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Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:47 am
by Frater Perdurabo
Subhuman wrote:I agree FPSs play better on PCs, but I don't have a thousand-ish to spend on one, I loathe Windows (hence the Mac switch), and I don't feel like upgrading any video cards, processors, hard drives, memory, or the like after a few months just to play a new game - I went with consoles years ago for their plug-and-play ease. Lazy, perhaps, but I'm not a hardcore gamer and don't feel like expanding my budget to that of one.

I forgot a title: Borderlands. Anyone? It looks kind of awesome.
Get a PC. First of all, Windows 7 really has been a welcome addition, fixes so much shit that was wrong with Vista. Easily best Windows ever.

A decent PC need not be that expensive, for an example, have a look at this: ... ysis_40fps

Putting one together yourself really isn't that tough, I am technologically challenged and still managed it myself a month ago or so. Just ask any of your friends who know anything about computers to help. You can get 2nd rate hardware, which gives you 80% of the performance of top of the line hardware for 20% of the price.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:19 am
by MR Snake
Retlaw83 wrote:
MR Snake wrote:Modern warfare 2 is a good game, its an fps online nothing more. You are garbage.
It's just an online FPS, yet was hyped to such an extent it's the biggest first-day sale of a videogame ever. Since I own other online FPS's, I don't need it. Plus, there's no dedicated server support. So, it's garbage.

Go back to giving homeless guys handjobs so it renders you unable to type.
It only got overhyped when everyone prepurchased it. No dedicated server support works just fine as well. Maybe if you had tried it you could comment, but since you cannot, please go back to robbing homeless people for heroin money.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:09 am
by Wolfman Walt
Activision is just a front for Satan nowadays. MW2 was decent, even fun with friends, but Activision is now one of the worst companies ever for videogames and the way they snubbed the PC community is just proof of it. Can't wait for Guitar Hero: John Mellencamp.

I'd just wait for Battlefield - Bad Company 2 instead of MW2 for PC. Yea, it's probably gonna be consolfied and not nearly as good as BF2, but it looks much better than MW2.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:55 am
by MR Snake
Wolfman Walt wrote:Activision is just a front for Satan nowadays. MW2 was decent, even fun with friends, but Activision is now one of the worst companies ever for videogames and the way they snubbed the PC community is just proof of it. Can't wait for Guitar Hero: John Mellencamp.

I'd just wait for Battlefield - Bad Company 2 instead of MW2 for PC. Yea, it's probably gonna be consolfied and not nearly as good as BF2, but it looks much better than MW2.
I would agree to that.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:29 pm
by Aonaran
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena. Contains an updated version of Butcher Bay along with the new chapter. Amazingly challenging gameplay experience with some truly brutal plot twists.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:19 pm
by Frater Perdurabo
Aonaran wrote:Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena. Contains an updated version of Butcher Bay along with the new chapter. Amazingly challenging gameplay experience with some truly brutal plot twists.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:40 am
by Yonmanc
Stainless wrote:Blargh is pretty much spot on with all those titles.

Only game that interests me at all on xbox is Shadow Complex.
Shadow Complex is fun, but hardly any replay value.

As for the rest? I don;t really play any titles on my xbox cept GTA, and now I'm hooked on Fable 2 *awaits insults*

Bioshock was fun, no replay value though, and the sequal looks underserving of its hype.

Assasins Creed is a one of the most blatent symtoms of whats wrong with console games at the moment; it has barely anything to offer, it's dressed in crap graphics the developers claim are cutting edge, it's over-hyped, and not fun. Avoid at all costs.

Bayonetta: Never plaid it, top marks from console games journos; probably worth buying on the cheap in a couple of years.

Hm, Mass Effect, trying to get back into it. Storylines pretty solid, combat is not, and despite its attempts at the opposite, it's pretty much a combat RPG with some odd dialogue choices (odd as in, your character never says what you click, just his/her own version which can ake it difficult to determine what your characters actually gonna say). It promises a lot, and can be a lot of fun, but hardly the RPG messiah OXM claims.

MW2 looks terribly overhyped. I enjoyed COD:WAW for the online play, but even that has a short lifespan. MW2 just looks likes its previous titles but with a louder marketing departent.
The best FPS xBox has to offer is Unreal Tourney 3. Only problem with that, is that nobody plays it anymore, so online is dead, still, lots of fun and pretty cheap now.

Apart from Grand Theft Auto 4 (which doesn't sound like most people's drug of choice on this forum), one xBox game I would recommend, is Crackdown. Simplistic storyline (gangs have taken over futuristic city, you're a gen modified super cop that can respawn, rid the city of crime, expect plot twist at the end), tonnes of fun. One of xBox's first releases, and as far as I'm concerned, there arn't many that come close to it. It did the whole super powered jump-around-the-city gimmick way before Prototype ot InFamous, tonnes of enemies on screen at all times, tough missions, sand-box. It basically does what console gaming was meant to do, and what most console developers seem to forget; lots of action, storyline limited to cut scenes, has rpg elements (ie, you're character gets better with guns the more you use them) without trying to be 500 different genres at once. Not everybody's cup of tea, but if you're looking to buy an xBox purely for console games, and not "PC-like-games-that-dont-understand-their-place" then I highley recommend it.

That, or WET. Fuck you guys, I enjoyed it :finger:

PS: Batman Arkham Asylum is great too!