The Chronicles of Walt: Escape from Ass Rape Prison

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Post by Redeye »

Wolfman Walt wrote:

1.) I'm talking about guys who have entire conversations with themselves crazy.

2.) I know one guy in this section has been convinced he's been having an atleast 5 day long conversation with his sergeant because he's on a mission to recover weapons or something like that. He truely is Solid Snake.

3.) Not more than 30 minutes later, he wants to complain that I called him a neighbor and wants me fired.
Could you smuggle a Dictaphone in there?
Keep it in your pocket.

I want to hear some Solid Snake!
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Post by Jesus Christ »

Is this pen the same one you work at?

I have returned! (again)
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Post by Radoteur »

How many of these guys are in for drug possession? I hear like stats that are like our prisons are full of nonviolent drug criminals. I figure a bunch in a medium security prison.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

So, it's been an interesting week. I worked some places outside of Dorm 2 and CPTU and I have to say that one of them was one of the most interesting and eye opening experiences yet. Currently, at our facility, we have a deathrow inmate visiting. He had to have surgery for his back, which makes dick all sense. There's some sort of rule that says you have to be healthy to die, I've never been quite clear on the specifics, but honestly; if nature wants to save me paying tax money to keep this asshole alive, who am I to stop her?

Regardless, this guy is in for some pretty serious shit. Basically, he killed 2 teenage boys, but not before bounding them up and raping them. The only thing those kids did was ask for directions after a football game. This guy deserves something horrible - BUT that's where the weirdness came in.

Last week I had to work 1 on 1. Since this guy is visiting our facility, he has to be watched at ALL times for two main reasons. One is so he doesn't try and escape.....which is easy since he somehow fucked up his legs recently and can't even walk to use the bathroom. Second is due to the nature of his crime. Believe it or not, mos.....a lo........som......afew inmates actually have some sense or morals and shit like that actually sickens them as much as it does us and given their previous track record of "being functional in society," they're not afraid to take action against this guy. It's not uncommon, Dahmer was killed when the corrections officers "accidently" left him out with other inmates. So basically, in essence, I sat for 8 hours and watched a dude exist. Rewarding work.

Back on point, the weirdness came just from who he was. I'd known what he'd done, but talking to him he was just.....brutally normal. He was polite. The few times we did talk, it was about very mundane shit. We talked about Transformers 2 for a short bit and special affects. Abit about Michael Jackson. I found out he was a really big baseball fan and liked the Braves. It was weird because he WAS normal. I'd have had a much easier time accepting his existance and being comfortable with it if he was asking me to smuggle in babies to eat while he shat on the original copy of the last supper and broadcasted "<a href="">Be a Man, Hogan</a>" directly into my brain. It's kinda eye opening when you have to redefine evil as having seemingly normal character traits. Then again, unlike what the media shows, if anyone was blatantly evil, they'd be in pris-.....wait.
How often do people get raped by other inmates?
Can't quote an actual rate or anything for my facility, but I do know it happens. I've heard of cases where it was used as a threat by enforcers. If you didn't pay up, you'd be gang raped. I also heard in cases of COs who cast a blind eye to it. Needless to say, the later pisses me off more than anything. Regardless, rape does happen, though I've yet to encounter it myself personally. Gay sex is also common, despite everyone trying to deny it. I heard a story of a really....effiminate inmate who got out and in the local newspaper he was talking about his experiences. He then mentioned he tested HIV. Apperently the pill line was filled with around 200 inmates asking for an HIV test because they had encounters with this inmate. That's roughly 10% of ENTIRE inmate population of my prison.
How many people usually die in there, on a weekly/monthly basis?
Again, can't really say. Not for the above reason of not personally encountering it, but rather because no one ever OFFICIALLY dies in the facility. They always die either en route or in the hospital so there is NO statistic for it. The given reason? They try to ressucitate them until they reach an actual hospital and thus can't count them as dead. The real reason? To help avoid wrongful death suits, as for as I can tell. Have a harder time blaming the prison if Joe Smuck died in the hospital. I do know inmates die and have seen 3 go out that I know of personally this month. Normally it's folks from Nursing Care and Assisted Living that die though. I know one case that bothers me is this guy who was obviousily dying, but they didn't let him see his family until it was too late and he'd already died. Still bothers me on some level, though knowing my luck, he was in there for raping his daughter or some other sick shit. It's easier to just imagine everyone is in there for avoiding taxes.
Could you smuggle a Dictaphone in there?
I go through a metal detector, a metal wand, and random pat downs. The best you can hope for is just me being able to transcribe some conversations.
How many of these guys are in for drug possession?
I know there is a large population of inmates in my facility for drug possession, but I'm not so sure as to what extent as compared to other crimes. It seems like my facility has a much larger number of sex offenders than anything, since we have (apperently) one of the best rehabilitation programs for them in the state. I don't believe it, but what do I know?

I honestly try my best not to know what any of the inmates have done, because it makes treating them impartial harder when they've done something terrible and I know it. I have to try and pretend I'm fair with these guys and it's harder to treat someone like a human being when you know that they acted like an animal to get here.
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Post by Aonaran »

Sexcellent thread, moar plz.
my vocabulary skills is above you.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

That first part about that killer rapist was pretty unnerving, not that I'm afraid of being raped or killed myself, but when I become a parent I may not be able to look at strangers the same way again.

