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by Trauma
Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:45 am
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

I guess that's the only way a pathetic, hateful "internet tough guy" like you can feel like a big man. Anyways, I hope your mother dies so you can see how this feels. I don't however have to hope that you lead a sad, empty, lonely and pointless life devoid of love, meaning, truth or anythi...
by Trauma
Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:16 am
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

You are possibly the lowest human being I've ever "met".
I feel nothing but pity for you.
by Trauma
Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:26 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

No worries.
by Trauma
Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:55 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

My mom died on the 16th.
Matter of pride brought me back here to tell y'all that I didn't back down because you hurt my feelings or any bullshit like that, but the whole mom committing suicide thing.
by Trauma
Mon May 16, 2011 11:05 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

I'd just like to know what this guy is basing any of this on. I guess some people are just so inherently hateful and angry that they have to launch full-force attacks on random people they know jack shit about for no apparent reason. And dude, you may as well be building all your insults around me b...
by Trauma
Mon May 16, 2011 8:41 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

In the fetish scene there are girls into degridation who would cream their panties talking to you. I'm not one of them but I can send a few your way if that's your thing. Hehehehe. But seriously. Microdick. We all know you're just cranky because you nicked your dick with the tweezer you were masturb...
by Trauma
Mon May 16, 2011 8:16 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

Said the constipated, concave-chested virgin with the microscopic dick who lives in his mommy's basement, faps to Pokemon and has a secret Twilight tattoo on his butt next to the now useless sphincter muscles, damaged after years of taking his cousin Jed up the pooper. Whatevs, Holmes. Spewing rando...
by Trauma
Mon May 16, 2011 8:00 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

Did I say I looked like her? No. I said we had the same measurements. Learn to read. I have this little problem of not being able to back down in real life or otherwise and whilst logically I know this is about as intelligent/useful as putting glass in my pants and throwing myself down a flight of s...
by Trauma
Mon May 16, 2011 7:43 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

Actually I have the same measurements as Christina Hendricks give and take a few.
If you think that's "fat" you need help.
And why oh WHY did you post that pic above? Nobody wants to look at that.
by Trauma
Mon May 16, 2011 5:53 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018 HAI! I most likely won't be coming back after this, I mean why would I? 5'10 and size 12 with a normal BMI is not fat by any stretch of the imagination so I'm not sure why you seem to be so retarded that you can't gr...
by Trauma
Sun May 15, 2011 6:25 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

OOh! A good old-fashioned gang bang! But seriously. Cool story, bros. You guys are awesome. I really mean it. Precious even. So go ahead and send me pics of your massive cocks and I'll send you a pic of my massive ass in a neat little corset. My husband may mind (and he's built like a supermutant) a...
by Trauma
Sun May 15, 2011 6:05 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

It's a good idea, yes.
by Trauma
Sun May 15, 2011 5:45 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

Let's review. You say I'm fat/obese. I, my BMI, my doctor and such say I'm not. Let's spend Sunday fighting about it, ok? Fat chicks who try to be "one of the boys" lol. We had a lodger stay here and he insisted on bringing home some melting ham beast who not only tried to be "one of ...
by Trauma
Sun May 15, 2011 5:28 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

Ha! See? I knew so little about you that I glanced at your avvie and thought you were a chick (and a not great looking one mind ya so sorry in advance if it's yer mom or something.) No. You didn't touch a nerve. I find it funny and I'm no stranger to the whole "be upstairs soon, honey. I have t...
by Trauma
Sun May 15, 2011 4:57 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

*Sniffs the air*'s butthurt. OK! Let's debate about how my current weight is still "debatable", oh stranger on the net! So you go first! Or better still, I'll sit here and cry because someone on the internet just hurled a random, meaningless insult at me. Pffffft. :anger: Or I cou...
by Trauma
Sun May 15, 2011 3:53 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

HERPDEDERP Can you read? I'm not fat anymore. Passed military fitness tests. DERP. Normal BMI Derp derp derp. DDD breasts. Read 'em and weep. HERP. Christ in a chickenbasket. If this is the non-retarded forum I hate to see what's on the Beth forum! (Wide-eyed wonder?) Disclaimer: I has not slept and...
by Trauma
Sun May 15, 2011 3:45 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

Pros: - Didn't run home to mommy (My Mommy is in Europe.) - Vaguely coherent (Haven't slept, less coherent than usual, but thanks.) - Survivalist crap fits with some of DaC's populace (Bonus.) - Kept the weekend intelectual façade at first glance (No U.) - Promise of baked goods is always nice (I b...
by Trauma
Sun May 15, 2011 3:20 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

Ooh! Look you can pretend to put a little quote box around something I didn't type and make it look like I said it! That's AWESOME! :D Actually what I said, you can go read it again if you like is: I WAS fat. WAS. Past tense. I gained weight because of some pretty intense medical problems that arose...
by Trauma
Sun May 15, 2011 3:09 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

Not sure if it was for some sort of effect or a malfunction but most of your sentences cut off and it's a little garbled and incoherent. That being said I suppose I should thank you for the link. Bwaha. I've been called "defective" by a few men btw, mostly ones who seemed to be intimidated...
by Trauma
Sun May 15, 2011 12:11 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: Lone Wanderer seeks her Charon - w4m
Replies: 128
Views: 67018

Heeheehee. For old time's sake I searched for my old ad (which is also on Best of Craigslist) and here it is, permanently etched onto teh interwebs for dog knows how long. Truth be told, I do still have it. A crossed wire in my brain, a fetish, something my subconscious decided to project randomly o...