FOT versus Fallout: Differences in gameplay mechanics.

Mapping & modding Fallout Tactics and reviewing maps thereof.
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FOT versus Fallout: Differences in gameplay mechanics.

Post by Burnov »

Now I know there were a few blatant changes to Fallout Tactics, of which fans were none too pleased. Such as the primary focus on that whole CTB garbage. As well the obvious shift towards combative gameplay.

What other changes does Fallout Tactics have to the gameplay itself that differs from Fallout? It appears to use the same system. I know a lot of people decry FOT as not being Fallout because of the lack of roleplay. Which I find somewhat negligible as the theme of this game was unequivocally tactical combat, which in my opinion was the chief reason I liked Fallout to begin with. You had control as to where and when you started and carried out combat. Instead of the limited "select an attack and watch your stats do the rest" style console RPG combat.

Yes. Fallout Tactics story is something of a joke. I cringe every time I hear that opening diatribe about the village elder talking about brahmin gods and etheral grazing grounds or whatever that ridiculous tripe was. However I still find at it's core. I can enjoy the combat as it seems fairly similar to the original if you set it to individual turn based mode. Am I wrong? Is it missing anything critical to the gameplay that Fallout had?

I'm curious to know.
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