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Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 5:20 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
PaladinHeart wrote:Well I can't really argue against old ideals. I was hoping for something new and refreshing that more than a few thousand people will like (how many people are still registered here, at NMA, and other Fallout sites?). Judging from how most people here feel then a new Fallout game made with the original Fallout's game engine would make them just as happy, if not moreso, than anything Bethesda might release.
Err what's it matter how many people still log on to a fan site? Fan sites even at their peak only reflect a small percentage of the numbers of people playing a game. And for such an old game the Fallout community is still larger and more active than more recent games. As for being new and refreshing, it's possible to update the basic principles of the game without chucking the baby out with the bath water. Again you ignore my question what do you actually like about Fallout because all you ever post is what's wrong with it and what you want to change.
PaladinHeart wrote:Morrowind had pretty decent gameplay. It mostly suffered from lack of gameplay balance. It's tough starting out but once you gain a few levels you can pretty much kill anything. BOO!! Too easy.
Morrowind had dire gameplay, so bad I took it back to the shop and demanded my money back (and it's not often the British do something like that).
PaladinHeart wrote:Yes I thought about it a bit and determined that switching to third person isometric view would be better for combat. Besides the point though I did not mean to imply that I wanted first person real time combat. I was thinking of some sort of active turn based system or something. It would be clunky though and not work well in first person. You can't see the combat zone as well in first person which is very important for a turn based strategy game such as Fallout.
Turn based strategy game? WTF it's a Turn Based RPG!
PaladinHeart wrote:Yes. Consider the part in Fallout 2 where you pull the energy cells out of the vent. In first person not only would you hear the noise but you could also see the vent better from your perspective.

It's more of an aesthetic thing than something I think would function better. I'd like to see the opening of boxes and such and actually seeing the contents rather than a basic inventoryish list (as most games, even first person games, still primitively do to this day). It would be fun to go digging through junk to find useful stuff as well rather than telling your character to do so. Plus there is the issue of character animations for all these things whereas they could actually skimp on this with first person because you wouldn't actually be seeing it anyway. You'd be doing it yourself. Again, an aesthetic idea. Eye candy if you will. Go with complete third person if you don't care anything about improvements to the actual visual qualities in the game. Better yet why don't we just edit Wasteland to make Fallout 3? We don't need eye candy. Save Bethesda the trouble.
So basically you're a graphics whore. What's wrong with the animations? Is there anything you do like about these games? As for seeing what's in containers, or vents can't you use your imagination for once? Actually who want's to look down a boring old vent and seeing the items in containers, Silent Storm did that, it didn't add anything to the game. Not all of us are so anal retentive that we find such miniscule everyday details interesting let alone 'fun'. The usual inventory screens aren't primative but efficient and effective.

Trouble with Eye Candy is that it's all sugar coating and no substance, you'd find the game looked great but that's it. There's nothing wrong with improving the graphics but not at the expense of everything else. Saying that though there's no doubt the graphics will be better, since it's been 8 years since the first one and will be another 2 at least before the next.
PaladinHeart wrote:I said they were different games because you wouldn't want to play Jagged Alliance 2 with just one character. For a single character I'd choose Fallout Tactic's combat system but for a squad game like Jagged Alliance the turn based combat is perfect.

Oh, and every Jagged Alliance game has a "square" system. It's better than clunky hexes but it still confines your path/position to geometric spaces and makes movement from point A to B look weird. Merely aesthetic though and not really worth discussing further.
Many people like to solo JA2, I don't really see the attraction myself since it's squad based and there are so many other solo games but still they like to do it. As for hexes being clunky please back that up, I'd say hexes are more efficient than squares being as they allow for all the directions better which surely must be fudged in a square system. If you've ever played a table top PnP game hexes are a far more playable and to quote PC Zone's article on Fallout in their 'Games that Changed the World' supplement, (reprinted in this months issue.)
PCZone wrote:"We were trying to make a very paper and pencil type of RPG. We didn't avoid the previous computer RPGs, but we spent a lot of time trying to get that tabletop RPG experience into a computer game." recalls Chris Taylor, the second lead designer.
PaladinHeart wrote:Not having control of your party members gives me a sortof hack n slash RPG feeling. Like playing as a necromancer with minions as in Diablo. You equip them and tweak them as best you can and hope they'll be useful in combat. Only strategic in the preparation.
Not being able to control them gives me an RPG feeling, I don't even want to be able to equip them, as for how useful they are in combat I don't care, I just hope I save before I get shot in the back. :)
PaladinHeart wrote:What is so wrong with that idea? If I'm not mistaken I believe you could do something similar in Jagged Alliance 2 (a game which you seem to like) and yet you've attacked the idea as though it's outrageous?
You can already end combat at your own risk in Fallout, and usually if there's no immediate threat it'll end straight away anyway. What more do you need.
PaladinHeart wrote:IAs for Fallout 1 there were a few encounters that took a while to play out. The only one I remember minding in particular was the encounter in the Super Mutants' bunker. That's merely optional though since you can get by without visiting that floor.

