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Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 12:52 am
by Calal
Christian informs his parents that he will be abscent for a few days, spends some family time, yadayada... untill class begins. And since he is doing some overtimes classes he' ll meet up with the guys later on, wherever that may be.

Oh, and he changes into some more comfortable clothing.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 1:17 am
by danferry
Jacob goes to the cafeteria to get a snack, realising that he may be cooped up for 8 hours. When he gets there he grabs some food that will last, and doesn't tend towards a mess of any kind (like fruit {apple, oranges} or packaged food {packages of crackers and the like}) and stows them away in his clothes.

He looks around to see if anyone is around.

If there is, I'll go over and ask around about the conditions of the mainland.

As it comes time for class, Jacob gets up and heads over to his class.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 2:18 am
by PIPsqueak
Jacob spies in the mess some troops who look dirty and tired. You overhear some conversation and discern that they were just on the mainland. There are two men and one woman, and the woman is clearly the leader.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 3:45 am
by danferry
Jacob approaches the group. And addresses the woman.

I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about what the people are like out there? I am scheduled to go out soon and I'm hoping that you may have some advice for me.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 4:14 am
by PIPsqueak
The woman seems to ignore you. She orders a stiff drink, swallows it in one gulp, and turns to you. You goin' out there son? *sigh* So young. She has short-cut raven hair and was probably pretty at one time, but years of harsh living have taken their toll on her looks. Sergeant Hutchinson, she says, extending a hand. After shaking yours, she orders another drink. What can I do for you?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 7:19 am
by danferry
Private Jacob James.

Jacob shakes her hand.

I was hoping that you may be able to pass on some information about some of the people out there. Like how they talk, what do they value, and do they look different than us, other than their clothes? I've heard that they are all mutants, and I don't want to get infected from them.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 11:58 pm
by PIPsqueak
Hutchinson smiles grimly and lets out a single chuckle. They're people out there, like us. Don't believe that bull that the C.O.s chuck at you. She sips her drink. I don't understand it anymore. I used to believe in the cause, that we were the last hopes of civilisation and it was our sole responsibility to save the United States. But then they sent me out there, and I talked to the people... yes, they *are* people. She sips her drink again. Call me a heretic; I've stopped caring.

And as for your questions... they talk the same as the rest of us, they look like us, and they value life as much as you and I. Treat them like people, and you can't go- Hutchinson stops short as two burly Power Armoured men walk in and sit on the stools next to you. They order drinks, take off their helmets and begin to sip and talk. Hutchinson looks worridly at them, then turns to you. We can finish this conversation later. I've got a course to teach. With that she drains her glass and walks off.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 2:11 am
by danferry
Jake looks at the time, sees that its getting near time to begin class. So ambles on over to his first class.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 4:30 am
by Lunchmeat
Atticus returns to his quarters and stows all of his newfound gear in his footlocker for now. All except for his "I *nuke* NY" shirt, which he finds strangely amusing. Wearing it over his normal Enclave outfit, he then goes to the mess hall to grab a snack and chill until his class starts.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 3:29 am
by Magik Hobo 4444
Whoa, i was reading that Vault 8 campaign, and i have ta say i cant wait till we get to fight, thats gonna sweeet
Jimi is totally focused on his game, not noticing the 2 hours flying by and completely forgetting about his usless-info downloads, and that hes in a public computer space for that matter
AHAHAH!! die you big brown thing that vaguly resembles a scorpion! die by my dual, (uhh, those minigunz?) weapon wielding hooker! *Bebeep, Bebeep* he glances at his watch Oh shit! Im late!! and with that, he leaves the computer running and dashes with his amazing 9 (i think) agility to his first class.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 3:39 am
by danferry
You not sure of your agility? Shoot, I keep a character sheet by my computer with my character on it for both games. Makes it easier to keep track of what is happening.

As to Vault 8 game, I was afraid that my guy was going to die off, but looks like luck is with me and I can stay around for a bit longer.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 10:02 am
by Magik Hobo 4444
well, ive been tryin to find my char sheet, but i definatly know 2 stats , IN=10 and ST=6, but thats it.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 1:20 am
by danferry
Whats the hold up? PIP, there a reason we aren't moving along? I think that everyone has chosen classes.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 2:38 am
by atoga
PIP is currently engrossed in school work and playing Vice City at the same time, but he is still checking the forums, don't worry.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 8:35 pm
by tinuveri
Marlk leaves the computer disgusted about the control that has been set on the maps and goes to change. He puts his armor under his waste-wear, and slings his silinced SMG hiding them both.
He then wanders around looking to see if he can get his hands on any food
(just in case we out a bit longer.)
When his clas starts he heads of making sure not to be late.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 9:47 pm
by PIPsqueak
If everybody's ready, we'll continue. I havn't been moving things becuase I have been waiting for a response from everybody.

1200 hours rolls around and you all arrive at your respective classes exept for Jimi who runs in at 1203.

Jacob, Marlk and Jimi: You are surprised when you arrive at your firearms class to find that there are rows of desks in front of a chalkboard with no ballistic device in site. A tall burly woman at the front of the class who you take to be Captain Cammile motions to some empty desks. She takes a roll call, waits for Jimi, gives him a withering look when he rushes in, then takes up a position at the chalk board.
Welcome to Ballistics and Bullets, class says Cammile. Without waiting for any response, she picks up a peice of chalk and draws a perfect-looking Desert Eagle on the board. Your weapon she continues is your best friend. It is your only friend. Your weapon will become more than just a way to kill. It will become an extension of your arm. It will be part of your body. Now... SIT DOWN, SHUT UP, AND LEARN, BECAUSE *THIS-WILL-SAVE-YOUR-LIFE*!

Atticus: you arrive at the Explosives and Traps right on time. On a large table in the middle of the room is a large variety of mines, bombs, powders and other dangerous-looking things. A young looking man stands at the end of the table is fiddling with some C4 with the rest of the class crowded around him watching intently. The young man, who you take to be Jackson, looks up and motions for you to join the throng. Watch he says and learn.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 9:52 pm
by danferry
Need I say that I listened and learned? :lol:

Also, could you let us know how our stats changed. I'm keeping an updated character sheet for my game. :wink:

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 10:10 pm
by Lunchmeat
Atticus joins the others at the table and assumes the role of information sponge.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 10:20 pm
by PIPsqueak
I've been getting lots of requests to get to the action, so I'll just hurry it up.

You all spend your time absorbing information. Cammile goes over the internal operation of firearms along with sharpshooting techniques; Jackson takes apart and puts together many different kinds of traps and helps you do the same.

Skill points gained:
Jimi: 6 points of Small Guns
Marlk: 1 point of Small Guns
Jacob: 10 points of Small Guns

Atticus: 3 points of Traps

When the classes end it is about 1800 hours. You leave, feeling full of knowledge.

You have some time to talk to more people. Or you can just go to sleep.

Did I miss anyone's class?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 10:30 pm
by Calal
Yes, mine. :cry:

These are the ones I signed up for:
-Ballistics and Bullets, with Captain Cammile
-Covert Operations, with Leutenant Garth
-Island Survival (4-hour course) with Leutenant Harvard
-Water Survival (4-hour course) with Leutenant Harvard