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Post by SenisterDenister »

Found an old gem called Severence: Blade of Darkness from 2001, basically Dark Souls but on PC a decade earlier.
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Monocle Affect

Post by Blargh »

Klazomania 5 wrote:true
Strangely, in spite of all that has transpired, I'm inclined to rank that alongside the lamentably fictitious Casey Hudson tweet (that I cannot be bothered to locate at this, or any, time) screen-cap citing ending inspiration derived from this.

This one is real, though (I promise) :


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exemplar of good taste

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and yet it is not entirely awful things


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when in doubt, blame the prothean

Post by Tofu Man »

Priceless. You know, all things considered, this is by far the only possible candidate for Game of the year. Although admittedly, it might take an asterisk or two.

Also, once in a blue moon, a youtube commenter is worthy of applause:
I can't believe how many endings this song has.

So now it all makes sense. :drunk:
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Post by Tofu Man »

Checked out the kickstarter vid for Shadowrun. Orcs and elves aside, looks fakn good fra prospect. But then the man did say "tactical turn-based" at some point. :drunk:
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in the post-cyberpocalypse, there is only mindfuckery.

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Post by SenisterDenister »

Got the new Sins of a Solar Empire game. Preordering it gets access to the closed beta and I've been binging on that since I came home for the weekend to look after the dog. So far only the TEC and the Advent are playable, but the TEC is balanced pretty well and I really like both sides of it. The rebels get a lot of neat offensive toys and being able to ally with pirates and other rebels gets convenient, but the loyalists on the whole are a lot well rounded in terms of dealing with threats.

I think the multiplayer is available but no one on my steam friends list yet owns it as far as I know.

For a beta I think its really fun, but with only two of the three factions in-game yet and the game itself being $40, it would be safe to wait for a few months until they implement everything.

I also get the feeling with the next SOSE game that comes out, they might finally have the games directly interact with the lore of the setting in a campaign or something instead of being just skirmishes over and over. I actually like the lore of these games, but they're never dealt with in the games themselves, which always bothered me.

Nonetheless, this is easily the best SOSE game I've played to date and since its a beta it can only get better with new content being added every updated.
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At a whim, I travelled to Zanzibar. Apparently.

Post by Tofu Man »

Isotope 41E wrote:Vidiot
That was either the stupidest or the most brilliant thing I've ever "played". But please don't post any more of your own games here. For health & safety reasons.
I need me a whisky.

Also- It's like beating a dead horse
and not dying doing it. :duckie:
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Post by Stalagmite »

Jagged Alliance: Back in Action.

It's a bit hard. :)
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rum rum rum and a bottle o' hos

Post by Tofu Man »

This Bulletstorm 2 cancel party just got a bit ridiculous.
"We made a PC version of Bulletstorm, and it didn’t do very well on PC and I think a lot of that was due to piracy. It wasn’t the best PC port ever, sure, but also piracy was a pretty big problem.�
That's the justification. Not that maybe PC people don't want another shit port of yet another short as shit single player console shooter with shit multi, no matter how good the humour was. And I heard it's quite shit.

Stalagmite wrote:Jagged Alliance: Back in Action.

It's a bit hard. :)
Any good? What I read about it sounded quite meh.
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Research options include : NO TROUSERS MK II.

Post by Blargh »

R.I.P Waggleton P. Tallylicker. :salute:

Also, replaying Geralt does Vergen - Witchier Edition. Dark mode is pleasant, though I've yet to reach the dramatically less anemic THIRD ACT.

Just hope you didn't try to patch the fucking thing. :rofl:

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Post by Superhaze »

Stalagmite wrote:Jagged Alliance: Back in Action.

It's a bit hard. :)
If yer planning on trying it you must get the 1.13 patch. Without it there is no area-inventory or militia training.
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Post by Blargh »

So . . . ACT III remains essentially the same -

Plus one new, very short quest (and some <strike>lovely asset recycling</strike> new outdoor maps only if you happen to not have thrown in with Joan of Cardiff and her motley band of height challenged malcontents, though if you do so you then have the opportunity to induce an aneurysm in a golem by way of PURE LOGIC) per path. Maps or golems, maps or golems.

A small handfull of new cutscenes, the combination of which hinges upon the decision of whether or not to pursue a certain sorceress-with-benefits to the exclusion of all other matters.

Some fairly vestigial epilogue slides with some truly wonderful narration courtesy of Dandelion, perhaps the worst voice in the entire game.

About 32 seconds of post credit (which, oh so generously, can be skipped past) YOUR MUM SUCKS DWARF COCK IN HELL 3 teaser by way of the Not-Germany military indulging manifold unpleasantness upon some guileless peasants and their prized hovels.

All in all, it's still abrupt as hell. Also, there remain several ridiculous UI oversights, enduring bugs, a selection of sword and armour schematics for items that are invisible due to improperly assigned or non-existent meshes, and the dice poker is still horrid. It seems Geralt is the only ploddingly honest player in all the north. Oh, and the dark mode exclusive items are as redundant as they are prohibitively expensive as their visual filters are irritating.

Still, 'twas free. And the new intro was impressively executed. :drunk:
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Day Z in Arma 2 Combined Operations. Pretty damn hardcore.
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Post by Tofu Man »

Finally played a bit of Zomboid. So there's 1st person Minceraft, there's 2D side-scrolling Mirenfact, there's isometric Mancrefit. So see you in 5 years <strike> when there's a game attached to it</strike> it's not in Java anymore.
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a post subject coffee preparation and consumption game.

Post by Blargh »

According to seventeen out of twelve dieticians, best experienced while listening to this. :drunk:
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*pelvic thrust*

Post by Tofu Man »

I fancied this instead. The recording session is particularly good although it should've been switched around with the Eurovision "performance". Do it properly and you'll end up behind the U.K. :duckie:
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Post by Manoil »

So. Couple things.

Diablo III is coming out. Don't know what to think of that, though I can't say I entirely care considering I won't be able to purchase it for some time.

Started getting into Minecraft. Using the Metal Gear REX voxel from Red Alert 2 as a blueprint, I'm building REX in my friend's server, although I didn't foresee it being 2:1, making REX's final size easily above the clouds. Several hours and all I accomplished was a leg.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Manoil wrote:Diablo III is coming out. Don't know what to think of that, though I can't say I entirely care considering I won't be able to purchase it for some time.
Thus far - I'm not that impressed. It feels like it should have been a dumb downed facebook game or something and looks about as good. Granted, I only played for a few hours before Blizzard decided to shut down Battlenet for whatever bullshit they do which just goes to prove why I hate this "YOU NEED TO BE CONNECTED AT ALL TIMES," bullshit that PC developers sometimes love. Still. Wasn't that impressed for the moment. The whole time I was playing it, I was thinking, "Why don't I just play something better? Like Diablo II."

Max Payne 3 on the other hand, I'm finding enjoyable.
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