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Der rote Baron

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:25 pm
by Superhaze
Ok, so I dowloaded Der Rote Baron of the internets with no preconditions. The movie is, to put it bluntly, pretty shit. I can probably say that a big part of it was the portrayal of Manfred as a peaceloving aristocrat with a heart of gold, and all the other aristocrats as old school warmongerers. Exept the aristocrats in his own "flying circus", naturally.

A few good dog-fights
Reasonably accurate costumes, uniformes, ariplanes etc.

Manfred is a pussy
Choppy editing
English dubbing (wtf?!)
Victorian-esque homoeroticism is everywhere (actually a +)


I give it a knuckle sandwich, and a can of RC cola. :bored: