Mod of the original campaign: What FT *COULD* have been

Mapping & modding Fallout Tactics and reviewing maps thereof.
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Mod of the original campaign: What FT *COULD* have been

Post by greymeister »

If you don't want to hear my rants, scroll down to the section labeled MOD


Hello, this is my first post but I've been reading stuff on fallout forums since I tried fallout for the first time last year and was immediately enthralled. After beating Fallout 1 and 2, my friend who told me about them told me about Fallout Tactics and when I heard R. Lee Ermey's voice I thought to myself "Wow, this is going to the BEST GAME EVER!" However, as my friend is want to point out, the designers did almost everything they could screw up the game. I'm getting to the mod soon enough but first I want to rant =)

I think this has been pointed out plenty of times in the Fallout Bible as well as on these and other forums, but in case you missed it: in the Fallout Universe (notwithstanding the "good" ending of FT) the WORST thing that could EVER happen always does. Think back to Fallout 1, Harold tells you about Richard Grey and he sounds like one of the few people that had the intelligence to get something going after the war, so what happens to him? He falls into a vat of FEV and turns into a big lump of crap trying to devour every living thing. Then in F2, the Enclave have the firepower and know-how to set the world back on track but what do they do? Slaughter everyone! That of course is the only way to start anew...yeah right. So you screw them over and so much for that. Then, in FT the wonderfulness of the FREAKIN ROBOTS that you can't EVER kill that were made to save humanity decide to SLAUGHTER EVERYONE instead. Sound familiar? Yep, everytime there is some possibility of you doing some good in the Wasteland, Fallout says "FU" and the worst possible thing ever happens.

Yeah I thought it was awesome that R. Lee Ermey was doing Barnaky's voice, who also is a real bad @$$ (try putting the old barnaky sprite as a prefab and you'll see what I mean). So what happens to him? He get's his brain plucked and becomes an exponentially more powerful freak and tries to kill you (recurring theme anyone?)

SO where in the hell am I going with all this? Well, it occurred to me that with the editor, maybe I can in some small way fix some of the terribleness that happens to you and the people you encounter in FT. So that's what I'm trying to do. I think Barnaky's fate is sealed, as well as Kerr the merchant, but in other small ways I'm going to try to "improve" some of the missions to where you aren't utterly depressed after playing a few like my friend hehe. I'll post links to downloads when I think I've accomplished something, so until then...adios!

Btw: Thanks for reading all my rant, and if you didn't, don't be surpised if you turn into a lump of crap and crave brain food =)

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