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Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2002 9:38 pm
by Flamescreen
Napoleon wrote: (tell me honestly you never got stuck not knowing what to do at all) .
*Scratches head*
Yes I can relate to that. Perhaps it was caused by too many paths provided though, which on its own could be considered a fault.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2002 11:37 pm
by DarkAvatar
No, sorry its for the mac, escape velocity was a freelance space game, where you could rule whole star systems and planets. :mrgreen: . And I only played that Mac game because there was nothing else to do in South Dakota, my friend had a Mac


Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2002 11:39 pm
by DarkAvatar
You spelled it corps, its spelled corpse, just thought I'd let you know, sinse it is your signature.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 3:11 am
by Zila
its been a boring day at work and i've filled the time thinking about Fallout and Fallout 2 so please excuse me posting again in here.
Some of these ideas have already been mention but i'll give you my thoughts on changes to Fallout2

1: Suliks Sister. Throughout the damn he keeps moaning about trying to find his sister, but you never do. I understand its a plotline/quest that was never finished implemented. Well first things first stick that back in. Could be a lot of fun to be had there. Maybe Sulik finds his sister and she's dead, I'd love to see him go totally postal on the one responsible for her death. Or maybe he DOES find her, only for the player to find out that the bone in his nose AIN'T Grampy bone, and its the bone of one of their dogs or something. All this time you've been getting advice from a long departed cainine.

2: The Den. Yeah I know theres problems with revisiting old locations, due to end games from the previous Fallout, but out of all the locations the Den strikes me as one that wouldn't change too much. Sure the major players will have died off but there is always young blood ready to take over the local crime scene, or the thieves guild...

3: Vault City. Oh i would SOooooooo change this place. When I played Fallout 2 I found it just an annoying place, reminiscent (sp?) of the EU all red tape and beaucratic bullshit. Which is was suppose to be I guess. But I would of like to have seen it as a real armoured Garrison town. Huge walls, Gun turrets (yeah they were there but they'd let anyone wander about) Really strick and regimented. Letting the unwashed uncultured slaves wander about? No way. Either chained up and under supervision or locked up out of sight. After all that time locked up in the vault and their unwillingness to try and intergrate with society should of borne a paranonia and fear of the outside world and the danger it presented to the inhabitants of the vault. I wanted guard patrols, shoot on sight inforced curfews. And out side the wastes of humanity clustering around in a ramshackled shanty town affair desperate for the crumbs.

4: Myrons Origins. Maybe it was brought up in the game, but I obviously missed it. Where exactly did he come from? he's a bit too bright compaired to most. Also he has the pasty white complection of someone whos spent along time underground... thrown out of a vault maybe?

5: I'd also like to hear a few alternate versions of the Vault Dweller story.
When its mentioned, you obviously refer to him/her as the founder of your people etc. But other places and people that have heard of him might have very different stories to tell, of maybe how he came throw their town with death following in his/her shadow. It would reflect the different ways people played the game, after all after Fallout 1 finishes the Vault Dweller must of travelled about a fair bit. How do we know what they got up to? and even a heroic story could be changed over 80 years into one of terrible deeds...

6: Broken Hills. Uranium mine/refinery and treasure hunter... so much more could of been made of both of these.

Anyways thats enough from me. Sorry it was so long but its reflective of how dull my day has been :)

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 4:59 pm
by Flamescreen
Thinking of it a bit more, I think I would drop some of the new stuff, like the infinite variations of leather jacket.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 10:50 pm
by Slider
DarkAvatar wrote:No, sorry its for the mac, escape velocity was a freelance space game, where you could rule whole star systems and planets. :mrgreen: . And I only played that Mac game because there was nothing else to do in South Dakota, my friend had a Mac
I always played for the Confederation, I just loved the Confed Cruiser. I was hooked on EV for about two years with all the mods and campaigns. :D It is my fav Mac game but alas I don't have a Mac anymore so I can't play the new EV that is out.

As for FO2, I really didn't like the way that the APA looked.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 12:02 am
by bloodbathmaster2
1)First off, I would eliminate the NCR.

2)Vault city would be a lot more helpless, with less tech, and fewer guards/ turrets.

3)Get rid of most of the humor.

4)Add more of Frank Horrigan (like they were sopposed to!)

5)Make more triabl villages.

5)Make San Fran more post-apocalyptic.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 8:32 pm
by Roman
I liked Fallout 2 like it was, I'd like it to have more hidden stuff & more areas to explore.

I wish there was a "abandoned museum" like in the book "The Time Machine", where you could see all the technology from the old days & how it evolved or devolved into it's current state.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 11:38 pm
by Kashluk
Moooreeee.... Faaaallooouuuut!!!!

Simply put:


Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 12:06 am
by Flamescreen
Isn't that from the old DAC artwork page?
I hope they keep this for the new site...

Things I'd change

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 1:11 am
by Gehenna
1: Definately make it so that you can find Sulik's sister. Maybe even get her as a party member.