My suggestion is still good though for when you're going through a cave full of rats and would like to go ahead and take them all out without starting combat for each individual rat.

Again, not that importand and more of an aesthetic improvement to the system. You can shut up about it now as I'm not discussing it further since that's all it is and, as such, not important in the overall design of the game.
Bloody hell, how much actual time does it cost to start combat? If you thought any of the combat went on for too long I surprised you play any TB games.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:01 pm
by PaladinHeart
I like the Fallout setting (survival in a hostile world, the unique style, etc..) and that it's an RPG. It's grimy, dark setting appeals to me (unlike Fallout 2's which seems so much more campy). None of the sequels have kept this intact. Even though I love the Fallout Tactics game engine it's not Fallout. It's a completely different game and the setting seems all wrong.

Even though they both use the same gameplay, perspective, etc.. I much preferred the original Diablo over Diablo 2. While D2 had some considerable improvements I'll always prefer the original because it seemed so much darker and more hostile. I felt I should mention that because even if you get a Fallout 3 that uses the same gameplay as the original it might not be what you want. If even he look is done all wrong then you throw the feel of the game completely off.

I mention things I want to change because in no way is Fallout a perfect game. There is no perfect game. The day we have the perfect game is the day that we don't ever need another one.
Turn based strategy game? WTF it's a Turn Based RPG!
Good someone finally mentioned that. While Fallout is a turn based RPG it is in essence an RPG. Therefore I won't mind if it's turn based or not. It will still be a Fallout RPG to me.

I could see you complaining about what I've said about the graphics and stuff if Bethesda hadn't already said they were going to use Oblivion's engine to develop Fallout 3. They already have the graphics engine. They already have the ability to do a lot of the things I've mentioned with this engine. All the have to do is simply make the third person combat and design the new monsters, people, etc... and all that other stuff. As long as they don't rush it then it's going to be a great game. Putting in features that are going to be present in Oblivion is no problem at all and would only improve the game. In tabletop RPG's do you always use your characters to show where you're moving even outside of combat? No? You usually use your imagination and such for exploration right? I could care less what perspective the exploration takes place in. Though if it looks like wasteland I will probably gag and return the game.

I'd just like to see and explore the Fallout world from a first person perspective. What is so wrong with that? If you reject the idea then you're rejecting the idea of playing a tabletop RPG without using a character representation to show where you are at all times. And you say I have no imagination.... I have enough imagination to see a Fallout in first person perspective that can switch to third person for turn based combat. Which most of you fail to see and apparently also have no faith in technology, Bethesda, or even any faith in Fallout 3. Rather than wanting something better you want what is called "good enough". Why settle for grass when you can have a salad? We're not cows.

Concerning NPC's, control, combat turns, etc..:

In a real tabletop RPG your allies would be controlled by other players who, hopefully, have at least half a brain. The AI in CRPG's usually gives your NPC party members a very hostile script that tends to favor a suicidal approach. Unrealisitic for both your party members AND the enemy. The only way I could imagine this same behavior in a tabletop RPG is if you have a retarded GM running the show. Anyway, hopefully Radiant AI will fix this.

I was siimply saying I wanted the first attack to take place in real time and if you kill the opponent and nobody is around then combat wouldn't start. Or the option to leave combat turned on if you wanted. It wouldn't be an issue if combat didn't take a moment to start while some needless graphic functions (as in Fallout 1 and 2). I know I'm going to get flamed for that but I found it mildly annoying after a while in Fallout 2.

Hmm... maybe I shouldn't have played that Merc 2 mod. :crazy: I guess it goes to show that Fallout isn't about the combat. It's about the story and quests and overcoming obstacles.

