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stuff that pisses you off

Post by Gimp Mask »

like walking down the street and then there's these stupid fucking twats congesting the sidewalk, usually it's some dickhead just wandering and talking on their cellphone, or these old folks who should be put out of their misery anyway, or at least give them a fucking curfew or something, anyway fucking move, i don't want to wait all day because you stupid morons can't find your way around or don't have the courtesy of not walking 1mph side-to-side essentially forming a sluggish roadblock, because the only thing worse than waiting is moving while waiting, like queuing, which reminds me, it seems i always pick the line with some slow motion fossil motherfucker, and then the price is £3.65 and he has to find the exact fucking change, why not give them a five quid bill and be done with it, but nooo i'm an old cunt and want to piss everyone off by going through my pocket change for a couple of aeons, those people have like two weeks to live anyway and this is how they wanna spend it, nice job dickwads.
Last edited by Gimp Mask on Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by VasikkA »

People who eat oranges.

Otherwise, I'm a pretty tolerant guy.:)
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Post by Urizen »

i would have deleted this if it wasn't written by a fellow mod :drunk:

still, i agree on all points. one more? people who don't understand that they're supposed to stand on the right side of the step on escalators.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Urizen wrote:i would have deleted this if it wasn't written by a fellow mod :drunk:
I appreciate the gesture, but I think you are missing the point here - this was not a personal rant, but the beginning of a glorious new era. I think it is vital to collect and analyze all the data on the subject we possibly can to ensure a better future for our children
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Post by Urizen »

Gimp Mask wrote: I appreciate the gesture, but I think you are missing the point here - this was not a personal rant, but the beginning of a glorious new era.
i don't mind rants, i just hated the formatting :tetter:

EDIT: uri is modding while high again. just think of the lulz!
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

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Post by Wolfman Walt »

When guys hop on DaC and go "My mod is the most awesome mod ever" and it really sucks, but when you try to tell them it's not so great they're like "You dumb! Look at how many times its been downloaded! It's awesome!" and then goes on to repeatidly edit wikipedia calling his mod "The most awesome mod for Fallout yet."
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Post by Redeye »

Wolfman Walt wrote:When guys hop on DaC and go "My mod is the most awesome mod ever" and it really sucks, but when you try to tell them it's not so great they're like "You dumb! Look at how many times its been downloaded! It's awesome!" and then goes on to repeatidly edit wikipedia calling his mod "The most awesome mod for Fallout yet."

I doesn't piss me off.

It's just part of DACdrama.
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Post by Tingel Tangel »

When the right side of my expensive new glasses keeps pinching me right above the ear and the professional guy at the store can't seem to fix it no matter how many times I politely hand them over to him.

People that smack their elbows into my face or chest on the bus because I'm that short and they're that tall and then don't notice.

People I call from work to do what it is I get paid to do that start yelling at me for calling just because they're not intelligent enough to remove themselves from the Robinson list.

When there's no more milk in the fridge.

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Post by Strider »

Rename this thread 'Tell us your weaknesses so we can exploit them"
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Post by atoga »

people who really like talking about themselves or regaling me with anecdotes about themselves that i have no interest in, especially if they use it as a conversation opener; people who talk about how drunk or high they are like it's a badge of honour (unless you're 13, then it's ok); chicken on pizza (actually any unorthodox topping gets me); haris; capitalization.

i am a pretty hatefilled guy i guess :(
tingel tangel wrote:People I call from work to do what it is I get paid to do that start yelling at me for calling just because they're not intelligent enough to remove themselves from the Robinson list.
i don't usu. yell at telemarketers but is it okay to just hang up without saying anything? what if their english is poor or they are otherwise etiquette? i need to know the correct telemarketer etiquette, help
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Post by Nicolai »

