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Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 11:23 pm
by Dogmeatlives
Dreadnought wrote:Sooooooooo.... Are there like really Aliens or was that a joke? Coz, not that I want to watch this shit anyway, I am slightly about to piss myself if it's true.
it's truth, the skulls belong to aliens or something.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 11:36 pm
by Dreadnought
Oh for fuck's sake...

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 12:56 am
by Smiley
Some funny one liners, a few good fight scenes and a small bit of dry wit.

Story sucked major balls, lots of congruity errors, too many unanswered questions...

This might have been a worthy movie 20 years ago..

As for Indy being too old?
No. He was just fine.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:31 am
Ford looked pretty good but he has definitely aged and I think that could have definitely played into the jones character a bit maybe("Im too old for this shit"). I found the story on par with the other 3 but everything in between just didn't flow as well as it could have. There were parts where they would have a minor scene or something and then go to a map and see them flying across the world with the scene feeling too unfinished. Also I wasn't too keen on them saying how Jones was a war hero and stuff, I wouldn't have imagined him to be drafted as a soldier but I guess they wanted to add some new back story to him.

Smiley, Please don't say how a movie would be worthy 20 years ago because movies haven't evolved that much.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 5:38 am
by Dogmeatlives
How can you say movies haven't evolved that much? Take Iron Man for example. If you had shown that movie to viewers in the eighties, their eyes would have blown up.

I completely believe that movies have evolved, morphed, whatever exponentially. There are inferences that can be made now that never would have been connected even ten years ago.

There are still the same demographics and they are pretty much the same, but alot has changed. For instance, Americans don't buy the same pro-American rhetoric films like they did in the eighties. We are more aware, I think, or maybe not. Maybe it's just that our tastes have changed.

I wonder if film changes with us or is it the other way around? Have movies been pushing us all along to accept more radical beliefs? It's the nature of the artist to be radical and experimental, and films are made by an army of artists. :lalala:

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 5:50 am
by Redeye
Dogmeatlives wrote:... For instance, Americans don't buy the same pro-American rhetoric films like they did in the eighties. We are more aware, I think, or maybe not. ...

They made Indiana Jones a War Hero.

The rhetoric is replaced by more mundane social signaling.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 6:03 am
by cazsim83
The aliens were par for Indiana movies - I didn't mind that.

2 parts I hated - the refrigerator / atom bomb thing - that was retarded.

The entire "inter-dimensional" thing - *very* meh/WTF

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 6:38 am
by Dogmeatlives
cazsim83 wrote:The aliens were par for Indiana movies - I didn't mind that.

2 parts I hated - the refrigerator / atom bomb thing - that was retarded.

The entire "inter-dimensional" thing - *very* meh/WTF
there is more than one dimension to this... thing??? my god.... :crazy:

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:52 am
by Edward_R_Murrow
Thar be spoilers from here on in....

I give it a resounding meh. It wasn't awful, but I most certainly wouldn't want to watch it again. It's a generic summer blockbuster that's shallow and depthless, and even though the previous ones were, this newer installment doesn't have the feel of the older ones.

One of the key things was that, like the Temple of Doom, it didn't know if it wanted to be a family movie or a more "mature" flick. Just like in The Temple of Doom where you had ridiculous scenes like the little asian kid beating up 200 pound men juxtaposed with stuff like heart-ripping and a much less idealistic Jones in the new one you have Shit LeDouche channeling Tarzan and leading a group of monkeys to attack the Soviets and resulting in a monkey being chucked off a cliff, but just catching a branch so everyone knows that monkey is okay right before a bunch of Soviets get devoured surprisingly gruesomely by ants. It kinda makes the movie seem really disjointed.

This disjointed bullshit comes in elsewhere too. Indy is constantly shown as "old" and references the fact but performs feats even more superhuman than anything he used to. Grail powah? He also seems to switch between the player he used to be and family values man as well from time to time.

And the aliens were kind of dumb. Everything in the previous movies was "popular magic", whether it be Judeo-Christian mythology or voodoo type of stuff. Here, they threw in way too much technobabble and tried to explain things too much. Aliens and sci-fi stuff really doesn't fit into Indiana Jones though.

