OXM Fallout New Vegas scans and information

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Post by MadBill »

meinsla wrote:Wow. Someone never installed any mods or even tried GECK.
Oh oh.. I got this.

I found the best mod was the uninstall button. Worked wonders.

GECK was the overall objective of FO2, how does it relate here?
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Post by hecatepremium »

I don't know who the principal creative think-tanks were for the original two, those responsible for the bulk of the arc of the plots and dialogue writing, but I do hope at least some of them are attached to this project. I've never laughed harder at a game than when interacting with a certain vault dweller who had tragedy upon tragedy befall those around him on each of his subsequent birthdays in life.

Although it's primitive compared to some of today's character facial animation, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the various expressions on npc's faces (those that did have the close-ups like the wise woman at the beginning of FO 2) whenever you said something smart-assed to them. It would be nice to see a nod to this in New Vegas even if they needed to tweak the animation system to allow for a bit more range of expressions. I hope Obsidian can cement themselves as a powerful studio with this release, those guys and gals deserve a bright future after (some of them anyways) their work on 1 and 2.

I think the hurdle is the 2d format was their bread and butter and the art team behind 1 and 2 really knew how to design stylistic pre-rendered backgrounds that suited the narrative and world of the game. I'm optimistic Obsidian can make the transition to 3D for the Fallout series well, I just hope we don't see a bunch of pre-fab texture work borrowed from FO 3.
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Post by PiP »

King of Creation wrote:
Ausir wrote: How Rybicki of them.

huh D:
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Post by Retlaw83 »

MadBill wrote:GECK was the overall objective of FO2, how does it relate here?
That's the cutesy name Bethesda gave the Fallout 3 modding kit they released.
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Post by Yonmanc »

hecatepremium wrote: I think the hurdle is the 2d format was their bread and butter and the art team behind 1 and 2 really knew how to design stylistic pre-rendered backgrounds that suited the narrative and world of the game. I'm optimistic Obsidian can make the transition to 3D for the Fallout series well, I just hope we don't see a bunch of pre-fab texture work borrowed from FO 3.
Unfortunately, looking at the screenies, I think that's exactly what we're gonna see.
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Post by Psychoul »

PiP wrote:
King of Creation wrote:
Ausir wrote: How Rybicki of them.

huh D:
IDK either... wh..nevermind.

Retlaw83 wrote: Yeah, but if a real writer did the project - you know, like me - then it would be successful.


Also, what is on on page 38 of the Article about Fallout New Vegas on the left side, "survival skills", sounds interesting... a bit stalkerish? I like it.
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Post by Ausir »

Yonmanc wrote:
Apart New California Republic, the fact the city is all lit up (an indication that society is getting back on it's feet, following on from Fallout 2), no doubt an inclusion of Harold (this is set before Fallout 3 right?), no doubt a Dogmeat, some recycled plot elements, mentioning of places.
It's set 3 years after FO3, so no Harold.
King of Creation wrote:That's the thing though - we shouldn't have to install user made content to make the game good. The onus is on the developer to make it a worthwhile game to play.
Not to mention that most of the sales were actually on platforms that don't allow mods.
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Post by King of Creation »

Had to take the scans down. Oh well.
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Post by sandwiches »

hecatepremium wrote:I think the hurdle is the 2d format was their bread and butter and the art team behind 1 and 2 really knew how to design stylistic pre-rendered backgrounds that suited the narrative and world of the game. I'm optimistic Obsidian can make the transition to 3D for the Fallout series well, I just hope we don't see a bunch of pre-fab texture work borrowed from FO 3.
This hurdle is only in some people's minds. I didn't find many problems with Fallout 3 and, overall, it is a great game, with or without mods, and very fitting of the franchise.

I really don't know why there's so much hatred from forums like these; It reminds me of a group of old men sitting around in a retirement home talking about how the much better the "good ol' days" were. An earlier post even paints people who liked FO3 as idiotic 'l33t' kids and those who prefer the older games as composed and urbane, when the reality is that loud, rabid posters come from sides.
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Post by Amis »

sandwiches wrote:
hecatepremium wrote:I think the hurdle is the 2d format was their bread and butter and the art team behind 1 and 2 really knew how to design stylistic pre-rendered backgrounds that suited the narrative and world of the game. I'm optimistic Obsidian can make the transition to 3D for the Fallout series well, I just hope we don't see a bunch of pre-fab texture work borrowed from FO 3.
This hurdle is only in some people's minds. I didn't find many problems with Fallout 3 and, overall, it is a great game, with or without mods, and very fitting of the franchise.

I really don't know why there's so much hatred from forums like these; It reminds me of a group of old men sitting around in a retirement home talking about how the much better the "good ol' days" were. An earlier post even paints people who liked FO3 as idiotic 'l33t' kids and those who prefer the older games as composed and urbane, when the reality is that loud, rabid posters come from sides.
Where are these guys coming from?

There seems to be endless posts (first time posts mind you) about how we are old people sitting on are chairs and complaining why the fuck can't we bring out are opinion about how the fallout fanbase got fucked over FOBOS and completely ignored in the creation of fallout 3 and while fallout 3 is playable it still comes out as a bland and boring experience, all you do is walk the wasteland choosing either to BLOWUP THIS HUGE NUCLEAR BOMB WITH A FATMAN!!!!111 OR choose to save the town and everyone is happy and ladidaa witch in the end doesn't even matter cause nothing changes everything stays the same. You have absolutely no effect on the world it just feels empty, the dialogue is well shit and the characters are not really that memorable exept that they all have the same goddamn voice actor. The combat is too easy and could have been looked into more.

Fallout 3 is playable but its just not as creative as the originals.

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Post by Dogmeatlives »

The problem is these dudes are coming here with no sense of how badass the first two games were FOR THEIR TIME. I was not satisfied at all by FO3's gameplay, story, etc.. the shit was weak as hell. Yo and why are these punks dissing us for criticizing the game's weak points? It's only through criticizing that we will have a better Fallout experience in the future. We get nowhere by hangin' off their nuts.

And we are not a bunch of oldschool complainers who want our 2-d turn-based shit back! Many of us are avid gamers and we do dig alot of current shit. The problem is that when you compare FO3 to current games it doesn't even hold up.

Character animation- sucks
Voice acting- laughable
combat- headache enducing/boring as hell (poikemon combat is more engaging)
storyline- find your dad/save the water (boring)
morality system- naive as hell

We only criticize because we want improvement for our SIXTY FUCKING BUCKS!!

If you don't like our old man ways get the fuck out our retirement community.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

I'm fine with new people coming here, but where the hell do they get the clout to tell us on our own forum that we're wrong and stupid for thinking the way we are? Seriously, that'd be like a foreigner moving next door and telling us our customs are wrong and we're retards because they don't match theirs back home.
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Post by King of Creation »

I don't mind it...keeps your wit sharp.
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Post by sandwiches »

Amis wrote:
sandwiches wrote:
hecatepremium wrote:I think the hurdle is the 2d format was their bread and butter and the art team behind 1 and 2 really knew how to design stylistic pre-rendered backgrounds that suited the narrative and world of the game. I'm optimistic Obsidian can make the transition to 3D for the Fallout series well, I just hope we don't see a bunch of pre-fab texture work borrowed from FO 3.
This hurdle is only in some people's minds. I didn't find many problems with Fallout 3 and, overall, it is a great game, with or without mods, and very fitting of the franchise.

I really don't know why there's so much hatred from forums like these; It reminds me of a group of old men sitting around in a retirement home talking about how the much better the "good ol' days" were. An earlier post even paints people who liked FO3 as idiotic 'l33t' kids and those who prefer the older games as composed and urbane, when the reality is that loud, rabid posters come from sides.
Where are these guys coming from?
The thread was mentioned in N4G.
Amis wrote:There seems to be endless posts (first time posts mind you) about how we are old people sitting on are chairs and complaining why the fuck can't we bring out are opinion about how the fallout fanbase got fucked over FOBOS and completely ignored in the creation of fallout 3 and while fallout 3 is playable it still comes out as a bland and boring experience, all you do is walk the wasteland choosing either to BLOWUP THIS HUGE NUCLEAR BOMB WITH A FATMAN!!!!111 OR choose to save the town and everyone is happy and ladidaa witch in the end doesn't even matter cause nothing changes everything stays the same. You have absolutely no effect on the world it just feels empty, the dialogue is well shit and the characters are not really that memorable exept that they all have the same goddamn voice actor. The combat is too easy and could have been looked into more.