atoga wrote:chicken on pizza (actually any unorthodox topping gets me)
indeed, and what is the deal with spicy pizzas? I don't need that shit in my life, man :sadblinky:
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Nicolai wrote:
atoga wrote:chicken on pizza (actually any unorthodox topping gets me)
indeed, and what is the deal with spicy pizzas? I don't need that shit in my life, man :sadblinky:
What about hawaian pizza though? There's some in every pizzeria, but you can hardly say ananas are orthodox D:
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Post by johnnygothisgun »

i have a weakness for buffalo chicken pizza but you guys wont tell anyone right
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Post by Tingel Tangel »

atoga wrote: i don't usu. yell at telemarketers but is it okay to just hang up without saying anything? what if their english is poor or they are otherwise etiquette? i need to know the correct telemarketer etiquette, help
No - just hanging up without saying anything will throw the phoner off, and some call centers will require for them to actually call back to make sure that it wasn't a mistake, even when they know deep down that it isn't. I'd even rather have someone sneer and semi-yell at me, so I can lie through my teeth when wishing them a good evening/weekend, flip the screen and call them a bastard to my coworkers and get over it than I'd have someone just hang up and put me through the dilemma of having to call back already knowing that it's fruitless.

If you don't want to talk to them, say so - remember that phoners/telemarketers aren't people who are just meaning to be rude. They're just doing their job, trying to get through the day, week, month or whatever. It's not like we do it to purposefully mess people's evenings up. So if you don't want to talk, smile with your voice and go "Sorry, but I just don't buy things over the phone. But have a nice evening/good day at work" or something like that. Easy and quick, less of a disturbance to the both of you, and the phoner can get on fast - and you don't have to act annoyed and thereby get so.

Also, chicken on pizza fucking rocks, man!
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Post by Gimp Mask »

S4ur0n27 wrote:
atoga wrote:chicken on pizza (actually any unorthodox topping gets me)
What about hawaian pizza though? There's some in every pizzeria, but you can hardly say ananas are orthodox D:
Hahaha, one of my favourite pizzas is actually chikin & pineapple. Go figure.
getting pissed off at a pizza seems a bit unorthodox, too, don't you think?

As for telemarketing, if I have a little bit of time I usually just fuck with them, asking all kinds of stupid shit, ex. I made this lady go through a long-ass list of magazines she wanted to sell me for like three times, just saying "what were the options again?" I think she got the hint after that.

Other times I just answer and leave my phone on the table or something
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I definitly hate when people block walkways like you said Gimpmask which also leads me to another thing I hate. I hate when people don't realize anything else going on around them which is generally when they block walking lanes and its even worse when they do see you but don't do anything about it either. I don't know why I hate this so much but when in class a teacher hands out the sign in sheet and it has to go around the class there is always some dumb motherfucker who will get it then pass it back to the person who gave it to him completely oblivious to the fact of which way the paper came from. I have accepted the fact that I'm probably some super marine who knows what happens at all times in his surroundings.

I also hate people who comes to a store that is famed for sales and cheap prices then expect the top most quality from the store. It's like they want to trick their mind into thinking they are actually shopping in a high scale store. I also hate it when people are sure something will fit in their car no matter how much I tell them that it wont fit and they would be better off just getting a bigger car or leave the fuckin kids at home. It did produce one of the best excuse fro ma customer though "I know you probably do this all the time and know what your talking about but don't you think if we take it out of the box we can MAGICALLY fit it in the back seat?"

GIMPMASK, this thread is making me mad. What have you done?
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Post by Blargh »

I have yet to encounter a thing or entity unable to rouse my ire. There can be no favourites among the loathed. A matter of time. Always and only.
A Fassive Mag wrote:spicy
You would be dead to me if - suffice to say, you're still dead. Ehue. :drunk:
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Gimp Mask wrote:Hahaha, one of my favourite pizzas is actually chikin & pineapple.
Isn't an hawaian pizza one with ham and pineapples?

Also, on the subject of telemarketing, I used to just say "no thank you, I'm not interested, good evening", but even then, most(around here at least) will try to get more out of you and insist. It pisses me off when they go "Why?" when I tell them I'm not interested. So now I just hang up.

They even started calling Saturday mornings. D:
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