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Every FOOL idea ever posted, summarized here.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 7:32 am
by NumberZero
Now, i've been reading FOOL ideas a long time now, on and while i've been lurking here. But that is neither here nor there. And now, without further delay, FOOL, in breif.

1. LOLOL HEY DUDEWRZ! WULDN'T IT BE M4D KEWL IF....(insert an, idea, already mentioned many times before, this may include, but is not limited to: shoot up some supermutants in 3d, kill people, be just like FOT but 3d and cool, and lolers, some comment on vehicles, or something to that effect.) Of course this will be in all caps and the poster will hopefully never post again

2. You know, i really don't know anything about what makes Fallout so popular, and i never played the original fallout, but i played FOT, so i'm an expert. Also, opinions cannot be wrong so you are a horrible person for flaming me. My idea is to... (Insert and idea related to a) fighting beast lords b) defending a town from hairy deathclaws, with OTHER PEOPLE, i mean HOW GRATE IS THAT? LOL! or c) Being in the brotherhood of steel and working your way up the ranks [Also note that the BO didn't HAVE ranks. there was initiate, scribe, paladin. and scribes were a different job than paladins so that doesn't even count] ) this person will sadly continue to post, and try to defend his ideas, sadly, when he is humiliated he will degenerate into personal insults.

3. Oh come on guys you havn't tried the game yet! you arn't allowed to make fun of or hate something you havn't played yet. Also interplay is like totally working on FOOL and i know they are because i have a tin-foil hat. Also i will probably banter on endlessly about some very obscure aspect of Fallout that will make absolutely no sense in a MMOG. Also listen to me because my mother doesn't.

4. I am somewhat more faithful to fallout, however i have no clue how the mechanics of MMOGs work, so i will make a post about permanant death, and or respawn. I will probabl no realize that one or the other is either unfaithaithful to FO or will make no sense in a MMOG

And feel free to add to the list.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 9:16 pm
by Slave_Master
One of the MAD KEWL ideas I see a lot is "wuldnt it be kewl if you could pilot vertibirds OMG LOLOLOLOL" at which point I promptly vomit on my dog.

Haven't seen much of 4, because most people who are clueless about MMOG's are also somewhat...retarded. Like the one moron who said they should make FOOL free.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 4:44 pm
by N0N4M3
uhmm you can actually fly a vertibird ;) there is some mod for fo2 to fly it
but you need to get some perk and do quests ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 4:46 pm
by Slave_Master
N0N4M3 wrote:uhmm you can actually fly a vertibird ;) there is some mod for fo2 to fly it
but you need to get some perk and do quests ;)
Apparently reading comprehension isn't a big part of the curriculum up in Iceland, eh?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 9:48 pm
by atoga
It's not like you can fly it, VROOM, and then shoot down machine guns and missiles and shit, KAPOW BANG BADOOM.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 12:58 am
by N0N4M3
i read that in haste and yeah... excuse me but english aint my primary language and i learnt to speak it not so long ago :?