Fallout 3 is playable but its just not as creative as the originals.

I'm old in gamer age, now. I'm 30. I'm not saying that you're old. I'm saying a lot of the conversations sound like what old guys talk about with their rosy-colored glasses on.

However, this is the kind of stuff I'm talking about. First off, you say the fanbase was ignored as though you're speaking for every fan of the series. Sounds more than a bit presumptuous of you. And no, I don't care if I can ask anyone on this forum and they'll all agree with you. This forums is still NOT the entire fanbase.

Second, the fanbase will only get you so far and they wanted to bring more people into the fold. I can't say I blame them. I wasn't expecting a rehash of the same old two games. However, considering the compromises and changes they made in FO3, I find it to be very fitting of the series and a very good and polished game.

You didn't like the game. I get it. Just don't pretend to talk for every fan of the series; You most definitely do not.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

We never generalize ourselves to the old Fallout fanbase, we're talking about the people at DAC.
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Post by sandwiches »

Dogmeatlives wrote:The problem is these dudes are coming here with no sense of how badass the first two games were FOR THEIR TIME. I was not satisfied at all by FO3's gameplay, story, etc.. the shit was weak as hell. Yo and why are these punks dissing us for criticizing the game's weak points? It's only through criticizing that we will have a better Fallout experience in the future. We get nowhere by hangin' off their nuts.

And we are not a bunch of oldschool complainers who want our 2-d turn-based shit back! Many of us are avid gamers and we do dig alot of current shit. The problem is that when you compare FO3 to current games it doesn't even hold up.

Character animation- sucks
Voice acting- laughable
combat- headache enducing/boring as hell (poikemon combat is more engaging)
storyline- find your dad/save the water (boring)
morality system- naive as hell

We only criticize because we want improvement for our SIXTY FUCKING BUCKS!!

If you don't like our old man ways get the fuck out our retirement community.
Relax, I am one of the "old fogies" who played the games when they were "'badass fot their time." However, I understand that games will change with technology, culture, tastes, economics. There seem to be many people in this and other forums who had many unrealistic expectations. I know that you said that you didn't want the same old 2D game back but there are many who did and still do!

I do think it's fair and reasonable to want to criticize a game's weak points. However, I think you have to keep a realistic mindset of the current culture and, most importantly, the current economics. I may be lucky (or unlucky, depending) in that I've found my tastes in games to have been evolving along with the industry this past 24 years. One thing, for me personally, is that I find myself with less time than I did when I first played FO1 & 2 due to work, wife, family, and the fact that there's many more games available than there were back then. So, these newer games have been hitting the sweet spot for me and although I look back at some of my old favorites with nostalgia, I have found myself bored when playing some of the old 'classics' now.
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Post by sandwiches »

SenisterDenister wrote:We never generalize ourselves to the old Fallout fanbase, we're talking about the people at DAC.
I was talking specifically to the person I quoted who claimed that the 'fallout fanbase got completely fucked over and ignored.' I can't say I share his feelings.
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Post by sandwiches »

SenisterDenister wrote:I'm fine with new people coming here, but where the hell do they get the clout to tell us on our own forum that we're wrong and stupid for thinking the way we are? Seriously, that'd be like a foreigner moving next door and telling us our customs are wrong and we're retards because they don't match theirs back home.
First off, as far as I could tell, this is a public forum not a forum for those who agree with your opinions on the series. Second, while I can't talk for the rest of the newcomers, I was civil when posting. Third, being in your own forum doesn't automatically make what you say correct.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

King of Creation wrote:Had to take the scans down. Oh well.
If I had written an article that horrible and you posted it for the world to see, I'd ask you to take it down before I embarrassed myself further, too.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

sandwiches wrote:I really don't know why there's so much hatred from forums like these; It reminds me of a group of old men sitting around in a retirement home talking about how the much better the "good ol' days" were. An earlier post even paints people who liked FO3 as idiotic 'l33t' kids and those who prefer the older games as composed and urbane, when the reality is that loud, rabid posters come from sides.
On its merits, we don't like the game. What is so difficult to "get" about that?
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