Post-coital tomfoolery: Evading Mr. Bishop and his goons

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Post-coital tomfoolery: Evading Mr. Bishop and his goons

Post by Kreegle »

I don't know if any of you have discovered this already... if you have, I'm sorry... but I thought this was probably deserving of sharing.

I've been playing Fallout 2 again, but this time as a slaver... and due to being such a nasty bastard, I was unable to get that briefcase which allowed me to have a meeting with Mr. Bishop, the gangster boss in New Reno.

On my merry adventures through New Reno, I bumped into Mrs. Bishop, who - of course - was quite keen on the idea of a quick shag. I obliged. As she slept, I went to go pick the safes... but I SAVED my game before doing so. After getting the loot I wanted, I went to make my retreat...

... only to realise that there was a room full of men with automatic-shotguns and sub-machine guns who weren't going to be happy seeing my strut past them.

Well, here's the whole point of this post: I discovered a fool-proof means of getting past them, without them even noticing. IN FACT - it might be entirely possible to use this method all the way through the game.

METHOD: On approaching the doorway, I enter sneak mode. Once in sneak mode, I whipped out my weapon and went into combat mode. This allowed me to move 8 tiles across the room without being interrupted.

Of course, normally, as soon as you move the 8 tiles, you automatically exit combat mode and the five guys in the room turn around in surprise and say "WTF?! Where did you come from?!". And then you get shot to bits.

But here's the cunning trick to stop that from happening... as soon as you've finished your move and you're about to exit combat - HAMMER THE WEAPON BUTTON REPEATEDLY. Somehow, no matter where you're standing (it doesn't matter if you're right in front of the enemy), you will ALWAYS enter back into combat mode - unseen by the baddies - and be able to move another 8 tiles.

Rinse, repeat, and you can sneak your way through anywhere... even if your sneak skill is at 26 like mine.

Again, sorry if everyone already knew this... but I didn't!

Post by Kreegle »

Oh yeah, by the way, do it at night!

I just tried sneaking into the Wright's house (they hate slavers) using that method, and it didn't work - whatshisname (the son) still got me at the door when I tried to open it... so maybe it's not perfect :(
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Post by Insane-Lark »

Heh, can't say I ever knew about that one, but I expect it's worth a try. I've played numerous character types in FO, from the slow mele dude that took more than a shot to knock down, the sexy high ch wench who charmed her way through the wastes & backed it up with a mean fast shot, & my alltime favorite the weakling diplomat sniper. My characters who didn't have sneak didn't tend to try it as I tend to make choices based on what my character would view an option.. Nonetheless, I can't say that I haven't played FO 1&2 so many times that I have difficulty not viewing the *best* option. Yeah,that might be fun indeed. I'll give it a shot.

On another note, I've found the bad attitude & unliked slaver/childkiller to be the most difficult playthrough of all. Have managed to hit that one hard enough & early enough in the game (FO2) that I never had a chance to find the Sierra Army Depot(FO2). Made me grumble a bit but I discovered that one can finish the game, with a hell of a fight on your hands, & lower levels that the character type is prone to, without lots of extra random encounter seeking. The biggest problem is the bounty hunters & that can require many reloads on occasion, still, it's worth it. Think you've played FO? Try it alone & with the world pissed at you...makes for a whole new spin.

I know this was covered in other topics. Erm, pardon me, I wasn't in a writing mood at that second in time & Kreegles post made me think of some possibilities on being the true bastard with fewer repercussions, <grins>
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Post by Ixian »

I've done it, but it's not something I'm proud of :wink:

it's a bug ofcourse
Yeah, sure; whatever comforts you.
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Post by Doyle »

The only one that cares about you being there is Bishop, I think. I don't know for sure, but on several occasions I ran through without even sneaking. Just stick close to the wall.
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Post by Red »

Yeah, it's an exploit, the same kind you use to enter the vault of Vault city.

For some reason I've once been able to talk to Bishop without him attacking me after shaggin his wife. In fact his last comment was something along the lines "I don't like strangers dealing into family business) and in fact he wouldn't let me go until I accepted the quest to kill that guy in NCR - so I didn't need to give him the case. I don't remember how I did that though.

Usually if I get stuck I just save and click directly onto the staircase (running to it), and I'd say that works 1/3 of the time.
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Post by Spazmo »

In my last playthrough, I gave Bishop the briefcase and then went and slept with his wife. As I was leaving, he stopped me and obviously knew about the the hawt lovin', but he didn't kill me and instead offered the assassination job. Turning him down results in your death (or his, depending on how well equipped and leveled you are), but you can take the job and just walk away.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by Kashluk »

Is it worth it to accept the assasination quest and then turning him up? I mean, is it like with Torr's brahmin: if you decide to rusttle 'em, but save Torr afterwards you get more experience & positive karma? :/
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Post by Red »

Yeah, I think you need to actually get the quest from Bishop to rat him out to um... whoemever you were supposed to kill.

On a personal note, since I want Vault City's downfall I always do Bishop's work which also means I can become made man for all 4 families, yey!

I've never actually done it though (ie: return to new reno) since I always loose interest in the game around NCR and stop playing for a year or so...
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Post by VasikkA »

I have sometimes used that entering combat mode trick when I want to get past Mr. Bishop, and I think he didn't immediately attack you when combat mode was terminated(you had a few seconds to act). Maybe I'm confusing this with another occasion.

The annoying part in this is that I sometimes get the bug where my NPCs have disappeared.

Post by Kashluk »

This is the spot where I lose the logic... How come you're rewarded with *good prizes* when you're supposed to work *for evil* ?
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Post by Bloodgeon11 »

Maybe that's the way the world really works.... :P
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Post by Kashluk »

Oh, and can someone give me good hints how to become a made man for all the families?? I am a made man for Mordinos and Salvatores already, but when I try to get close to Wrights they start shooting at me :( Any hints? Any exploits? I want it all...
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Post by Red »

What worked for me is RUNNING LIKE HECK (see crappy interplay title if you need any help in doing that). Sneaking never worked for me.

Note that where doors need to be opened, I never managed to open them myself. I needed an NPC to get in there to open the door for me, so well, take all NPCs you can and walk aorund the place you need to enter until one of your NPCs decides he needs to be in that spot behind the window to see you and runs around the house, into it, opens the door and stops right in front of said window.

Also, you can use your NPCs as cover. If a wall of NPCs are between you and the ennemy, they won't see you!

Post by Kashluk »

Well, I used the "press A" - run - "press A" - tactic :P Managed to get 3 memberships, then for some wicked reason everyone except Wrights began shooting at me :(

So I wiped out Mordinos. Bleh, got some positive karma.
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Post by Stev »

with the whole sleeping with bishops wife thingy... WATCH OUT if you become made man for the bishops... if you talk to bishop after, he will have a friendly chat with you about his wifethat turns ugly.not even my high int/speech char couldnt talk his way out of it. so much for being a made man
question: waht does Bishop have to say about you sleeping with his daughter?
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Post by Kashluk »

Doesn't care.
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Post by Radoteur »

Don't you wish there were more fathers like Bishop.
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