2: The enclave sucked. Where did they get their food? Soylent green? On an oil rig? They would have died of starvation and infighting long before becoming a threat. I think I'd replace them with something similar to Sleeper Base in Wasteland. No capturing, just wholesale slaughter.

3: I would definately have added in more things you could do with the Rangers.

4: I would have made it a point to include all of the old cities on the map, and to have them affected by your FO1 actions.

5: The car was cool and all, but motorcycles are the way to go. Really, who wouldn't have torn your trunk open with a crowbar and taken your loot at the first opportunity?

6: We're on the west coast, right? I would have had to include Disneyland, or a close parody thereof. Ol' Walt was doing some pretty whacked out stuff there near the end of his life. Cryogenics, advanced computers.... And you know you'd love to go on a killing spree in Disney land.

7: WTF happened to all the latino folks? There should definately have been more latino slang in the game, along with a few hardcore catholic communities.

So, let's take the ingredients and mix them up. We get something like this:

Sleeper base was created to keep the US military presence intact in the event of a nuclear war, as an alternative to the vaults. It was a self-sufficient complex, that would create killer robots to subjugate all things un-american. For some reason or other, it was never activated, and has lain dormant for many decades.

Enter D-land. An intelligent supercomputer had been constructed long ago, being completed about 5 years before the war. Then the nuclear missiles fell, but the computer survived. Shocked and alone, unable to move anywhere, it reaches out for company the only way it knows how. It taps into the US Military's network and comes into contact with sleeper base. It activates Sleeper Base, and is immediately rewarded by coming into contact with the Sleeper AI. Both computers chat, and decide to work together.

However, D-land's computer obeys the Asimov laws, and after working together a while, they part ways. This introduces a dichotomy. Now we have androids intent on helping society rebuild itself, and death machines intent on destroying all things un-american. In the world of FO, EVERYTHING is unamerican.

We've got the catholic faction to the south, and they are currently at war with the death machines. However, you can't find Sleeper base without the data of Disney's computer.

This would comprise the main quest. The side quests(Jet, mines, uranium, racism, etc.) would remain unchanged.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 2:50 am
by Zila
I wanna go to Disney Land!
Okay so you couldnt *Call* its Disney land because of legal stuff, but an Amusment park? how messed up and strange would that be...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 11:12 am
by Slider
The oil rig was bigger than the part that the player gets to see. Just like every other location you go to the important locations and the rest is left to the imagination. As for the food maybe they had a couple of greenhouses.

And yeah where are all the latinos, I have been misrepresented by not being represented. :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 6:08 am
by Blarg
I would like it if you could find a worthy spouse, instead of those nigh-useless spouse NPC's in FO2. He/she would be more likely to actually help, less likely to accidentally shoot you, and would try to come to your rescue even if your other NPC's dumped you. You could gain Karma and perhaps extra XP for protecting him/her. You lose Karma(perhaps gaining the Adulterer trait) if you are unfaithful. The Married trait could give you a reaction bonus with other stable family types. All sorts of annoying subquests such as kidnapping become possible as well.

Since this is the "retro-future", perhaps you could find a jetpack, a flying car, ray guns(not lasers, ray guns) with more fins and chrome than an Edsel, and transparent above-ground transport tubes to mysterious destinations.

I like the idea of finding a "boneyard" of abandoned military vehicles or aircraft, and having to scrounge through it for something obscure for a quest. Of course it would not be unoccupied...

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2002 9:29 pm
by Viktor
Dump all the 'real' world weapons....they got the details wrong anyhow!

Lose the whole New Reno 'porno' thing....

Lose all the 'uber-weapons' - miniguns/high power energy weapons etc!

Improve NPC combat AI - I'm tired of Sulik and Marcus shooting me!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2002 9:46 pm
by Kashluk
Viktor wrote: Improve NPC combat AI - I'm tired of Sulik and Marcus shooting me!!!
Never had a real repeative problem like that... Just that the NPC's tend to kill EACH OTHER, but nothing to worry about.

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2002 10:26 pm
by Viktor
Kashluk wrote:
Viktor wrote: Improve NPC combat AI - I'm tired of Sulik and Marcus shooting me!!!
Never had a real repeative problem like that... Just that the NPC's tend to kill EACH OTHER, but nothing to worry about.

Don't ever set their combat options to 'Stay close to me'!!! Marcus is a big fan of minigun 'spray & pray'......poor Cassidy gets most of it, but my arse usually catches some lead too!!

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2002 11:24 pm
by Kashluk
I allways keep 'em close :D


Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2002 8:06 pm
by Jimbo san
:twisted: Just fuckin' lead 'em out into the desert, take their stuff, and then kill them. That's all I ever do. They just make situations worse. The most mercy I ever showed was just leaving Vic blinded in the desert and not finishing him off. Fear me.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2002 9:42 pm
by Kashluk
That ain't mercy, that's TORTURE!