The Arena!!!

Role-play any post-apocalyptic scenario to your heart's content or discuss unofficial Fallout PnP games.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

Couldn't wait a full year.

+ 2 Premature Resuscitation
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Oops! This thread is really a mimic!
Roll to save!
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Re: The Arena!!!

Post by ExtremeDrinker »

I rolled a 2. The mimic gives me a thorough tongue lashing for not resurrecting this thread in a timely manner.

-8 All Things
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Re: The Arena!!!

Post by Dr. Deo »

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Re: The Arena!!!

Post by ExtremeDrinker »

After dedicating many years to reviving The Arena, I wander into the sunset carrying a large backpack containing three smaller backpacks. I roll 17 perception and take a left.
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Re: The Arena!!!

Post by Gimp Mask »

You walk left until you see something in the horizon. You pick up your binoulars and have a closer look. It seems to be an old fortress, built from derelict cars and broken dreams. The gate seems to be guarded, but perceptive as you are you notice a faint light emanating from a rusty old Highwayman nearer to the backside of the fortress.
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Re: The Arena!!!

Post by ExtremeDrinker »

I head to the light and slowly open the trunk of the junker. The hinges squeal, alerting the guards. No one moves as we stare in awe at the contents..

Roll 3 Luck...
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Re: The Arena!!!

Post by Gimp Mask »

The trunk contains a Prosper basking in the cold blue light of his laptop, browsing the Duck and Cover. He appears to have hacked the forums and injected a malicious code that automatically adds images to the end of each post. He is immersed in the virtual experience and completely oblivious to your existence.

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Re: The Arena!!!

Post by ExtremeDrinker »

November is here. I revive The Arena near the original revival date. The Arena awakens to a strangely lively DAC and cries for help.

Roll 3. Help appears in the form of........
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Re: The Arena!!!

Post by Gimp Mask »

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Re: The Arena!!!

Post by Hyacinth »

I roll to the left
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Re: The Arena!!!

Post by ExtremeDrinker »

Cha cha real smooth
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Re: The Arena!!!

Post by Echo »

Raw aggression. I flick a virtual middle finger, eyes scanning for foes. Rolling for PERCEPTION - 7
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Re: The Arena!!!

Post by Gimp Mask »

I roll a natural 20 because I'm a pro and proceed to sneak up behind Echo while he is scanning for enemies.

A hand thrusts out of my butthole while I prepare to attack. "Anus strike!", I yell out in pain. Out of each finger emerges a fist. "Get ready for my special five fist death punch!"
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