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ogm spoylarz

Post by Blargh »

Witcher 23. It's quite good.
Danny wrote:complete
Remember to not forget to jump upon the head of Howard Strong. It's the only way. :drunk:
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Post by Cimmerian Nights »

I've been playing Icewind Dale lately, but I'm not sure why. I remember playing through when it came out, but having to force myself to finish. In the way that you finish a book or movie you don't like just to be done with it.

I'm not an Infinity Engine basher, it is what it is. But what's it's not is suited for a combat heavy dungeon romp. It's just not conducive to strategy.

Compare to say Temple of Elemental Evil which is a great TB strategy D&D game.

Why couldn't somebody just make a hybrid Fallout game with Jagged Alliance 2's combat so I can retire from playin this shit?

Manoil wrote:Attempting my first complete playthrough of Deus Ex
Love me some Deus Ex. Great gameplay, story, 80s synth soundtrack, the voicework, the horrible accents (especerary Honk Kong and Paris). Can't get enough of that game.
Grab those 2 graphic mode (HDTP and one other).

Warren Specter at his finest, that trifecta of System Shock, Thief and Deus Ex is untouchable. He's been circling the drain since though it seems.
I tried to look if there's been any interesting new releases in the last 6 months. Didn't find any so I fired up trusted ol' Hearts of Iron III. cool
Much like crack cocaine, I'm afraid of what a new HOI will do to me.

I hear you though brah, I have like a 6 y.o. Vaio, and scour the bargain bins/ebay/used shit for good deals, and nothing new seems to grab me (except offbeat indy shit).
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Post by Stalagmite »

No way I'm playing Dues Ex a first time with those old graphic fags
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Started Witcher 2 about a week ago and only have about an hour or two in it. Seems pretty cool, I usually get bored with RPG in the beginning but this one kind of draws you in.
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Post by Tofu Man »

So who's the <strike>man with a van</strike> swell guy with a console willing to risk taking one in the bum for team DaC to tell us how's Fargo's Hunted Demon's Forge?
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Post by Stalagmite »

^I'm not buying that after listening to the rediculous developer hype videos. Reminded me of Bethesda with Oblivion but worse. (Well maybe not worse considering it's actually hyped as an action game)

Red Dead Redemption: Undead Something.

It's pretty cool. Controls feel a bit clunky sometimes though, but that's probably because I'm coming off of Killzone 3. When they get close I feel I should be able to brutal melee but I suppose it would be too easy doing this to enemies who are supposed to Brutal Melee you with teeth and claws and shit. I mean you can shoot them when they grab you but who wants to wait until you get grabbed? Atmosphere sucks you right in. Rockstar.
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Post by Tofu Man »

Stalagmite wrote:^I'm not buying that after listening to the rediculous developer hype videos. Reminded me of Bethesda with Oblivion but worse. (Well maybe not worse considering it's actually hyped as an action game)
And a crummy looking one at that. But then who said anything about buying?
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Post by Blargh »

Witcher 23 is, aside from some (likely moddable) UI wonkiness, fucking great. Aggravatingly short, though. :drunk:
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Post by Stalagmite »

^I'm downloading that now and if it's worth solid replays I'll buy the consolized version, capiche?
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Hey baby, want to kill all sorceresses ? ; ; ; ; ; ;

Post by Blargh »

Meaningful divergence and consequence by way of mostly difficult choices e'erywhere, a pair of entirely different second chapters, for the most part high quality voice acting, remarkable attention to detail with regard to world-building, shenanigan politik, the delightful certainty that, regardless of what you do, they, and the things you don't do will find varied and hilarious ways to fuck with you from all angles, Shani abducted by the timelords.

Unlike the first - no neutral path, occasionally stilted/unresponsive animation, a comparatively short epilogue/absence of the almost industry standard where-are-they-now-slideshow, a UI that focuses on appearance over function, the mind-boggling decision to have potions only be accessible through meditation, inferior, though still rather good, music to the original, minimal callbacks to the events and characters of the original by way of the much vaunted save importation.

