fuckers let him in.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

I voted Bush because I felt he was the best choice, if you don't like that too damn bad. I think he did a very good job and you know what? If you don't like that go fuck yourself as well. I didn't vote according to looks, or how someone acts, I voted according to the policies I felt the canidates had best.
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Post by Forty-six & Two »

Who fucking cares. Its nothing but a popularity contest. Either will screw things up as well, anyway.

Edit: And yea, what the fuck is up with the 2 party system? In Denmark we have around 8-10 parties. It can be a political mess at times though, but at least it gives people a larger group of politicians to relate to, which means more variations of political meanings and ultimately a better working state.
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Post by airsoft guy »

There are multiple parties. On the ballot today I counted like eight different candidates on the ballot for president. The Republicrats make sure that no one else gets in there though. The best bet is to start small in the lower elections and get third parties elected there. That's the angle the Libertarian Party is working. The presidential election is bullshit anyway. Even if Nader were to win he couldn't get anything done, look back at my pants example. It would be nothing more than a symbolic gesture. He would be viewed by history as the most worthless president in history.
George Bush lowered taxes so the Jews could kill Michael Moore.

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Post by Forty-six & Two »


I take it, that we the europeeens, are the "moorlocks"? lol.
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Post by Temaperacl »

I got my ballot in a week or so ago, but in Oregon, IIRC, we had 5 candidates on the ballot - Bush (Republican), Kerry (Democrat), Badnarik (Libertarian), Peroutka (Constitution), and Cobb (Green).

I went for Badnarik.
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Post by Subhuman »

The Moorlocks could also be the Canadians.
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Post by Blargh »

Canadians, Europeans, definitely not the Australians. :drunk:
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Post by axelgreese »

If canadians renamed themselves to moorlocks and started abducting and eating people, I might consider moving there.
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Post by atoga »

Well, I'd vote for Kerry if given the option (or move to Canada). I'd write a big long rant about why Bush sucks shit, but I think that has been articulated pretty well already, plus nobody takes my opinion seriously because I am a liberal Canadian hippie.

I think the rest of the world should be given the option to vote in the US election, since obviously the rest of the world cares a great deal, and American policy effects everyone to a degree.
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Post by MrSmileyFaceDude »

Looks like Bush is going to win by a large margin. Well, we can only pray that he doesn't sink the US further into the pit he's dug for us.
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Post by Ernesto »

Yeah, it's 10 pm right now and Bush is beating Kerry by about 60 electoral votes.
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Post by Mad Max RW »

Not surprisingly Bush is handing Kerry's ass to him.
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Post by Sovy Kurosei »

There is still the west coast to figure in, especially the Democrat's saving grace of 55 electoral votes in California.

Looks like the Republicans are going to take the senate, but the house looks like fair game so far.

This isn't as exciting as the Canadian election though, which got interesting only at 2 AM when the NDP got knocked down from 25 seats to 19, effectively ruining any NDP/Liberal majority by one seat. Hallujah!
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Post by CloudNineGT »

Its Bush's election, barring Kerry flying into space to stop a meteor composed entirely of terrorists from slamming into us.
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