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  • Download the Demo! - (125 MB)

    Congratulations to Yan Petit from France! He was the lucky winner of the free Falcon Northwest Computer!

  • Trailer - 10.2MB
    Gameplay footage mixed with old 1950's public messages on nuclear war.

  • Dev TV - at www.interplaygames.com/devtv.asp

    "Welcome, all, to Development TV or DevTV as we like to call it. Here is a place for you, the gamer, to find out exactly what comes out of your favorite developers mouth. No silly misinterpreted interviews or misspelled words, only pure streaming answers to the questions you want to hear. Built for both high and low bandwidth types, no one will be turned away! So please, stay a while and enjoy what we have for you because, after all, it is what you requested and so we have provided!" - Slyle

    Q: Was testing this game fun, or just a lot of work?
    A: Albert Perez - QA

    Q: Any tips you can give that might a help a new player get through the first few missions of the game?

    Q: What are your favorite characters, weapons and vehicles in the game?

    Q: What's the games storyline and when does it take place? A: Steve Baldoni - Producer

    Q: What are some of the differences between this game and the first two Fallouts? A: Steve Baldoni - Producer

    Q: How many weapons and monsters can I expect to face in this game? A: Steve Baldoni - Producer

    Q: How tough is this game to play - if I'm fairly new to strategy games or the Fallout Univers will I be able to pick it up? A: Brian Christian - Executive Producer

    Q: What was the most fun part of getting to add to the Fallout Universe? A: By Brian Christian - Executive Producer

    Q: Why a tactical game - why not just make Fallout 3? A: By Brian Christian - Executive Producer

    Keep checking back, there are many more to come!

  • Video Interview at Gamespot - ~58MB
    Sit down with senior game designer Chris Taylor in this interview, as he discusses this eagerly awaited squad based game.

  • Pip Boy Walking - 269kb
    (make sure you loop this little movie to see Pip Boy in action!)

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FALLOUT TACTICS: Brotherhood of Steel © 2001 Interplay Entertainment Corp. All Rights Resrved. Interplay, the Interplay logo, "By Gamers. For Gamers.", 14º East, the 14º East Logo, Fallout, and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel are trademarks of Interplay Entertainment Corp. All Rights Reserved. Micro Forte and the Micro Forte logo are trademarks of Micro Forte Pty Ltd. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.