Between this and Alpha Protocol, my appetite for RPGs has become remarkably fickle.

Whatever you do, though, get it from GoG. Chiefly because the patching on Steam is almost as large as the game itself. Madness. :drunk:
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Post by SenisterDenister »

I saw the trailer for Metro 2033's sequel Last Light. I hate getting swept up by hype but damn I loved the first so I'm pretty psyched.
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Post by Yonmanc »

I didn't really like the first one. Graphics wise it was great, and as a concept it was also pretty good, but the gameplay was a huge letdown for me.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Play it on Ranger Hardcore, its almost a different game.
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Post by Stalagmite »

I did shop a little on the PSN store and grabbed some retro 'Front Mission 3'. Good shit couldn't believe that shit came out in 1999. The story's a bit one-sided but you're always thrown into some combat which is amazing turn-based mech stuff which is done amazingly.
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Post by Tofu Man »

^^ How's the combat? And what's there besides combat? Someone recommended this when I told 'em I was a fan of TB, how does it hold up nowadays?
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Post by Stalagmite »

Tofu Man wrote:^^ How's the combat? And what's there besides combat? Someone recommended this when I told 'em I was a fan of TB, how does it hold up nowadays?
The combat is amazing, my bro couldn't believe it was a PS1 game when he saw t he animations. It's all turn based, and you can customize your mech however you please. You have to choose carefully though cos there aren't many times you get to go to a shop and buy new parts or upgrade the old one's, or new one's for that matter. It's very in depth, like you can't equip too much weapons on your arms and shoulders because you have to balance out weight and unit power and all that stuff through different parts.

It's all story driven, you get no say in where to go fight next, but it plays out nice where's all you really wanna do is get to the next battle, and it doesn't get tedious between the battles. It just sets up a nice little twist in the plot, which is pretty good (it's a pre-9/11 futuristic game with some political leanings go figure), then you get to fight again.

You get ranked with medals once you win the battle, and the higher the medal the more spending cash you earn so do good you'll get cooler parts later.
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Post by Username »

Anyone who has made Kerrigan bend down and take it on brutal level among ye?
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No lemon lime.

Post by Blargh »

Who ?

Been tinkering with the leaked Deus Ex - Subtitle build that's floating about. While it is, naturally, extremely rough, it also seems to be on the path to being a Good Game. Remains to be seen whether it's a Worthy Successor.

Highlights include :

Brutally crippling mouthy civilians.
A hacking minigame that isn't shite.
Petty theft.
Breaking and entering.
NPC death by PC loitering.

Unhighlights include :

Voice acting ranging from lacklustre to conspicuously bad, particularly that of the main character. Too early to say whether it's a nod to the original, or merely a dropping of the ball.
A small selection of mostly bland augmentation options.
No melee weaponry.
No melee capacity outside energy reliant 'takedown' moves.
Apparently no locational damage aside from the head.
A narrative that seems far too eager to telegraph and repeatedly underline its twists.
Incongruous and overly plentiful vents.
Maps appear to be segmented. I.e - a situation early in the first scenario involves three thugs outside a building containing more thugs. You can quietly dispatch the the first three, then fire off a dozen shots with an unsuppressed pistol just outside the main entrance while those within behave exactly as though nothing of the sort had happened - and still claim the 'ghost' experience bonus. Twice.

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Post by Yonmanc »

Civ 4. Just sent ma niggas to space.
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What rhymes with door hinge?

Post by Tofu Man »

Stalagmite wrote:you get no say in where to go fight next
Heh, I like there to be some actual "rpg" between missions, but heck TB people can't really be picky. Besides I could go for some straight TB a la Warsong. Good show mate.
Antiques Gameshow Feller wrote:Good Game
"Good game" as in Deus Ex 1 "good game", Alpha Protocol "good game" or not even as good as the above "good game"? I've got my bet on "barely any better than AP but universally praised like it's the best thing since sliced cunt anyway", kinda curious as to where it ends up.
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