Silent Storm help

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Silent Storm help

Post by Stainless »

Yeah, I finally got Silent Storm (only got released in the last couple of months after I stopped pestering EB for a release date), and I'm up to a mission where, a factory explodes due to some self destruct after taking down the head panzerklein.

The thing is, even if I manage to retreive the leader's body and get all my squad a decent distance away from the factory when it explodes, I get a big "GAME OVER" popup. It doesn't tell me why, and it's really pissing me off.

Overall, the entire game is irritating with this directionless presentation. I don't really have any kind of clue as to what I'm doing, and it's a stupid to start a mission, and all of a sudden get assaulted by 20 soldiers unprepared.

I love the turnbase, but the real time just moves too quickly to position anyone.

Post by Kashluk »

Hm... the factory *shouldn't* explode, I think. At least it didn't to me, when I was playing Axis. You have to get the leader *before* he initiates self-destruction. That mission is über difficult and it took me something like a dozen tries before I managed to beat it. Just keep trying.
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Post by Aneurysm »

Just get all the documents and shit before you kill the main panzerhombre.The auto destruction is activated when he dies.Oh and from that mission on, silent storm starts to suck due to the panzerkleins .
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Post by Megatron »

after you get the main guy press 'leave' in the top left-hand corner. You also have to send someone into the building to retrieve documents and shit. I liked that mission.
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Post by Mad Max »

I love Silent Storms large assortment of different weapons I also hope FO:3 have close to the same amount of weapons and items.
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Post by Fez »

Wow, this gets funnier every time.
Don't hate him because he's beautiful.

"Everyone's a girl when they're face down."
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Post by Kizmiaz »

So what is this?
I haven't been connected for a while, so if it's old; spank me.
Sickle & Hammer announced?


Main Features:
- grasping non-linear plot
- large and free gaming world (fallout-style) which reacts to your actions (if you wipe out a village, you'll be sought for and non-welcomed in this area), your actions in one location may influence the other locations.
- detailed heroes and relations between team members (e.g. rogue mercenary refuses to ambush his friends, turns agressive and things like that)
- relations between various renegade groups, criminals and intelligence agencies
- non-linear dialogues and "quests"
- "karma" count (too negative means you started the WWIII)
- game time - clocks are ticking and you may find that you're too late for some events (ambush a convoy or meet with an informer, steal documents while a person is not at home)
- clothes and documents - proper clothes and (fake) IDs may help you to walk freely and unquestioned whereever you like.
E.g. dashing woodland fighter weilding a tommy gun will immediately draw police attention in a town, while civil garments will help you stay relatively intac
Ukhan Kizmiaz
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