American DaCers and the Tea Party.

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Post by Machiavelli »

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been lurking these past few months but nothing has gotten me riled up enough to post about it.

In this case whenever someone from another country asks about politics here I feel it is my duty to make my stance known. This prevents us (and US) from being viewed as either "Christian Cowboys" who want to take your land, invade your nation and force our views on everyone or as "Atheist Hippies" who want to talk to you while you invade every other nation, redistribute the wealth that you worked hard to make and force our views on everyone (through legislation of course).

While the two aforementioned groups are usually the loudest in this country (especially in the eyes of foreign media not to mention our own) most people fall somewhere in the middle. So Sweden is a mostly socialized state? Good for them. It works for them. It wouldn't work for us. We're too big, opinionated and individualistic. So Saudi Arabia is a theocracy? Good for them. It wouldn't work here. Mostly for all the same reasons.

Me personally, freedom is more valuable than any security. That's just me however. No, the tea party does not have the pull people think it does. Sarah Palin is just the Republican Barak Obama (youngish, good looking and carries rock star status). As for our government, they're too big, powerful and arrogant to say they represent the average American anymore.
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Post by TwinkieGorilla »

Machiavelli wrote:Sarah Palin is just the Republican Barak Obama (youngish, good looking and carries rock star status).
let me clarify something first: i'm neither a liberal nor a conservative, though i do tend to lean more toward the left on most issues. but i am not a politico who believes in either taking sides or "sides" in general. i try to dissect any given situation based on my own established set of ethics and values. i am an atheist but i attempt to not be smug about it, and generally leave religious people alone unless repeatedly provoked. i'm not an Obama fanboy, though he has grown on me and i have an intuitive feeling he, more than our last two presidents, genuinely wants some of the same things i want, even if the way he's going about it seems rigged or mulligan'ed (and no, i'm not so naive as to overlook everybody in the pocket of assholes) and even if i genuinely disagree with both the Republican and Democratic parties.

now...knowing this about me...i'm going to say that your above quote is a little hyperbolic. Sarah Palin represents the vastly under-educated people of America who respond emotionally, naively and religiously to political topics. making the comparison you made is not fair...other than the "young, good looking, rock star" bit. this country certainly suffers from celebrity-worship more than any other country i know of, but having Sarah Palin in office would be like taking your aunt from the suburbs of Iowa, whose knowledge of the world comes from 5th grade text books and Fox news, in the White House. the woman actually recently said "Go back to what our founders and our founding documents meant -- they're quite clear -- that we would create law based on the God of the bible and the ten commandments."


"The rights [to religious freedom] are of the natural rights of mankind, and ... if any act shall be ... passed to repeal [an act granting those rights] or to narrow its operation, such act will be an infringement of natural right" -Thomas Jefferson.


"The United States government is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." - John Adams

y'know, jus' sayin'. it doesn't take much to do a tiny bit of research, and Palin represents the worst kind of politic'ing...that of manipulation and propaganda. it's sick fucking shit, perpetuating the idiocy that is boiling over in this country. people need to either educate themselves or we need to find a better way to educate people...and quick.
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Post by Machiavelli »

Whereas Barak Obama represents all the sensible and well reasoned people of this country? They both aim for their lowest common denominator. Perhaps I should add one thing to my (youngish, good looking rockstar) statement (although that is still the primary comparison). Neither one of them REALLY brings anything into the political realm other than being hard right or left. Don't get me wrong, I MUCH prefer Obama to Palin. If you're actually stupid enough (or naive) to believe that the world is only 6000 years old or that dinosaurs and cavemen lived together then you have NO business being in a position of authority over a nation as large and diverse as the United States. Yes Palin appeals to those that are stubborn, uneducated and strictly conservative. But Obama's main base is the lazy, uneducated and strictly liberal. They both have their educated "followers". They're both Elitists. They both think that they know whats best for this country despite what everyone else thinks. I advocate letting people make their own decisions (self government) within the framework of our nation. Both of these people want to vastly change/increase that very same framework thereby removing chances for personal decision making. The majority of people who voted for either one (lets face it, McCain was just the face on the ticket) couldn't provide a decisive answer as to why they did other than ambiguous responses "Change", "I like her religion", "She's hot!", "I wanted to play my part in history (black or woman)". Obama ran on a platform of "hope and change" and has already broken most of his campaign promises.

Before you blast people for being "uneducated" just remember that it makes you sound like a pompous ass. It's true that many of Palin's followers are uneducated, so are Obama's. Oh, and by the way, when the Republicans picked her to be McCain's running mate they did so with the intention of putting out their own "Barak Obama". Not in terms of positions or supporters but in terms of popularity.
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Post by TwinkieGorilla »

Machiavelli wrote:Whereas Barak Obama represents all the sensible and well reasoned people of this country?
don't put words in my mouth. i'm not saying this (though i can guess you realize this anyway) i'm saying this:
If you're actually stupid enough (or naive) to believe that the world is only 6000 years old or that dinosaurs and cavemen lived together then you have NO business being in a position of authority over a nation as large and diverse as the United States.

along with what i already stated.
Before you blast people for being "uneducated" just remember that it makes you sound like a pompous ass.
this is the internet. this is a message board. color me not too concerned with how i sound in this format.
It's true that many of Palin's followers are uneducated, so are Obama's. Oh, and by the way, when the Republicans picked her to be McCain's running mate they did so with the intention of putting out their own "Barak Obama". Not in terms of positions or supporters but in terms of popularity.
i'm well aware of this and don't believe i ever argued against it.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

Fuck this shit, I shouldn't have to put up with bi... owait
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Post by Manoil »

Exactly, Frater. Exactly.

The difference is, 99+% of Dems aren't second amendment enthusiasts, or people who go to town hall meetings and yell to make sure nothing gets discussed [and/or bring a firearm with them].
And more of them believe in the separation of church and state.
And that tax cuts don't solve shit.

If those elements don't dissuade any common sense individual from cheering for a "Maverick" like Sarah Palin, I can only offer my sympathy to [him or her] as the only one suffering from outcome of the manufactured illusion is [him or her]. And trying to defend the intellectual sanctity of the majority of her constituents by comparing it to others doesn't alter the fact that they're still fringe radical psychotics.

This isn't really up for debate, either. This is one of those facts that don't really get challenged because there's a mountain of a track record to refer to.
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