The us election

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The us election

Post by Mismatch »

So wow. Been following the drama for a while, it's bloody interesting this is. Worth a thread.

Been listening in on some of them fraud hearings as well and wow. At the start I was fence sitting but now I think the allegations should be investigated or presented in court, they seem that coherent at least. But this far no court has agreed to hear the evidence. Which is bad, I think, without a proper legal proceedings there's no way to know the validity of the allegations. There's just no way to know without process.

Then we have the Texas SCOTUS lawsuit arguing that 4 states broke the constitution by enacting new election laws without the legislature. This is quickly turning into a shit show with states piling in on both sides. They seem to have a point tho', and I read that even GA legislators joined the lawsuit on the TX side against their own state.


What is DaC's view on this?
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Aaaand apparently New California are now supporting the Texas lawsuit. ... -12-11.pdf
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Post by Hyacinth »

Its something, I'm pretty much for Trump another 4 years just to de-escalate the middle east. Kamala as president would be very progressive but it will just further the old plan of greater israel eh. :)

Also yea I dont live there, just speaking as an international clique eh.
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Post by Mismatch »

Yeah, me neither but I am certain that the donald is needed to curb china. Joe Xiden will most likely not take the fight to the commies.

So I'm all for Trump as well.
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Post by Mismatch »

Soooo, um. Wow.
What's happening really. Been following chit for a while now intrigued by everything. Trumps allegations of fraud were interesting and I watched the Georgia hearings.

Way too much information to decide what's true or not, so I thought: well, courts will sort it out and we'll know what's true and not.
Courts be like. Nope, we'll not be hearing this because of reasons. I'm still not sure whether the allegations had merit or not.

Then the DC "riots" which were probably the calmest riots ever and yet media portrayed them like people were sacrificing children on the streets. I'm not sure what's going on. Someone IS staging a coup, and I can't tell if it is the democratic party of if it's Trump.
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Post by Amis »

Not to mention when Biden takes power big tech will have an even bigger hand in censoring the internet from "wrong opinions"
and people who say the platforms have the right as businesses to dictate their own agendas are oblivious to the fact that the Silicon Valley tech giants pretty much control all apps or gateways for accessing information.

They will most certainly push for more censorship laws in congress, hate speech, insurrectionist speech while masking as protecting minorities...

The war in Syria will continue as Harris has already stated that they plan to topple Assad as soon as possible.

China will be the new center power of the globe, they already have major organizations in there pocket and control vast lands in North and South America, Africa and in some cases Europe.

The Corona virus is being used as an excuse to push in more nefarious totalitarian rule.
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Post by Mismatch »

Yeah, I've been monitoring the latest news and it's a bloody purge. And I anticipate that it'll only get worse. I am getting bleeding WW2 flower purge vibes from what's going on.

And people are cheering it.
Seems DaC will be an island of sanity in all this. Never forget.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

As someone who is firmly against expansion of federal power of any kind, regardless of political party, I'm not looking forward to what's going to happen.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

I remember speaking with a Finnish professor I had in college, he thought it was bizarre how Americans are so inherently anti-government in sentiment. Granted this was like a decade ago but those feelings have always been in the consciousness of every American. It's strange to me that people wouldn't be distrustful of a government, honestly.
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Post by Amis »

A lot of things have changed in the last ten years, there is a clear divide between people in Finland and the polarization kicked up during the refugee crisis.

There is however a clear consensus where everybody trusts government institutions (not the parliament) as we are conditioned to do so given our history. I think it's due to the narrative that the government knows what to do, they would never harm their own people and that seems to be the fundamental misunderstanding between Europeans and Americans about what the second amendment stands for.

My friends who have went through university here are mostly left-leaning individuals and wish for more government control into the daily lifes of people, not to mention our current ministers are big hate speech law supporters.
Last edited by Amis on Wed Jan 13, 2021 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mismatch »

Huh, that's a shame. Finland has always been my bugout target once Sweden turns into a utter shithole. I figured I could move to Österbotten since I'd know the language already. AND there'd be no need to learn Finnish since proper Finns don't speak to eachother. You just stare deeply into your coffee mug and occasionally look out at the snow (winter) or mud (summer) outside.

A year or two ago I was considering moving to Ã…land with my family, should be able to land a software developer job at Paf with my experience in the business, but I never got around to it. Moved out to the countryside instead. Ã…land is nice tho', it's the bloody land of milk and honey.

Rough country Finland. Ever since it's founding times have been hard. It's a whole country made up of pine trees, small lakes, and mud. Farmland is poor, and no proper natural resources until they found the liquorice mines.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

I don't think there's a place in the western world that isn't affected by the ebb and flow of global political tendencies; Finland isn't an exception, it's just that Sweden is probably shittier -- I mean, more progressive -- in comparison? I don't know, obviously there is a lean to the left and think of that what you will, but all in all I feel like we still have a pretty decent balance for now
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Post by SenisterDenister »

The idea of progress isn't in and of itself bad. But progress for the sake of it, or caring little out the implementation of new things without understanding the consequences of actions made are what can be among the many problems that would arise. There are people that inherently think a "progressive movement" is a good thing, but these same people don't understand that in that same context a century ago, the "progressive movement" of the time also included eugenics and "scientific" racism like phrenology. The problem, to me, is that people so gung-ho about moving forward think they're beyond history, or that it doesn't apply to them. They lack context. That lack of context means people react superficially to anything without understanding the larger picture, one of both time and space. The butterfly effect is real but we as humans have a hard time piecing everything together over the decades. This was all long time coming but we failed to see it.

A right side, a wrong side of history is a statement made by the ignorant. History is written by the victors, whatever they may be the victor of, and they dictate whomever is left to be the right side.

