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Speech disappearing!??

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:25 pm
by ogreb
I'm still plugging away here...

Anyway I'm doing speech right now...

The problem is the speech is not showing up..or disappears.

Example I set up a windowed speech for a entitiy and started game....then I click speech him and he responds properly.
But then the next time I start it doesnt appear..or when setting up speech nodes...I finish one and the one I did before is suddenly empty ( two different entities)
It's like I can only do one speech node( for the whole map)

What am I doing wrong?!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:40 pm
by ogreb
I have to save it all under the same name...right?

Instead of having a text file for each entity..I just need a Mission text file and save it all there...I'll go try it.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 6:09 pm
by ogreb
Ok How do I get Random balloon speech to start?

And where do I save? speech there is a save button but no folder to save to?!

Do I need to set zones for random speech? And if so How do I do that?

OK Ok Spacing is everything...I got it..I needed to add one space..Duhh!!

But how do you speed up random speech? My guy just says one line..and shuts up even though he has 5 lines. Or maybe it just takes so long to get to the next line that I'm already past the area ...


Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:18 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
One speech file per map not entity, yep.

The save speech option is for if you want to load the same speech nodes into another map, you don't need to bother with this but under core\editor\ set up three folders triggers, tilesets and clips. If you do decide to reuse your speech nodes they then save to the core\editor\triggers.

Random speech, under each speech node you've got six pull down lists. You've assigned all the entities random lines here under the one speech node, right? Not done a seperate node for each? I don't know of anyway to speed them up.

To change or assign random speech use the 'Set Random Speech' action, you can use a variety of conditions though zones will make it more likely that the player will see the text at the right time.

This is for an NPC not the player character?

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:04 pm
by ogreb
Still having problems...
Not all speech lines are being uploaded to file..I'm missing 2 speech lines
I had random speech working once.( it said one line then stopped).now I can't get it to work at all
Yes one node per entity..all boxes filled...floating speech ticked.

Now it's not working at all (random speech)...
Click speech works fine...

One node...
WC_RSEnforcer_1a_ ={ Are you sure I don't need one of those fancy suits?}
WC_RSEnforcer_1b_ ={ My butt itches.}
WC_RSEnforcer_1c_ ={My pee glows in the dark!}
WC_RSEnforcer_1d_ ={I don't feel good!}

second node...
WC_RSEnforcer_2a_ ={No.. you'll be fine.}
WC_RSEnforcer_2b_ ={Your gross!}
WC_RSEnforcer_2c_ ={ you can write your name in the dark!}
WC_RSEnforcer_2d_ ={Allright...allright go find the medic and leave me alone...stupid tribal!}
The last 2 lines( 2c and 2d) don't show up in speech files...?

Something is amiss!?

No matter what I do I can't save anymore text lines...even if use a custom folder it still fills up with the other mission texts( BOS campaign)

This suks!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:47 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
If you've copied that directly from your speech file then it should work fine. I've just pasted it into one of my speech files and all the lines appeared (fairly quickly as well).

You do realise that the random speech is just that random, and where the first guy says 'Are you sure I don't need one of those fancy suits?' the second actor might say 'Your gross!' and not 'No.. you'll be fine.'

The last two lines of the second mode just might not of had their turn yet.

If that wasn't pasted direct from your speech file make sure the line 2b ends in the correct type of bracket. Or that 2c's node title doesn't have a space in it, though you can have spaces either side of the equals sign. :)
ogreb wrote:No matter what I do I can't save anymore text lines...even if use a custom folder it still fills up with the other mission texts( BOS campaign)

This suks!!!
Sorry I don't get you, where can't you add more lines? If notepad won't let you add anymore text (I think the limit is 51kb filesize) use wordpad or word even. And what fills up with text? The pull down lists? That's the stuff from the mission_generic, just prefix your speech node titles with a number or A so that they show up at the beginning of the list (it's in alphabetical order.)

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:58 pm
by ogreb
Those last 2 lines and all preceding text doesn't even show up...I mean in the folder and not the game...
I altered some click speech and saved and it showed up right...but I just can't add anymore text...I have 30 lines of text that hasn't showed up in the speech files..
I'm saving it in the right place...
I even made a custom folder and only the first lines show up and the rest is filled with regular mission text( camapign text)

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:02 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
Just open a fresh document in notepad add your lines and save it, then import it into your map and assign it to your speech nodes and save the map, not the speech nodes.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:36 pm
by ogreb
Do I have to do all speech at one time? I thought I added to it before...I know I changed some words.
Yet now if I add speech it overwrites the previous speech text...and since you can only have one folder..

I'm lost...

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:44 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
You can only have one speech text file per map. Import that into the map just the once, you can add lines to it after you've imported it.

Once you've created the speech nodes in the map, don't use the save option under speech, that's just if you want to re-use the nodes in other maps. Also you don't need to use the load function under Speech again that's just to use nodes from other maps, i.e. if you've set up a generic speech template.

Once you've imported your speech file and linked the nodes save the map.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:51 pm
by ogreb
How do I add? it under word pad ? I did that and saved but it didn't show up.

I have only one text file...How come all that other crap(BOS campaign) shows up? it's a custom file..

Try try again...

Give me a few minutes to figure this out...if you hear a head explode..that's mine!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:56 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
All the other stuff is generic text from the generic_mission file with the default failure messages etc. If you've prefixed everything with WC they'll be at the bottom of the list.

Are you sure you saved your changes and didn't 'save as' into another folder?