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can I get some advice on the Kansas City mission?

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:07 am
by Buffoutfiend
One, you should know that Im soloing the core campaign. Mainly because I dont like anything about any of the recruits, even though this could be fixed via editor I believe I rememeber reading somewhere that if you edit any of the games entities it wont take effect until you start a new game (If this isnt the case then please say so :P).

I need advice on taking on the kansas city mission... I do believe its impossible doing so alone.. but it may not be.Im a Big Guns/Energy Weapons/Melee weapon character, Im a ghoul. Im packing a M60 and a Ripper. Now my problem is I dont know which branch to take on first or how I go about doing it. Im thinking the south branch.. but the west branch is also a threat (those landmines just dont do enough damage and those ghouls can hardly defend themselves.) So if you can offer any advice shoot. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:50 am
by Ripper
The muties always end up blowing themselves onto the mines.
1 guy (ideally sniper) over there will do.

Its the two areas where the bulk of the muties are coming from u should be worried.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 3:33 am
by Strap
dont expect to save all/most ( :cry: ) of the ghouls, but you should first run to the southern "branch" (as you call it) and destroy the incoming muties, then forget about the dug in muties that didnt rush, now get your ass over to the west branch, and kill all the (mostly melee, iirc) muties that run in. the north branch is best left alone, there are mines that blow up most of the exclucively melee muties, and whats not killed by that is easyily killed by the ghouls.

i found it best to (after stoping the initial rush/attack) start at the northern-most corner of the map and move in a counter clockwise fasion to wipe out the remaining muties (staying towards the outskirts of the biuldings will prevent ambushes/being surrounded) when you finish the "spiral" you should be at the eastern part of the ghoul base, and all that is left to do is secure the nuke.

im not sure if having too many ghouls killed during the mission will effect its outcome in a negative way (negative meaning you dont just get the nuke) but if you save enough you get the instructions to it or something, and general ?dekker is happy (if that really matters)

yea, have fun. soloing is hardest when it comes to this mission. most people break down and recruite 1-2 preople, at least, thats what ive read a few times.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 5:02 am
by OnTheBounce
I don't see how this mission can be accomplished solo, especially not in CTB. Maybe in TB play, though, so you might want to try that since TB is all about micromanaging and squeezing every bit of efficiency out of your character that is possible.

I concur w/Strapon2 that the south gate is the hottest spot. The west is the next hottest, and the north is the lowest priority, hands-down. However, I have had it happen -- and quite frequently -- that the Ghouls at the north gate are overrun, even though they aren't up against very many mutants, most of the enemy are melee fighters, and the fact that the enemy has to traverse a field of landmines. (There is one SAW-equipped mutie that often tears them up w/stray fire and I usually detail Stitch armed w/a Sniper Rifle to guard the gate.)
Strapon2 wrote:im not sure if having too many ghouls killed during the mission will effect its outcome in a negative way (negative meaning you dont just get the nuke) but if you save enough you get the instructions to it or something, and general ?dekker is happy (if that really matters)
If you loose more than seven Ghouls the Bishop will refuse to hand over the documentation along w/the nuke. This looses you some rep., but you have a chance to redeem yourself later by acquiring something that helps the BoS out.


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:54 pm
by Ripper
soloing this mission is impossible esp on CTB.

the area that needs no attention is the northeast side with the mines, you might need to pick off those muties that make it through.

The south will be the hottest zone and the west the next hotest. The muties leaders on the west carry miniguns and those on the south are sporting rocket launchers.

and BTW i thought u cant use heavy weps as a ghoul ?

in anycase the M60 will have insufficient firepower if you gonna solo. Keep a CAWS auto-shotgun handy with you at all times. The last thing you want to is a bloddy knife to fend off 3 Super muties emptying their miniguns into you.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 6:33 pm
by OnTheBounce
Ripper wrote:and BTW i thought u cant use heavy weps as a ghoul?
That's what I thought, too, based on their racial description. However, when I was first thinking about setting the Plasma and Laser Rifles up as Heavy types, I tried it out, and Ghouls can indeed use this weapon type.


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 4:58 am
by Strap
the pen/paper game has some pics of ghouls wielding heavyweapons.
i think that the whole not being able to wield heavy weapons never really got put in the game, as far as i can see

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 2:10 am
by Nightkin244
it would be logical. i find if you station your man at south entrance, run it on TB you can have a fair chance if the guys on the west outposts with M2's and RL's dont get down.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 3:36 am
by requiem_for_a_starfury
Ripper wrote:in anycase the M60 will have insufficient firepower if you gonna solo. Keep a CAWS auto-shotgun handy with you at all times. The last thing you want to is a bloddy knife to fend off 3 Super muties emptying their miniguns into you.
If you're going to use burst fire in this mission get in front of the Ghoul emplacements, IIRC it's a 100 point reputation hit for everyone killed by friendly fire, and watchout for the idiot ghouls who runout of ammo, they'll run, to engage the SM's in melee, right into your sights.

BTW if you do use the editor you don't have to start a new game, if you change items/weapons you haven't found yet then the changes will take affect if you haven't been to the map where they are found, likewise if you change the recruits then the changes will show up once you visit a new bunker for the first time, unless they are already in your squad. If you change weapons that you are carrying then you'll have to sell them to a Quarter Master and then buy them back to see the changes.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 7:41 am
by Ripper
man this topic is as old as hell. :lol:

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 6:18 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
Oops didn't bother to read the dates of the rest of the thread, only Nightkin244's post.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:56 pm
by Mihail
id suggest bring alot of mines and grenades, and save often, mine a area you know the enemy is going to come from, chuck a grenade at them, then let them kill themselfs

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 6:28 am
by DOOM Marine
Wait, you can be a ghoul at the beginning? How?

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 6:33 am
by requiem_for_a_starfury
By using FT Tools to modify/create a Ghoul Prefab, or just download the Races Mod.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 12:42 pm
by Stainless
/me remembers when he had to distribute his little zip file........

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 1:57 am
by DOOM Marine
I found a site once that had a character editor, but the next day it was "unavailble!" Anyone have a link?

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 3:30 pm
by Agent.47
I need some help i killed all the mutants protected the stuipd cathedral and went hunting for the commanders i killed about almost all of them i looked around like 5 fucking times can somebody give me a clue on where others are that would be appreciated.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 7:47 pm
by DOOM Marine
Here's a map of the level.

On the map, the numbers 2,3,4 are the location of the 3 mutant commanders.