Political Correctness

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Political Correctness

Post by Franz Schubert »

Has it become non-PC in America to vouch liberal ideals? Why is it that Michael Moore causes such a nation-wide outrage, yet people like Michael Savage have daily TV shows and nobody really hears about them? It seems to me that the generally accepted thing to do is be conservative, whereas if you're a liberal, it's generally regarded as being radical and risky. And yet supposedly the country is divided about 50/50. This indicates that there are a lot of closet-liberals, while more conservatives aren't afraid of voicing their opinions.

Or is that just crazy-talk?
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Just crazy talk. Everyone I know loves Moore and hates those other guys and gals. Its no political correctness, its just political leanings coupled with the fact that people like believing what they LIKE hearing. If they like hearing the stuff Moore says, then it becomes absolute truth to them. If they like the stuff that Savage and such say, then everything he says is right.
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Post by atoga »

I don't even know what is or isn't PC in America anymore. Explain. Things have gotten pretty extreme.

Out of curiosity, where in the states do you live Franz? As a Canadian, I always got the impression that the "default" political choice was being a liberal, since most of your media is aligned slightly on the left - CNN, New York Times, whatever. On the other hand, all of the right wing media seems to be very much so (there's all those right wing windbags again), but of course as a Canadian I'm not exposed to as much of it. I can watch CNN, but FOX News hasn't been allowed to broadcast in the country.

And I'd say that political correctness, for better or for worse, is definately a liberal creation, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

I've never heard of Mike Savage - and if people haven't heard of you, you make no impact. Michael Moore does everything he possibly can to get name recognition, so he's hated more just by virtue of more people knowing about him.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

You're not everyone, Retlaw.

As for political correctness, I think it is as much a liberal then a conservative tool. I think it's pretty much the liberals who started using a politicaly correct speech, so conservative (republicans) don't give'em hell, and then the opposite, which created a kind of stagnation in thoughts and stuff. People can still think what they want to, but they can't express their thoughts.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

You're right - I'm not everyone, nor did I claim to be. But I'm willing to bet virtually no one I know has heard of Michael Savage, and I hang in some pretty left-leaning circles.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Eh, I'm in Canada and heard about him. Anyway check it out, it's so gross it's funny.




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Post by Retlaw83 »

I should get two of those DVDs.

One to poop on and the other to cover it up with.

This guy seems like as much a decadent sleaze as some of the liberals he's attacking.
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Post by CloudNineGT »

Being non-liberal over here is weird. Then again I'm from the northwest.
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Post by Jimmyjay86 »

"Conservatives" are not really conservative. The Republican norm is tending towards the radical right alienating the old guard. And they tend to be vocal as most radicals are. It's hard to tell anymore which party represents which viewpoint.

The average American is blown by the winds of FoxNews, CNN, Gannett, etc. which in these days whips right to left like a flag in a maelstrom. Popular media will always make an icon of the most irrelevant things whether it's deserving or not. The funny thing is that once one media outlet attaches to some "trend", every other one follows suit until everyone's mind is oversaturated. That has happened to Moore and we are led to believe he is the most important thing since man created the wheel. Then when everyone is whipped into a frenzy, they stop thinking and just react to the name - "Moore", "MOORE", "MOORE". It's a crazy world, let's just embrace anarchy if we are going to start that way.
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Post by airsoft guy »

CloudNineGT wrote:Being non-liberal over here is weird. Then again I'm from the northwest.
It really just depends on where you go here in Washington. Usually the cities are the liberal places while you get out in the country and it's more conservative, or at least less liberal. In fact it's more of a Libertarian attitude out here.

There's liberal and then there's Freemont. Freemont has a giant statue of Lenin.

There was this jackass at another forum I used to visit. He just showed up one day and started insulting all the members who had conservative/Republican leanings. He especially liked to argue with my good friend the gay gun toting republican and myself. He liked to make bullshit assumptions, like how I must be from Eastern Washington and a farmer with less than a high school education.

First, fuck Eastern Washington, it's hot and there are rattlesnakes, I don't like rattlesnakes.

Two, just because we farm doesn't make us some dumbass right wing hicks who shoot trespassers, swell guy, Jews, swell guy and whatever other stereotypical enemy of whitey there is.

