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Critter Pack

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:35 am
by wild_qwerty
Hi Guys,

You can now download the first critter pack from NMA here

It contains the following critters converted from FOT into FRM file format. If run in conjunction with the Vault-Boy mod you can play the game as the Vault-Boy.

Name: Pip-Boy/Vault Boy

Name: Brahmin Bull

Name: Giant Rat - FEV Raccoon

Name: Mutant Dog

Name: Wolf

Name: Deathclaw Baby - FEV Monkey

Name: Deathclaw - Mutant Hair/Rabbit

Name: Rad Scorpian

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:51 pm
by Red
Just wondering wether the deathclaw actually has those grey parts or if it's just the GIF conversion which is screwed up...

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:20 pm
by Som Guy
Red wrote:Just wondering wether the deathclaw actually has those grey parts or if it's just the GIF conversion which is screwed up...
It does.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 4:22 am
by wild_qwerty
When I converted them I made a big batch file that carried out the following process.

Spr2Gif ===> Gif2Frm ===> FrmCat

Then I just had to tidy up the FRMs with Frame Animator.

The 'problem' comes from Spr2Gif, as it leaves the hair colour as white for all the models. The Deathclaws white bist are susposed to be the furr or hair. A lot of the people I have converted all have white hair too.

I'm sure a programer could combine the source codes from (available at Team-X) the three programs a make a nice little conversion tool. I have just uploaded the batch file to NMA for Spr2Frm. There might be a way for adjusting the hair colour by editing Spr2Gif


I have also just uploaded the following FRMs

Name: BOS Power Armour

Name: Sarge

Name: BOS Elder

Name: BOS Scribe

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 2:34 pm
by Red
RedViewer 1.x used to support "Hair colour" features (and also had a proper clipping rectangle depending on which animation you wanted to transfer). However it only exported the image to the clipboard.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:04 pm
by wild_qwerty
Sounds good. Does Red viewr have the option to export the SPRs into an animated file type?

The problem with making critters is that you are dealing with thousands of frames and need to be able to automate the process as much as possible.

I wonder how hard it would be to add the option of hair colour to the Spr2Gif?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:59 pm
by Red
Wewps, I meant that version pre1.6 supported it, as opposed to the 1.6.x version. Sorry for the confusion. What was neat about it too is that you could ask the program to "optimize" the frame borders depending on the animation/direction you wanted to render (you could thus save space seperating the frame directions of an animation for example).

The colouring code is still there in the Software Rendering option albeit the interface allowing you to choose the colour is gone since version 1.6, guess I'd need to reimpliment it - though if I do I'll probably by trying to enabled it in DX8 rendering too.

The current version of Red!Viewer only supports exporting to TGA (32bit - to support the transparancy) format - and as such only supports exporting frame by frame manually. I've had plans to automate the exporting process for quite a while (and there was a semblance of this in pre1.6) but I haven't had any real incentive to do so yet and as such, that isn't done either.

The way I figure though is that if I implimented a proper dithering algorithm, I could convert the render directly to FRM (with the proper centerring from the original render - and possibly even going so far as to optimize for the seperation of directions) thus giving a better quality colour (since I beleive the SPR2GIF program renders to a calculated palette though it might be possible to impose one onto it?)
[As a note - for me - it's actually much easyer to apply the dithering algorithm onto a precalculated palette then deciding which palette to use using another algorithm.] Before this happens though I'll need to allow people to save FRM (which is quite doable given I take the time to do it).

Even more comments, about Crusader... I've though about it for a while. The main reason I haven't tackled crusader is that the file format (as far as I know) isn't a series of files but rather a series of "resources". This means that my interface should support the "resources" much like a file manager should. I've been considering this for quite a while (do something a bit like BOSEE to edit various values like the height/width and the bounding box) but it's a lot of trouble to impliment it this way.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 10:44 pm
by wild_qwerty
Hi Guys,

2 more critter packs have been uploaded to NMA.

Get them here

Unlike the previous ones these will actually be usefull. In my opinion these critters can help add a lot of depth to a new town by providing a greater variety to the towns folk.

Critter Pack Volume 3

Name: Citizen Alpha Male

Name: Citizen Male

Name: Citizen Female

Name: Citizen Thin Male

Name: Citizen Thin Female

Critter Pack Volume 4

Name: Reaver Male

Name: Reaver Female

Name: Vault Female

Name: Vault Male

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 8:08 am
by fallout ranger
the vault man/woman looks good, I don't like the white suits though...

I think the brotherhood power armor adds a nice touch to FO2

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:13 am
by Seifer
Gotta say w_q, these look good.

Excellent work.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:55 am
by wild_qwerty
Yea, I've converted a few more too and Odin is hosting them at NMA. The massive behemoth and Pacification bots just got uploaded last week.

Image Image Image

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:43 am
by fallout ranger
now THATS awesome, oh god I cant wait...

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:06 am
by wild_qwerty
OK, I post the pictures of the next few packs here too :)


Turrets, I think all of these are really cool and are amoung my personal favorites. Just make sure you set the option "cant move" when making the critters Prototype in the editor as these turrets dont contain move animations (kind of makes sense aye!)

Name: Generic Turret

Name: Robot Turret

Name: Pop-Up Turret

Name: Tribal Turret

Minor Robots Pack, The onlyreason this is called the minor robots is because it doesnt contain the giant Robots such as the Behemoth and Pacifacation Bots.

Name: Cyborg General

Name: Security Robot

Name: Hover Bot

Name: Scurry bot


The Raiders Pack, this contains the sprites for the four different Raider models from FOT.

Name: Raider Male
no image at this time

Name: Raider Female
no image at this time

Name: Raider Large

Name: Raider Hudge


The Heroes pack, this contains the different armours from FOT that the player character could use.

Name: Male Leather Armour

Name: Female Leather Armour

Name: Male Metal Armour

Name: Female Metal Armour

Name: Enviromental Armour - MkI & MkII Evironmental armour

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:02 pm
by derekdoo
er im having trouble installing em, it said to put in black isle/fallout2/critter000 etc...
but it doesnt popup, do i gotta restart a new game? or .. maybe im thinking of the wrong thing for these frms