Meh. Don't mind me. I just recently started a new Fallout 2 game is all and my character can't fight very well yet and is already at Vault City. Imagine having to let Sulik do all your dirty work up till that point. :bored:

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:23 pm
by St. Toxic
Arcanum in rt? Why, I completely missed out on that option.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:30 pm
by PaladinHeart
St. Toxic wrote:Arcanum in rt? Why, I completely missed out on that option.
Aonaran wrote:... people who purposely misinterpret your posts so that they don't have to consider the possibility you might have a point.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:33 pm
by St. Toxic
VasikkA wrote:Real time combat in RPGs usually tend to become messy and too fast paced if there's more than 2 enemies on the screen. Usually you just repeatedly click your mouse buttons at random enemies. I could come up with more examples, but from the top of my head I give you Arcanum and Diablo, just to mention a few real-time isometric games.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:45 pm
by PaladinHeart
Nobody's mentioned Fable yet.

Real time actually works okay in third person view for an RPG if it's based on a turn based system such as Fallout Tactics.

Of course melee characters are at a loss in real time so that is why I changed my mind and decided on third person turn based combat and first person exploration.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:56 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
PaladinHeart wrote:I like the Fallout setting (survival in a hostile world, the unique style, etc..) and that it's an RPG. It's grimy, dark setting appeals to me (unlike Fallout 2's which seems so much more campy). None of the sequels have kept this intact. Even though I love the Fallout Tactics game engine it's not Fallout. It's a completely different game and the setting seems all wrong.
And as I said earlier, something you obviously didn't bother to read setting just makes for a book not a game. While the setting put Fallout over the line from just being a mad max rip off, it was the combination of elements that made it such a great game.
PaladinHeart wrote:Even though they both use the same gameplay, perspective, etc.. I much preferred the original Diablo over Diablo 2. While D2 had some considerable improvements I'll always prefer the original because it seemed so much darker and more hostile. I felt I should mention that because even if you get a Fallout 3 that uses the same gameplay as the original it might not be what you want. If even he look is done all wrong then you throw the feel of the game completely off.
Yes and the look of Fallout is as much the isometric view as it is the gritty graphics. Changing the view would change the atmosphere just as much as setting it in a different mileau would.
PaladinHeart wrote:I mention things I want to change because in no way is Fallout a perfect game. There is no perfect game. The day we have the perfect game is the day that we don't ever need another one.
No it's not perfect and everything has room for improvement, but improvement doesn't mean radically changing the game into something else. If you want so many changes find another game to play.
PaladinHeart wrote:Good someone finally mentioned that. While Fallout is a turn based RPG it is in essence an RPG. Therefore I won't mind if it's turn based or not. It will still be a Fallout RPG to me.
What the flying fuck are you fucking talking about. We've been telling you it's a fucking RPG for the last fucking 4 pages you fucking moron. Yet you seem fucking obessed with the fucking combat and fucking leveling your fucking recruits that you can't get it through your fucking tiny fucking mind that your fucking changes will fuck up the fucking game atmosphere and fucking gameplay that it won't be fucking reconisable as a fucking Fallout game. And fucking real time fucking RPGs aren't really fucking RPGs because they fucking rely on your fucking abilities and fucking reflexes and not your fucking characters fucking abilities and fucking reflexes. How the fuck can I role play a fucking vampire when I've got to fight using my fucked up nearly fucking 40 year old fucking reflexes, instead of my fucking vampire character's fucking superhuman fucking powers? If it's not fucking TB it won't be a fucking RPG and it won't be a fucking Fallout game.

Fuck it.
PaladinHeart wrote:I could see you complaining about what I've said about the graphics and stuff if Bethesda hadn't already said they were going to use Oblivion's engine to develop Fallout 3. They already have the graphics engine. They already have the ability to do a lot of the things I've mentioned with this engine. All the have to do is simply make the third person combat and design the new monsters, people, etc... and all that other stuff. As long as they don't rush it then it's going to be a great game. Putting in features that are going to be present in Oblivion is no problem at all and would only improve the game. In tabletop RPG's do you always use your characters to show where you're moving even outside of combat? No? You usually use your imagination and such for exploration right? I could care less what perspective the exploration takes place in. Though if it looks like wasteland I will probably gag and return the game.
As it's been pointed out to you just because it'll use the same engine doesn't mean that engine has to be utilized in the same way, and yes when I move my character up a corridor I move the minature up the corridor. That's the point of having them, it helps everyone keep track of where they are.
PaladinHeart wrote:I'd just like to see and explore the Fallout world from a first person perspective. What is so wrong with that? If you reject the idea then you're rejecting the idea of playing a tabletop RPG without using a character representation to show where you are at all times. And you say I have no imagination.... I have enough imagination to see a Fallout in first person perspective that can switch to third person for turn based combat. Which most of you fail to see and apparently also have no faith in technology, Bethesda, or even any faith in Fallout 3. Rather than wanting something better you want what is called "good enough". Why settle for grass when you can have a salad? We're not cows.
And I have the imagination to see how bad that would be, the first person view is boring overused and requires twice as much work for the designers if they did change views for combat.
PaladinHeart wrote:Concerning NPC's, control, combat turns, etc..:

In a real tabletop RPG your allies would be controlled by other players who, hopefully, have at least half a brain. The AI in CRPG's usually gives your NPC party members a very hostile script that tends to favor a suicidal approach. Unrealisitic for both your party members AND the enemy. The only way I could imagine this same behavior in a tabletop RPG is if you have a retarded GM running the show. Anyway, hopefully Radiant AI will fix this.
So better scripting is required, people have been saying that about the ai in all games since the term was invented, still mediocre scripting is still preferable to controlling everyone yourself. Very first time I played Dungeons and Dragons I sent my character chasing after a goblin, and fell down a pit trap and died, my group went ah why didn't you call for help? It didn't occur to me at the time, so the NPCs doing stupid and suicidal things is true to PnP gaming as far as I'm concerned, we all make mistakes from time to time.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:33 pm
by Mismatch
So better scripting is required, people have been saying that about the ai in all games since the term was invented, still mediocre scripting is still preferable to controlling everyone yourself. Very first time I played Dungeons and Dragons I sent my character chasing after a goblin, and fell down a pit trap and died, my group went ah why didn't you call for help? It didn't occur to me at the time, so the NPCs doing stupid and suicidal things is true to PnP gaming as far as I'm concerned, we all make mistakes from time to time.
better AI isn't that hard to accomplish, the problem is that devs tend to put the effort into eyecandy and such. Not to mention the computation issues.
In turnbased, you dont really need to worry about hogging the cpu a tad longer, its okay to calculate.

About the suicidal tendencies. Its rather easy to avoid. Say we have an agent who goes for least possible loss.
Faced with a choice: stand and burst with a 75% chance of wouding a foe for X damage and with a 80% chance to get hit the next turn, should he use burst.
If he, however uses single shot he can get into cover, which would be the least possible loss since he cant get shot. (I wont do any calculations, but I do think the essence is rather obvious).
So, this character would go for the treebranch with the least possible loss.
Offcourse the calculation would also consider the possible childnodes of his choice to a certain depth.

And, add some uncertainity.
Say this fella has 25% chance each turn to choose maximum possible gain instead of least possible loss, and suddenly we have a rather hard to predict behaviour.
Its all about how you traverse your descision tree.
And, as said, in turnbased you can afford it.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:29 pm
by St. Toxic
St. Toxic wrote:2)You quickly find out who's the burst hazard, and give him a non burst weapon.

.)If its an annoying fuckhead, you plant him with explosives and tell him to run towards the enemy.

8)If your 'buddy' won't follow suit, kick his ass around a bit in mele, let him know who's the boss.

One thing I'd like to see; boozers, junkies, gamblers and renegades.
You walk into a town that has a bar, the boozer says "Hey, if you need me, I'll be at the bar." "Nah man, I ain't goin' another step until I get a drink."

[fake EDIT: Might get into a few brawls, lower your CH in conversations ( you don't exactly impress anyone with a drunk at your side, some people CH+ perhaps ?), maybe some speciality as well, like less downside of being wasted and medium downside on being sober? + Double the stat up from alcohole. ]

Walk past a drug dealer, junkie scatters off to resupply; but what if he's out of cash? You know how it itches. Maybe... knock the dealer out and grab the jet? Why wouldn't he?

[fake EDIT: He's addicted and he might cost you money, but instead of just stats penalty I think it should have an impact on behaviour. Peachy when high, complete bastard when not. Chances are he'll freak out at the wrong time and place, start a fight when he shouldn't, run away when you need him the most, etc. On the other hand, well, maybe X2 the effects of drugs? Drugs last longer, recovery-time unlimited. Things like that? Make up your own then. ]

Gamblers, same thing here. Don't want them near a slot-machine. On the other hand, what if they take the jackpot? Might afford a new ray-gun on that one.

[fake EDIT: Again, conversation booster. Have him by your side when bluffing, you'll get empathy for free, and maybe a slight %boost to speech. On the other hand, the guy might turn out to be a thievin' bastard, and once in a while, a bit of cash goes missing.]

