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Um... uh-oh...

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 10:50 am
by Max-Violence
So I'm workin' on Rebellion3, and I accidentally hit Ctrl+B (turns all the tiles outside of the camera bounds green/makes exit grid) instead of Ctrl+V (paste). "Well, no problem" I thought, "I'll just Undo it."

Well, guess what? It isn't "Undo-able." "Well, no problem," I thought, "I haven't saved it yet, so I'll just open the map back up, pre-Ctrl+B."

It crashed to the desktop as it opened the map.

So I tried to open the map again, and it still crashed.

"Shit..." I thought. And said. Loudly.

Any ideas on how to get my map back? If not... um... uh-oh...

*remembers he sent a version of the map to OTB earlier today*


So, moral of the story is: Never, ever, EVER hit Ctrl+B unless you want what it does, and make 10 different backups of your map!

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 11:00 am
by Max-Violence
Hey - didn't Bloodbathmaster2 have this problem? I'd PM him, but I don't think he's very active...

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 6:27 pm
by Jimmyjay86
Thanks for reminding me - I haven't backed up in about a week and much has been added!

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 9:32 pm
by OnTheBounce
Yeah, thanks for reminding me, too. My burner is merrily backing my campaign files up.

BTW, check your email, I sent you a copy of of your MIS file. Also, I've got a copy of it still attached to that email, so even if I screw up and save at the wrong time while I'm making that minimap image for you today I'll still have it.

I had a bizarre incident last night. I went to place a tile and the editor hung up for a second. A small (1x1 unit) tile was shown to have an absolutely huge bounding box, and a rather large chuck of road in a section kept flashing red. I could not manage to select the freak tile and I had no backup, so I was actually quite worried since I had no backup of the map. What solved the problem was "Update Tiles". When I did that the freak tile disappeared and everything was back to normal. (Just thought I'd pass that little tid-bit along.)


Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 9:55 pm
by Section8
Save in iterations. Constantly. I had a couple of maps go FUBAR on me during dev, thankfully I could just hit up the programmers to fix em for me. :D But seriously, save as many iterations of your map as will fit on your disk.