Play old school post-apoc multiplayer game online!

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Hero of the Glowing Lands
Hero of the Glowing Lands
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Play old school post-apoc multiplayer game online!

Post by Red »

I setup a Synchronet BBS on my box. On it is ONLY featured Land of Devastation, an old(well, 1990-1995) post-apoc BBS DOOR game.
You can find out a bit more about the game at

If you aren't scared of ascii screens, simply telnet to

Note: To play the game you need a proper telnet - most simple I could mention would be HyperTerminal. It doesn't work properly with the normal "telnet" provided on Win9X, 2000 and XP...

Simply follow the only options I made available on the board to enter the game :P.

Email me ( ) if you need any help registering/finding the game/playing the game. Post here for more generic questions.

Quick info on various things for the unnitiated:
BBS: Bulletin Board System. Basically these were places you dialed out to which hosted message boards, files and DOORs. Some featured chats, others featured "networks" allowing you to talk to the other side of the world - only this relied on hops (messages passing from one BBS to another - through a single phone line hop...)

DOOR: DOORs in general are "services" provided by other applications than the BBS. To keep things short, most of the time these were either games or management utilities for the BBS itself...

SySop: System Operator (think Administrator)

WinGT: For hardcore players, I managed to get "WinGT" a Windows (3.1...) graphical termnial allowing you to play the game with (quite crappy yet better then text) 256 colour images, along with other nice features to run on my system and connect to the BBS (with, sadly, a shareware program). The problem is that sometimes information isn't passed along to WinGT, so you have to fiddle around so the terminal synches with the game again. If anyone's interested in getting graphics for the game don't hesitate to ask for info.

GTERM: See WinGT, except this one is DOS based. There are two main advatanges to it: I find the "mapping device" more useful in the game (though this is only useful much later in the game) and it features (somewhat) nice music. Since it's DOS based, it's slower and has more connection problems. It also doesn't have a "dialer" so you'll have to do that manually.
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