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Orange Box

Post by Smiley »

I've always loved Team Fortress, sogetting the orange box was a given, for me.

TF2 is alright.. There are a few class adjustments I like, and a few that I absolutely don't. Incendiary rocket launcher was removed from pyro =(

Scout gained double jump, which is neat.

They removed grenades from the game, which in my opinion is a huge loss.

Playing a spy is easier now, you can be pretty convincing with the different name tag as well.
As always though, if you're against a pro team you'll easily be spotted.

It's an overhaul, but while the graphics are fun and really well made, they're not worth the changes.

Portal, is another thing I've been looking forwards to, and it actually has a story line.
It's fairly short though, and while some of the puzzles are mindnumbingly hard, most aren't. It took me approx 3-4 hours to finish.

I've spent a few hours on HL2:Episode 2, and so far it's better than episode one, which in my opinion was pretty lousy..
I've already been seperated from the companion 4 or 5 times..
There's a really neat holdout battle where you gain some turrets and mines to place. They did this in the main game, but I feel this one is better.

I'm 15 minutes after that, and I'm guessing there's 2 or 3 more hours to do after that. Basicly, it's more of the same old, in my opinion, and the lack of a new weapon or something really interesting, is pretty frustrating. The storyline isn't *that* good.

What else... you get episode 1 and the original Half-life 2, and here's where they did a *really* neat thing. If you have HL2 beforehand, you get to give the new copy away to someone else, instead of overwriting it.

I know, I know, that's how it's SUPPOSED to be, but I could easily have imagined them to lock it along with the box, or something stupid.
Instead, I have a "1 Gift" tag on my HL2 in the steam launcher, ready to give it away to a friend.

That's basicly it, it's really cheap, in my opinion, and the combined amount of hours of gameplay is so far worth it.
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Re: Orange Box

Post by cazsim83 »

Smiley wrote:I'm off to play some guitar hero !..!_ O_o _!..!
u r ded to me.

Everything else I agree with. Haven't played the newest though
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I've been playing the TF2 beta and its been pretty fun for the most part but its very spammy and not as deeps as I thought it was going to be. I never played the first one any real amount of time.

I've tried portal and its pretty cool but like smiley said I think its supposed to be horrendously short.

I haven't tried episode 2 yet as I mainly bought the box for TF2 and portal.
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Post by Stainless »

I'm loving TF2, and really the only thing that tends to bug me is random crits (usually when I get hit, they're awesome against others). Flame thrower rego is still a little off, but it's alot better then it was. Most things have a counter, and changes they made from the first game get explained in the commentary (ie removal of grenades), and it seems to me it was a better decision.
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Post by Smiley »

I've been playing the TF2 beta and its been pretty fun for the most part but its very spammy and not as deeps as I thought it was going to be.
It is supposed to be that way, which is also reflected by the insane behaviour of the characters. Dunno if you've seen the short movies/machinima trailers.

I'll see the commentary when I get home, because this grenade thing is really annoying.
I was mainly playing 2fort all day yesterday, and there were 3 engineers camped down in the flagroom.
They weren't even cleverly placed or anything, and they ripped apart *everything* that came down there.
This, is where an engineers grenade would've come in handy, to first kill off the engineers inside(since it blows up what equipment/ammo you have), and then use a few people as fodder, to clear the turrets.
But since you can't kill them off first, the turrets are invincible, and you need a full team rush to clear it.

Now, I've always loved playing an engineer myself, but if you're clever at placing turrets, then you will likely dominate the map with ease. They're way too good.

I forgot to add two things about portal, there's a very "Cube"esque feeling to it, and while short, I really enjoyed the storyline .
The second, is that there are bonus-maps/puzzles, and you are able to download new ones. I don't know how often though.

They should implement the portal gun in regular HL deathmatch, tbh.
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Post by Stainless »

Turrets can get cleared by one heavy with a uber charged medic. The idea is for the medic to draw all the aggro of the turrets so the heavy doesn't get knocked back out of range. Alternativly sticky bombs from demomen also work a treat.
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Post by Smiley »

übercharge would work fine yes. Too bad it takes FOREVER to charge though..
As for anything else; forget it. Nothing short of a twosided rush of at least 4 people could do anything. Those turrets react *immediatedly*.
Sidestepping, and launching a rocket, and then stepping back takes you a third HP down.

All it takes is teamcoordination, sure, but good luck getting that on a random server =D
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Post by Stainless »

Ubercharge can be aquired in less then 30 seconds if you simply get a demoman/solder to rocket on the spot for you.
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Post by Dreadnought »

You can stretch you foreskin by attaching lots of weight tied to a nylon sting to it.
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If you can get a noob to place a turret in a bad location you can just get a sniper/soldier and pick it off from afar. If they put it in close quarters I have found that pyro can tear them up pretty well with his own life and then have the rest of the team break past them.
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Post by Mad Max RW »

Somebody modded the portal gun into HL2 DM and a new gametype almost a year ago.
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I beat portal, it was quite fun but inferior to my puzzle skills. I'm kinda working on the different bonus maps which are pretty fun too though they are just remixes of the main ones in the story.
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Post by popscythe »

Yeah. TF2? Fun, but easily the biggest dumbdown since bioschlock. I mean, TF is always fun. The stylings of the game are totally just a way to make shitty simple textures acceptable too.

Every cock that comes along feels they've got a right to widen a game's player base by making it more accessible to nimrods. The point is, the reason these games earn a "diamond hard fanbase" as some fuck said is that they were worth the effort of getting to love. It's hard to really value things that arn't challenging.

So yeah, basically, valve's newest baby is a shitfest sign of the times. To be honest, at this point I'm all for it, simply because when a real video game finally is produced, the industry is going to have it's pants around it's ankles.

It will be rated 6.2 on pay4rating websites, and sell half the copies of whatever color box has hl2 rehash seventeen on it. And it will be awesome for ten more years.
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Post by St. Toxic »

I really had fun with Portal. It's a truly beautiful, minimalistic game with a nice, dry sense of humour. The puzzles were a bit too easy, but I think it's to be preffered over impossible puzzles that force you out of the game in search of walkthroughs -- this way, at least, I had a fluent run from beginning to end, and was able to enjoy most parts of the game without any side dish of irritation.
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Post by Smiley »

"Congratulations, you have shown that you are determined and able to proceed through an atmosphere of extreme pessimism."
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Post by popscythe »

Smiley wrote:"Congratulations, you have shown that you are determined and able to proceed through an atmosphere of extreme pessimism."
Let it be known henceforth that students just out of digipen were hired to create portal based on their previous project narbacular drop. (portal on the self coded "shitfest" engine).

So yeah, giving Valve props for the actually good design of Portal is like giving EA props for Ultima.

Shitty fucking times. I knew valve could never produce a quality engaging, amusing story.
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Post by Smiley »

So they hired new people and therefore can't take credit for the budget, tools and pay?

I don't get it.
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Post by Strider »

Half-Life is dead to me. The only game I'm looking forward to right now is Crysis. About Fallout 3, need I say more? Even though I have the system to run it, it won't break the gameplay and role-playing barrier and will probably make for a good adventure scenario at best.

Oh yeah, Half-Life is dead to me.
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Post by entertainer »

And whats so special about Crysis?
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Post by Strider »

entertainer wrote:And whats so special about Crysis?
Just a hunch. I will probably get some good action entertainment out of it like I did Far Cry back in '04.
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