So much for southern hospitality.
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Post by Stalagmite »

Sounds like quite the emotional roller coaster sort of job for sure. I hope the wages are at least decent.
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Post by Smiley »

Are there any gangs in there? Any rivals or "wars"?
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Post by Bridgeburner »

Do you like working there?
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Post by VasikkA »

Smiley wrote:Are there any gangs in there? Any rivals or "wars"?
To expand on that, how closely do you monitor gang politics? I hear photographs of inmates' tattoos are taken in some prisons so they know their affiliation although I assume a huge swastika on the forehead is somewhat of a giveaway.

A prison could be a very suitable environment for all kinds of social experiments. And medical, too. :mengele:
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Post by Blargh »

vASIKKa wrote:experiments
Like any society, it already is a social experiment of sorts. Though the protocols could certainly be expanded. :drunk:
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

Don't we all live in some kind of a prison :philosoraptor:
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Post by Sloth »

This is what you do to guards when you get put in the "hole." ... 0spiderman

Post by Kashluk »

This thread is excellent. I will now stay in the lurking, just wanted to let you know that I approve of this. Carry on.
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Post by VasikkA »

You are no lurker, Kashluk, and you know it.
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Post by Jesus Christ »

The only lurker with over 6500 posts tallied.
I have returned! (again)
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Post by VasikkA »

Looks like Solid Snake got him.
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Post by Redeye »

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Post by Wolfman Walt »

So I return with tales from the Dungeon.

Since my last post, I got assigned to CPTU permanently. However, before that I had the joyous occassion of working afew different places such as outside patrol and one of the Wall towers. Let me tell you, that shit is boring. Not one on one with the deathrow inmate boring, but still boring. Especially the wall tower. You're basically told "Here's your rifle, shotgun, binoculars. Check in every 30 minutes." and thats it. Luckily there was a radio to keep me from pretending I was in the Texas School Bell Tower. The only kinda cool thing is you get to watch all the wild life at the prison and there is quite abit as it turns out. Prisons got all kinds of critters ranging from skunks to rabbits to stray cats. Moral of story? Stationary guard duty is boring as shit no matter where you do it. I hated it in security, I hate it here and I'm glad about my post assignment where things are sane and normal, except for all the insane and abnormal people.
Are there any gangs in there?
Quite afew, but of the major organized gangs, I only know of the Mexican Mafia and the Aryan Brotherhood. To my understanding, the two are monitered, though I don't know how closely. I heard rumors that the Aryan Brotherhood are becoming a problem, however. The Mexican Mafia is also trouble, I know of atleast one instance where they said they were gonna kill an officer who jipped them on some product that was suppossed to be smuggled in. No clue who said officer is, but it's only a matter of time as $700 is serious bussiness in Prison.

About Tattoos: I've seen where they sometimes take photos and during the academy they showed us abunch so we have a general idea for affilitation. Believe it or not, swastikas are VERY prevailant and some people have had them scarred/tattooed on their forehead.
Do you like working there?
I didn't initially and there's still some things that piss me off, but I imagine it goes with every job. Now I enjoy it, for the most part.

Today's main topic - Cell Entries. Cell entries are when we have to roll up in a cell with a cell entry team. What this consists of is ussually 4 guys decked out in riot gear. If you have never worn riot gear, that shit is hot. It'll make any room feel atleast 30 degrees warmer. You get your stab resistant vest, knee pads, elbow pads, and a kevlar helmet with a shatter resistant visor. I also put on my own kevlar lined gloves, cause if I'm hitting that inmate, I don't want his blood to get on my hands. The unit then enters all at once after the supervisors have tried to talk the inmate out of doing whatever behavior by cuffing him through the tray slot, wether this is trying to hurt himself, making threatening statements to officers and continuing to make them, or whatever undesired behavior. If he cuffs up, he may go in the restraint chair and he will be assigned to a much stricter watch. If not, the team stacks up and the front guy shows the inmate the shock shield. Basically, it's a riot shield with a conduit hooked up infront that arcs 50,000 volts into the inmate. He still wants to rumble, we open the door, the shield man smashes the guy into the wall/ground and the other 3 guys wrestle with his limbs.

In my time there, I've already had to do afew cell entries. This only increased when my Sergeant found out that I went to the Captain and asked to teach self defense classes to officers who aren't on the Emergency Response team and thus know dick all in a fight because the academy spends like 10 minutes telling you how to get out of certain holds and maybe half a week showing 5 "Controlled Force" techniques, which while decent are VERY limited in scope. I think the Sgt's idea now is that he just wants to see me mess someone up because the cell entry team is always composed of the three biggest country bred mother fuckers and then there's me standing at 5'8 and 170. Infact, he's told me as much cause he wants to laugh at inmates who act big and tough, of which ALL of them do.

Ofcourse, as explained to me, there's more reasoning to it. For cell entries, you want your 2nd guy to be smaller and quicker as he can slip up under the shield guy (who is generally your biggest guy) and tackle the inmate's feet, making him an easy target for the shield guy. Go figure. Either way, someone is gonna fucked up and it isn't gonna be me. As a generality though - as soon as people see you in that black gear, they cuff up. These folks are crazy (well....some of em), but most of them do not want to have their face slammed into the concrete and then have to go into the restraint chair ANYWAYS. Just about every time I've suited up, they cuffed out and it just pisses me off. I don't particular care for hurting folks, but if you're gonna do stupid shit, you best face the consequences.
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Post by Smiley »

Awesome update.

Are there any really ruthless or infamous inmates in there?
I guess I'm asking for stereotypes.

Or any self-proclaimed leaders of sorts, that you know of?
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