Renegades, I'm thinking, simply scatter off. "I got some business on in this town." Maybe get themselves some equipment on their own? Cash in an old loan? Look up an old friend? Do whatever the hell they want. Might be a bit shit, if he's missing in the time of need, but at least you don't have to babysit em'.

[fake EDIT: Not much to say. Reacts on his own, which is both good and bad. Initial turn in combat, and all that kind of jazz, bonus PE etc. Can break out of conversations ( between you and npcs ) and start a fight, if he finds something insulting or whatever. Alot of quick mouths in the wasteland, y'dig? ]

I'm not saying you'll be left teamless every time you're in a place of interest, it should be somewhat controlled. Like "No, look. You CAN'T piss off right now. Back in line, buddy." and stuff like that ( adding to their frustration with you ), but man would this rock. I'm pretty ok with them taking bits and pieces of loot as well, that there is one shiny gun, why wouldn't the gun-guy take it? They shouldn't give up loot ( in trade ) that easy either, not with all things ofcourse, but if they find something they like, I guess you'll have to barter in team as well. Its survival.

EDIT: Oh yeah, simple, obvious detail - A button that says "Piss off. We'll catch up at this spot at X o-clock." so you can just get rid of weight whenever you want, and have it back whenever you need it. No standing around either, they do their shit, you do yours. Would be pretty awesome to say "Lets split, I'm going to Jugend-City, meet me there in X days", or just mark out a place on the map. When you get to Jugend-City, guy's been waiting for you several days now, and most of the town knows him, and has their own thoughts about him. Maybe he's in jail or DEAD, or maybe he's their hero for some reason.
I'd pay to see that sort of thing.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:52 pm
by VasikkA
PaladinHeart wrote:Even though they both use the same gameplay, perspective, etc.. I much preferred the original Diablo over Diablo 2. While D2 had some considerable improvements I'll always prefer the original because it seemed so much darker and more hostile. I felt I should mention that because even if you get a Fallout 3 that uses the same gameplay as the original it might not be what you want. If even he look is done all wrong then you throw the feel of the game completely off.
Well, they went for something new in Fallout Tactics and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. How did that work out? Does financial loss and pissing off the fans give you a hint, perhaps?

Changing the view to first person would not only significantly change the core of original Fallouts, but also move it to a whole new market. Marketing folks at BethSoft probably drool on this possibility, but it would also inevitably make Fallout 3 to compete with other first person titles, like FPSs and other first person RPGs. It would make Fallout like any other RPG only difference being the post-apocalyptic setting.

The unique setting is not the only element that makes Fallout an extraordinary game. I consider turn-based combat and the fact that you can actually play a role, not just do a bunch of quests to eventually save the world, equally as important. This is what differs Fallout from other RPGs, but is it a bad thing? How's that for a marketing possibility?
I mention things I want to change because in no way is Fallout a perfect game. There is no perfect game. The day we have the perfect game is the day that we don't ever need another one.
No one in this thread has said Fallout is perfect. You came up with a suggestion and some people disagreed with it. Does that somehow indicate we would be perfectly satisfied with a new story made with an 8 year old engine?

If you'd read some of the old threads, you'd notice people actually have come up with good suggestions. Too bad they often are forgotten.
I could see you complaining about what I've said about the graphics and stuff if Bethesda hadn't already said they were going to use Oblivion's engine to develop Fallout 3. They already have the graphics engine. They already have the ability to do a lot of the things I've mentioned with this engine. All the have to do is simply make the third person combat and design the new monsters, people, etc... and all that other stuff.

Do you really have the knowledge of what Oblivion engine is capable of; how adaptable and versatile it is, can it manage turn-based combat or isometric view etc? Show me. Until then, you're speculating.
As long as they don't rush it then it's going to be a great game. Putting in features that are going to be present in Oblivion is no problem at all and would only improve the game.
It seems your definition of a good game is based on the engine running it. Grapchical improvements, sure, but in case you haven't noticed we aren't discussing about textures and polygons and lens flare in this thread. You can improve the graphics of an isometric game too.

Morrowind had pretty graphics, a decent engine, but the same can't be said about the gameworld, NPC, story and quest design. Bethsoft have a lot to prove with Oblivion and it seems they are already having problems achieving the quality level they had planned.
third person
Just for clarification, do you mean third person as in 'isometric'(the view in Fallout, Baldur's Gate) or as in 'behind the characters back'(GTA3, Tomb Raider) aka 'butt camera'?
I'd just like to see and explore the Fallout world from a first person perspective. What is so wrong with that? If you reject the idea then you're rejecting the idea of playing a tabletop RPG without using a character representation to show where you are at all times. And you say I have no imagination.... I have enough imagination to see a Fallout in first person perspective that can switch to third person for turn based combat. Which most of you fail to see and apparently also have no faith in technology, Bethesda, or even any faith in Fallout 3.
Yeah, I've yet to see a positive Fallout fan after three cancellations and two fucked up Fallout spinoffs.