The characters seemed really thrown on as well. Whats-her-face was kind of there, Shit LeDouche was just annoying, Swap-Sides Guy was just stupid, and senile guy was senile. They also seemed to drastically change personality throughout the movie and often pull out random character traits "just in time".

And what the fuck was with blowdart kid in the conquistador's tomb scene? He just shows up, shoots some darts, gets killed, and that's it. What the fuck?

It was sort of entertaining, but it didn't have the same feel as the old ones. It seems like it was trying way too damn hard. Oh well...the deluge of good superhero flicks this summer should be good between Hellboy, Dark Knight, and a Hulk movie that doesn't consist of 30 minutes of "HULK SMASH" and 3 hours of "Hulk cry..."

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:07 am
by Smiley
POOPERSCOOPER wrote:Smiley, Please don't say how a movie would be worthy 20 years ago because movies haven't evolved that much.
You're right, they haven't. In fact most movies have degenerated into what I described; all based around one-liners, action scenes and milking brands.

Movies have always been about effects to some degree, but never at a loss to the rest of the movie, like the story or setting.

And they overdid it a lot in this one, especially at the end with the saucer comming up and rocks flying everywhere...
"Look what we can do, woooo..."

In the end, I was entertained by those small memorable scenes, and annoyed by the story and the "pretending" grand ones..

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 12:41 pm
by rabidpeanut
How does that little fucker swing from vines so fucking well?



Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 2:35 pm
by Dogmeatlives
rabidpeanut wrote:How does that little fucker swing from vines so fucking well?


Jews are born with an innate sense of swinging, whether it be from ropes, vines, or a negroes weiner.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 5:31 pm
Area 51 the most crapest military base in the world!!

A damn commie and his 20 mates managed to get through the front gate start a massive gun fight and still get away with a stupid "magnetic" alien.

UFO at the end was just silly not really in the spirit of indiana jones.

And where was the the hottie... instead we got some old bag past the sell by date and little OH SHIT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!111!1111oneone greaser.

the only good thing about this film was the bloke with Teretz behind me, shouting randomly "sweet" "damn" and "ET, ET"

From now on don't DUCK AND COVER jump in the fridge!!!!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 6:06 pm
by Superhaze
area 51 is a hype.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:28 pm
by Dreadnought
Teretz? I loled. Gave me a good idea. :tourettes:

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:42 pm
by rabidpeanut
I totally got probed last time i went there...

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:08 am
by cazsim83
so I took my brother to see it today - my 2nd time - the only real saving grace was I had like a pinched nerve or something in my leg so it was damned uncomfortable the whole time, taking much of my attention off of the yawn-inducing movie. I actually started to fall asleep after the ant scene this time.
Edward summed it up pretty well - I had finally put my finger on it after I watched it again - disjointed, characters were *not* fleshed out very well, and the sci-fi thing was what made it "taste" off the whole time.
Ancient pagan sacrifices w/ 'paranormal' heart-ripping? cool.
Ark of the Covenant that blasts the 'evildoers' for blasphemy/being evil/whatever? Cool.
Jesus' cup at the last supper that supposedly grants eternal life? Okay.
Hell, for number 4 I would've taken Joan of Arc's armor, or Muhammad's (sic?) original Koran, or Attila's helmet, whatever - that's "historical" - really, how long has the current image of "aliens" been around? (oversized cranium, skinny bodies, etc)
*maybe* 60 years? it was pretty damn stupid - and that's why I didnt' like it. It didn't feel right at all.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 9:56 am
by Dreadnought
:tinfoil hat:

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:16 am
by rabidpeanut
You watched the movie at area 51? Which conference room were you in? And if so how much did they probe you?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 6:35 pm
by VasikkA
What a travesty.

Why must that fucking jew Spielberg turn everything into an interstellar cinematic assfuck(despite it was Lucas' idea)? I hope they put a big ass THE END caption right after the nuke scene in the next cut.