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Cab in the Woods

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:11 am
It's hard to describe the movie without giving away the whole story but I'm going to give it a shot. It's basically a play on a normal horror movie with a bunch of kids going to a cabin and getting killed but they really put a twist on this. So basically it's all set up behind the scenes by Bradley Whitford (west wing dude) and Richard Jenkins (bald dude) who are in like a war room controlling everything. The reason's and all that I can't say but that is basically the premise.

So like during every scene you see the guys in the Cabin like it's a normal horror movie then you get commentary by the guys who are controlling it and the commentary really is awesome. I liked the whole thing because it was interesting and the guys controlling everything were really good and comedic as well as serious when they needed to be. I was always intrigued to find out more behind why things were happening.

The fact that a movie about college students going to a cabin is still a common storyline and the marketing mostly focused on that makes it awesome how they completely change it up during the movie. I would go see this movie if you want to see a horror movie that is different and also has some comedy value to it.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:45 am
by SenisterDenister
I've only been hearing good things about this film, might go see it some time.