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30 minutes or Less

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:53 am
Look, it's a movie starring the main dude from The Social Network and it's about how he gets a bomb attached to him and he has to rob a bank to get the bomb off his chest. It's a pretty good example of the cycle of actors and how they do good stuff then do shit stuff right after it. I've always liked when actors get an academy award then their next movie comes out and it totally sucks and bombs like Jamie Fox and that "Stealth" movie.

Anyways, it includes a lot of familiar faces but the type where you don't really know their names but you've definitely seen them before. There were a few good moments in the movie, probably the best one being a car chase scene with some 80's music playing the whole time.

My biggest complaint with the movie is the same complaint I had with "Bad Bosses" is that they put in one really whiny character in the movie as a comedic relief but 90% of the time they are just annoying. I guess the movie was directed by the same dude who directed Zombieland but that movie was much better but not really comparable to this.

I wouldn't recommend the movie to DACKers unless you were going to get high or something in which you might have a ball?

This Friday Conan comes out which I will probably see but I fully expect to be disappointed with the hope that I will get proved wrong atleast a bit.