Right now I think we're seeing part of the afterbirth of social media, as strange as it sounds. We went from a decade ago of people not liking labels to people only associating themselves to such. The front profile page of a social media account, with little-to-no context about anything else about a person, dictates their entire behavior derived solely off the labels they apply to themselves and others in a space of less than 140 characters at a time.

It is these labels that people obsess over, it is these labels that help people see the world less in the ambiguity of reality and more in the stark black and white of absolutes and making people refuse to interact with one another. This is the culmination of a decade of people effectively brainwashing themselves to only see the world in superficial labels, and now we're seeing how it's applied in the real world.

And it ain't pretty.
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Post by Amis »

Gimp Mask wrote:I don't think there's a place in the western world that isn't affected by the ebb and flow of global political tendencies; Finland isn't an exception, it's just that Sweden is probably shittier -- I mean, more progressive -- in comparison? I don't know, obviously there is a lean to the left and think of that what you will, but all in all I feel like we still have a pretty decent balance for now
The Finnish conservative party (Kokoomus) is comparable to the Democratic party in the States, you cannot even compare the Republican party to any Finnish parties, there are certain issues here and there where they are similar but ME myself cannot find even in the most right-wing party in the current parliament to be compared with.

I assume the same could be said about the Swedish parties.

The idea of progress isn't in and of itself bad. But progress for the sake of it, or caring little out the implementation of new things without understanding the consequences of actions made are what can be among the many problems that would arise. There are people that inherently think a "progressive movement" is a good thing, but these same people don't understand that in that same context a century ago, the "progressive movement" of the time also included eugenics and "scientific" racism like phrenology. The problem, to me, is that people so gung-ho about moving forward think they're beyond history, or that it doesn't apply to them. They lack context. That lack of context means people react superficially to anything without understanding the larger picture, one of both time and space. The butterfly effect is real but we as humans have a hard time piecing everything together over the decades. This was all long time coming but we failed to see it.

A right side, a wrong side of history is a statement made by the ignorant. History is written by the victors, whatever they may be the victor of, and they dictate whomever is left to be the right side.

Right now I think we're seeing part of the afterbirth of social media, as strange as it sounds. We went from a decade ago of people not liking labels to people only associating themselves to such. The front profile page of a social media account, with little-to-no context about anything else about a person, dictates their entire behavior derived solely off the labels they apply to themselves and others in a space of less than 140 characters at a time.

It is these labels that people obsess over, it is these labels that help people see the world less in the ambiguity of reality and more in the stark black and white of absolutes and making people refuse to interact with one another. This is the culmination of a decade of people effectively brainwashing themselves to only see the world in superficial labels, and now we're seeing how it's applied in the real world.

And it ain't pretty.
I agree with this. Currently we live in a world (the western world) where we assume that nothing bad can ever happen in a larger scale and everything is taken for granted.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Amis wrote:The Finnish conservative party (Kokoomus) is comparable to the Democratic party in the States, you cannot even compare the Republican party to any Finnish parties, there are certain issues here and there where they are similar but ME myself cannot find even in the most right-wing party in the current parliament to be compared with.
You're absolutely right, I didn't mean to compare Finnish political landscape to the US, but to Sweden (and by extension Europe I suppose), should have been more clear about that; also what you wrote is very much what I tried to say about how we still have things relatively balanced here but I was high so kinda forgot to write most of the post I guess. And by the global ebb and flow of political tendencies I just mean how the left and right / conservative and progressive / whatever is a bit like a pendulum swaying back and forth (although filter bubbles and all that shit are messing with its swing now), shifting the general currently standing culturally normative views all around
SenisterDenister wrote:It is these labels that people obsess over, it is these labels that help people see the world less in the ambiguity of reality and more in the stark black and white of absolutes and making people refuse to interact with one another. This is the culmination of a decade of people effectively brainwashing themselves to only see the world in superficial labels, and now we're seeing how it's applied in the real world.

And it ain't pretty.
It is pretty funny though. I find the constant need to be ever more inclusive while putting everyone in smaller and smaller categories at the same time a bit ironic. I mean LGB is now LGBTQIA+ or LGBTQQIP2SAA or something depending on who you ask I guess, I am in no way downplaying the movement but that's a fucking joke of an acronym. In the end will we have some kind of weird all encompassing intersectionality with no subgroups of any kind, or how does this work? Maybe I'm just getting too old for this shit like the person in that movie.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

I think it undermines the effort itself. They're trying to be inclusive but the entire concept of it is by further estranging everyone by applying ever shrinking and more specific labels to stand apart from one another. In other words, you're right. Unfortunately the act of doing this also affects people's train of thought, so it's leading to fractures in the community itself. People aren't being inclusive enough. Trans people are getting mad at gays because they won't have sex with a trans-man with a vagina. I'm not joking, a friend of mine told me about this problem and someone called him a bigot because he wouldn't have sex with what was, physiologically, a woman with a bit extra hair. They start cannibalizing themselves and destroying the movement because they're refusing to actually move forward and instead keep arguing over who is the most oppressed and should be the first among equals in their oppression olympics.

It's all so tiresome.

People need to quit dividing each other by all of these stupid tribal and physical differences - the best example of this was the Occupy Movement in the United States. The Lower and Middle classes were finally going to do something about the disparity of wealth in the US, and then, coincidentally, the explosion of all this racial and sexual diversity happened and made them all turn on each other.

There was a memo leaked from Amazon that stated directly that having a more diverse work environment, aka making everyone feel different from one another, stopped people from unionizing because it made them all turn on each other for perceived differences.

It's fucking scary that it's so easy to make people turn on each other.
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Post by Amis »

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