We've been put up with a lot of shit in the past, it's time we get a real Fallout.
Rather than wanting something better you want what is called "good enough". Why settle for grass when you can have a salad? We're not cows.
So far you've offered us a steamy pile of cow dung.

Of course I want improvements. For example, the combat in Fallout could feature more tactical elements, but I fail to see how a change of perspective or going real-time would somehow make it any better.
In a real tabletop RPG your allies would be controlled by other players who, hopefully, have at least half a brain. The AI in CRPG's usually gives your NPC party members a very hostile script that tends to favor a suicidal approach. Unrealisitic for both your party members AND the enemy. The only way I could imagine this same behavior in a tabletop RPG is if you have a retarded GM running the show. Anyway, hopefully Radiant AI will fix this.
Good, finally you realize that this is an AI issue, not a group control issue.
I guess it goes to show that Fallout isn't about the combat. It's about the story and quests and overcoming obstacles.
However, combat plays an important role in RPGs for practical reasons(gaining exp) and that you'd have something to do besides doing quests. Therefore it should be done well. In Fallout, the turn-based combat was an important factor in what made the game a success. I want combat to be as enjoyable, if not even better, in Fallout 3.
Real time actually works okay in third person view for an RPG if it's based on a turn based system such as Fallout Tactics.
I'd like to ask you a very intimate question, just for curiosity. Which one did you enjoy more: the combat in Fallout(everything else aside, just combat) or the combat in Fallout: Tactics(nothing else aside, just combat)?

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:42 pm
by PaladinHeart
requiem_for_a_starfury wrote:Fuck it.
Since that seems to be the majority of what you and the others are saying I didn't read beyond. You win.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 1:54 pm
by VasikkA

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 2:02 pm
by Mismatch
once again we have fought the forces of evil and won. Well done autobots.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 9:33 pm
by Kahgan
what an amazingly huge amount of useless crap :chew:

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:46 am
by Geno
I didn't read the quarter of it... But would you want an isometric view like the Troika preview?

Also, would you like it if the camera was somewhat like in Neverwinter Nights? It's also a game with one controllable character and all.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:55 am
by requiem_for_a_starfury
I've not seen either so I can't comment, but I ask you what's wrong with the current perspective? There's no reason they can't keep Fallout's viewpoint and still update the graphics.

If it ain't broke...

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 3:08 am
by Geno
That's what I was saying with the Troika thingy. I have the video. It was made before they died to attract publishers. But because of their previous games, they failed.

Also, I like NN style somewhat...

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:22 pm
by SeanyD
I totally agree with starfury 100 percent, if the game aint broken, dont bloody fix it!

I rememmber when i played through Baldurs Gate 1 & 2, loving the details of the game world (yes i know the game wasent perfect, but talking from a graphical point of view). You could tell the guys who made those games put a lot of attention into making the game world visually pleasing. Then the dreaded NWN came out, what the fuck were they thinking!!?

Man 1 : ''hmmm, dont you think we should get with the times, i mean everyones going to 3D now, so lets follow them like sheep and make a half assed game out of our previous classics which were perfect the way they were (graphicly).

Man 2 : .............. *obviously drugged or something by Man 1 as he somehow ends up agreeing with the above statement*

When you turn a game such as fallout or Baldurs Gate into something 3D, you wont get half the detail as you would get in a fixed camera due to having to spend so much more time texturing every single piece of the 3D world and not being able to put all your effort onto a single view. Allthough saying that i still think NWN could have been much better graphicly then the crap they came up with. *pukes up from bad memmorys and dies*


Apologies for my shockingy crud GRAMMAR.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:57 pm
by Kahgan
it should be shockingly and crude

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 3:37 pm
by VasikkA
I think the Infinite Engine games still look prettier than NWN or Dungeon Siege. I was surprised of the amount of details the first time I played Baldur's Gate. From lively and colorful forests to gloomy dungeons... some areas were jaw-dropping. It almost felt like you were playing on a painting. There are basically no restrictions when designing environments making them more atmospheric than tile and object based maps.

Fallout wasn't an aesthetic masterpiece, but the excellent music made it a very atmospheric game.