Third, of course I have less than a high school education, I'm not out of high school yet. Turns out the little prick was 16 but in some advanced classes at the local junior college. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo.

He contradicted himself a lot too. Said my views were bullshit because all the people around me must be conservative and because of that I should grow a pair and find my own views.

First, if my views are bullshit because mine are somehow more intolerant then he's just as bad because he couldn't accept that sometimes a conservative stance on something is a good thing.

Second, my family never discussed politics so I had to form my own opinions, it just so happens I like having money and think you should have to work for it instead of getting a check from the government. If that makes me a heartless bastard well good, I'm a heartless bastard.

Third, as I said, I have my own views, but he admitted that he got his views from everyone around him. They were all correct of course because they were teachers and we all know everything a teacher says is right and they will always give you their unbiased opinion so you can make your own decisions. Everyone around him = right. Everyone around me = shitheads that shouldn't get to vote.

He didn't like it when I told him when we were farmers we didn't farm plants. Nothing like some bacon you kill yourself.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

That's a shocker airsoft guy. I always pictured you as a guy in his early 30s.

As for what JJ said, I think he put it the Moore thing into perspective pretty well.
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Post by jetbaby »

I say we nuke the planet and let the cockroaches take over. No more politics. It's all bullshit and they all base their fake opinions to garner public opinion based on the same polls of the same people anyways. It's a one party system, just it's hip to be incumbent, so it's anti-Republican time, just like it was hip-to-be-cool and oppose the Clinton administration in its hey-day.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

Look, if you're gonna start nuking things, have the decency to let us construct a vault first!
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

airsoft, just don't picture every liberals like this guy please?
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Post by airsoft guy »

s4ur0n27 wrote:airsoft, just don't picture every liberals like this guy please?
I don't, the guy was a stright up fuckwit who decided that being "liberal" was cool. His views were what I would call conservative liberal. He has left leaning thoughts and belifes, like extreme left, but he thought his way was the only way. He was just being trendy to look more mature for his idiot friends at the junior college.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

I never thought being politically correct had anything to do with being liberal or conservative. I thought PC meant "Don't say anything that will piss off a minority or the nation will kick your testicles in you fucking hippy rat bastard OH SHIT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!111!1111oneone" or something. Like instead of calling a gay guy a OH SHIT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!111!1111oneone you're supposed to say "homosexual" and black people are "African Americans." Stuff like that.

On the political field, in my area the line between the hardcore Republicans is sort of becoming hazy. First and foremost this is a "Republican" state because we've got a number of military bases, we're in the mid-west "Bible Belt" and, for Bush's sake, we're sitting right on top of Texas. Though everyone I've spoken to doesn't like G W Bush. They also dislike Kerry to no end.

Unfortunately Oklahoma is a sheep state, and everyone will vote once again for the boy who would be king. No one really likes him, but they're gonna vote for him again. My parents don't like him, but because they're republican, they're voting for him anyway. I'm registered Republican, but I vote for whomever I feel is less shady. I did not vote for Bush. I actually voted for Nader....And since he wasn't on the ticket in Oklahoma, I just fort of scribbled his name all over the ballot (wasted vote). I would have rather had Gore in office, and I am pretty sure that Gore actually won the election.

With the current candidates, I hope we just don't get a president for the next 4 years. We're fucked no matter what. We can either have an idiot war-monger or an indecisive pansy. The only thing going for Kerry is Edwards, so I will vote for Kerry. Edwards will make a good president, and I just really like the guy. Possibly the anti-christ from Revelations, but that's okay..Edwards has me fooled.
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Post by Jimmyjay86 »

ExtremeDrinker wrote:I did not vote for Bush. I actually voted for Nader....And since he wasn't on the ticket in Oklahoma, I just fort of scribbled his name all over the ballot (wasted vote). I would have rather had Gore in office, and I am pretty sure that Gore actually won the election.
Heh, although I consider myself more of a democrat because of blue-collar leanings I also voted for Nader in 2000. I don't subscribe to the notion that I "gave Bush the election". I sincerely think that Nader would make a helluva president and shake up the corporate orgy that DC has become. Hell, in 1992 I even voted Socialist
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

What is Nader all about?
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Post by CloudNineGT »

What is Nader all about?
That about sums it up, but its a little too long for me to post here.
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